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ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 26, No. 3 2011 pp. 521-545 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace-50031 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used

ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 26, No. 3 2011 pp. 521-545 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace-50031 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT, with a Focus on Computer Controls, Data Security, and Privacy Legislation Sandra J. Cereola and Ronald J. Cereola ABSTRACT: Internal control frameworks (ICF) provide a basis for understanding controls in an organization and for making judgments about the effectiveness of controls. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) requires companies to report, on an ongoing basis, the effectiveness of their internal controls in their annual filings. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recommends companies use ICF to help achieve compliance with SOX. ICF provide a useful tool for management and auditors evaluating and addressing the adequacy of controls in their organization. As there is no such thing as a ''risk-free'' enterprise, developing an understanding of ICF is important for students entering the accounting profession. This instructional case provides students the opportunity to assess internal control risks within an organization's information system using a ''real-world'' problem following COSO (SEC-recommended ICF) and/or COBIT as a guide. Students then evaluate the organization's overall level of internal control risks and formulate recommendations for mitigating such risks. Keywords: internal controls; COSO; COBIT; internal control framework; data security. THE CASE: TJX SECURITY BREACH Y ou are a recent graduate and have accepted an accounting position with one of the big accounting rms in Massachusetts. Prompted by the discovery of a computer breach of their corporate systems, TJX Companies (hereafter, referred to as TJX) hires your rm to review and assess the internal controls related to their information security program and to advise them as to whether they are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. As one of your rst assignments, you are placed on the TJX task force. This assignment requires you to use your knowledge of internal control frameworks (ICF), including the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Integrated Framework (COSO) (1992), the Control Objectives for Information and Sandra J. Cereola is an Assistant Professor and Ronald J. Cereola is an Assistant Professor, both at James Madison University. Published Online: August 2011 521 522 Cereola and Cereola related Technology framework (COBIT), state and federal compliance laws1 and other applicable federal and state information security laws and regulations,2 as well as supplemental evidence, which you will be required to discover through research of credible sources and cite in your report, to analyze the case narrative provided on TJX. Upon your review, you are required to prepare a comprehensive written report discussing your evaluation of TJX's internal controls. The report will rst be presented to your rm's top management team and then in summary to TJX's management team. In preparation for your involvement with this task force, you are required to review the internal control framework(s) that you are assigned to use to assess compliance (i.e., COSO and/or COBIT). The focus of your review will be only on those aspects of COSO and/or COBIT that are signicant to nancial reporting and information security. Company Background TJX is one of the largest international off-price apparel and home fashions retailers in the U.S., with over 2,700 stores worldwide at the end of scal 2009. Based in Framingham, Massachusetts, the company was founded in 1956 as Zayer's discount department stores. Diversifying into specialty retailing, the company acquired Hit or Miss in 1969 (an off-price fashion clothing chain for women), and opened its rst T.J. Maxx store in 1977 (modeled after the Marshalls chain, an offprice fashion store for the whole family). Other TJX ventures in the off-price fashion market included acquisitions of companies such as Chadwicks of Boston, B.J.'s Wholesale Club, and Home Club. In 1987, Zayer went public, organizing as TJX Companies Incorporated (found on the NYSE under the ticker symbol TJX). In 1996, TJX is added to the Standard & Poor's S&P 500, and by 2009 the company is ranked 119th in the Fortune 500. Since its inception, TJX's operations have remained steadfast. Based on the 2009 annual report, the company operates ve business segments (three reside in the U.S., and one each in Canada and Europe), including eight retail chains. Each segment has its own administrative, buying and merchandising, and organization and distribution network. The eight retail chains include T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, A.J. Wright, HomeSense-Canada, StyleSense, T.K. Maxx, and HomeSense-Europe, selling brand name items ranging from family apparel, accessories, bedding, and furniture to jewelry, beauty products, and housewares. TJX's core-target customer includes the middle- to upper middle-income shopper. Consolidated net sales in 2009 were over $20 billion, total assets over $7 billion, and operating cash ows over $2 billion (for nancial information, visit TJX Companies website). Among the key success factors for TJX's rapid growth are its exible