Instructions to assignment
matches up to or differs from other people." . _ , but it will make me smile while reading it. 1) The last statement IS important, though. No b . _ one analyzes data sets for fun (even ldon't do that), Q lney) explain why you are undertaking this process (other than you are told to do it for this c ass . (NOTE: You do n_ot need to _ put your actual income or any expenditure values in herethat is personal Information that I do not need to know). A key point here is to The variables described above may not actually apply to our section (they are \"general\" or IA ' u generlc ). > set provides information on household consumption; there are socioeconomic variables and expenditures variables. The socioeconomic variable names start with 'SE-" and the expenditure variable names start with 3 \"USD;" all expenditures are in US dollars. All students must use income as one variable. Select two additional socioeconomic variables (one qualitative and one quantitative) and two expenditures for your analysis that match the scenario you developed for Task 1. For instance, using the example scenario of a 35 year old single parent with a high school diploma and one child, you could select \"income," "education,\" and \"number of children" as socioeconomic variables and then pick two household expenditure items to show the distribution of costs and compare that with your income. (and income, education, and number of children may or may not be in our data set; these are just example variables include to aid in understanding). When selecting variables, think about the following three questions: 0 Why am | choosing these variables? a What interests me about these variables? 0 What do l think will be the outcome? Answer these questions in the section on the template labeled: \"Reason(s) for Selecting the Variables and Expected 0utcome(s):\". ST ATZOO: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan - Instructions Page 2 of 5