business model and its corporate culture. TJX's culture centers on the management and staff acting with integrity, and emphasizes that all people must be treated with dignity, respect, and caring. They operate under the Remember Everyone Affects Customer Happiness (REACH) philosophy, which is dedicated to providing customers, vendors, and co-workers with a level of caring that goes beyond stakeholder expectations. Further, it is a culture in which success is measured not only on delivering results, but also on how those results are achieved. Information Technology The success of TJX depends critically on their operational performance and the information systems upon which their operations are based. Success, therefore, depends on TJX's ability to have 1 2 Key laws include the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Other regulations promulgated by the Payment Card Industry (PCI), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and individual states. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 523 information systems that permit them to maintain a exible business model, engage in opportunistic purchasing, maintain an efcient inventory management system, and maintain low-cost operations. As is prevalent in today's businesses, TJX relies heavily on its information systems and, thus, the ability to operate such systems efciently and effectively has a signicant impact on their overall business operations. Implementing effective internal controls that ensure data reliability, security, and condentiality, along with an adequate disaster recovery plan, is essential for ongoing operations and for reducing litigation risk. Operations at TJX in 2009 include 19 distribution centers (13 located domestically and six internationally). Information systems are managed through corporate computer networks and instore networks. The networks are linked worldwide, connect corporate headquarters with each store, and are used for administrative purposes, as well as for processing sales transactions. These networks also provide access for wireless devices used at each store. In its daily operations, TJX uses computer networks to collect transaction information, including personal information from customers as needed for credit card and debit purchases, personal check verication, and un-receipted returns. Examples of data collected include credit/ debit account numbers, expiration dates and electronic security codes for payment authorization, bank routing numbers, account and check numbers, driver's license numbers, date of birth, name, address, and/or other personal identication numbers (military or state documentation). The information collected is used to obtain payment authorization and is transmitted from the in-store networks to designated computers on the central corporate network, and from there to bank networks. In response, the banks send authorization transmissions back to the corporate networks, and this information is then transmitted back to the in-store networks. The Data Security Breach On December 18, 2006, TJX discovered an unauthorized intrusion into their computer systems that process and store information related to customer transactions. The intrusion was identied through suspicious software found on TJX's computer systems. Upon discovery, TJX employed both General Dynamics Corporation (GDC) and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), two leading computer security and incident response companies, to help with the investigation. The investigation began with an examination of TJX's accounting information systems (AIS), with the purpose of detecting anomalies in the system. On December 21, 2006, GDC and IBM determined that TJX's systems had indeed been breached and that an intruder was still in their AIS. A security plan was set in motion designed to monitor the ongoing intrusion, protect customer data, and strengthen the systems' security from future attacks. Events following the breach included TJX contacting the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Secret Service, and the U.S. Attorney's Ofce in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 22, 2006. Upon notication, TJX was advised by the U.S. Secret Service not to disclose the breach publicly at this point, as it would impede upon further investigation. On December 26th and 27th, contracting banks and debit, credit, and cash processing companies were notied of the intrusion. During the ongoing investigation, it was determined that personal, condential customer information was stolen, and that the scope of the breach spanned approximately 18 months. Public notication of the intrusion was released on January 17, 2007, in a press release issued to the public (for a complete copy of the press release, go to and click on Investor Information and then Press Releases; all releases are in chronological order). In the release, the Chairman and acting Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO) stated: Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 524 We are deeply concerned about this event and the difculties it may cause our customers. Since discovering this crime, we have been working diligently to further protect our customers and strengthen the security of our computer systems, and we believe customers should feel safe shopping in our stores. Our rst concern is the potential impact of this crime on our customers, and we strongly recommend that they carefully review their credit card and debit card statements and other account information for unauthorized use. We want to assure our customers that this issue has the highest priority at TJX. As a result of the breach and as a courtesy to its customers, TJX established a special helpline and created a special link on its company website which provided updated information on the breach. The investigation determined that the scope of the intrusion spanned from July 2005 until it was detected on December 18, 2006. The breach occurred in computer operations at two corporate ofces, one located domestically and one internationally. Both corporate ofces process and store information related to payment card, check, and un-receipted merchandise return transactions for its customers. Condential customer information stored at these locations included debit/credit card information, as well as personal customer information provided with un-receipted returns (these included customer names and addresses, driver's license numbers, and military/state identication numbers, some of which were the same as the customers' social security numbers). Details of the examination revealed that the intruders' initial point of access occurred in the computer systems located in a Framingham, Massachusetts, store. Using directional antennas and a laptop computer, the perpetrators intercepted electronic transmissions sent over TJX's wireless network. These transmissions included authorization requests, credit and debit card payments, and other personal customer information. TJX's systems, at that time, transmitted wireless transactions using Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) technology. Other points of entry occurred at in-store computer kiosks. Each kiosk is equipped with a personal computer (PC)-style system that is directly connected to the corporate network and is used to capture jobseeker information. The intruders connected USB drives with utility programs to these computers and then later used these terminals to access the corporate network. Electronic footprints left behind by the intruders on the TJX network identied encrypted messages indicating which les had been copied. With these footprints, investigators were able to piece together the dates as to when most of the data was stolen and found that most occurred during peak sales periods. However, because of the technology used by the intruder, it was difcult for TJX to determine the contents of the les that were stolen. Other evidence revealed that the intruders used key logging technology to obtain user identication and password information from the corporate network and then used this information to create ctitious accounts. These accounts were later used to collect transaction information remotely. Current Events/Financial Impact Since the data breach, TJX has taken steps to increase computer security and protocols and instituted an ongoing program to monitor data security. From the time of discovery, in 2006, to 2009, TJX expensed $171.5 million pre-tax related to the computer intrusion, and maintains $42.2 million reserve for future losses related to the breach. TJX press releases highlighting the nancial impact indicated: On November 30, 2007, TJX announced an agreement with Visa USA and Visa Inc. to fund up to a maximum of $40.9 million pre-tax in alternative recovery payments. On April 2, 2008, TJX announced agreement with MasterCard International Inc. to fund up to a maximum of $24 million pre-tax in alternative recovery payments. On June 23, 2009, TJX announced a settlement with a multi-state group of 41 Attorneys General relating to the data breach. In the settlement, TJX established a $2.5 million Data Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 525 Security Fund for use by states to advance data security and technology, provided $5.5 million to cover states' expenses (including $1.75 million to cover investigation expenses), certied TJX's computer systems meet detailed data security requirements specied by states, and encouraged development of new technologies to address vulnerabilities in payment card systems. Other Information Regulatory Complaints: In light of the data breach, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) led a complaint against TJX Companies in 2008, indicating that they had violated the provisions of the FTC Act (FTC 2008). The complaint alleged that TJX engaged in a number of practices that failed to provide reasonable security of personal information in its networks and, as such, resulted in a computer intrusion (for a complete copy of the FTC complaint, visit, click on Actions, then Cases by Name, and search for ''The TJX Companies, Inc.''; Docket No. C-072-3055). Payment Card Industry Standards: All organizations that accept, transmit, or store cardholder information must follow Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) (PCI Security Standards Council 2008). TJX utilizes commercially available systems to process payment card and personal information. The technology used for data transmissions and approval is determined and controlled for by the payment card industry (PCI). CASE REQUIREMENTS AND QUESTIONS As part of your rst assignment on the TJX task force, you will be responsible for one or more of the following case requirements listed below. Before starting the requirements, read the case material. To successfully complete the case, you are required to obtain supplemental evidence obtained through discovery research of credible sources external to the information provided in the case (e.g., TJX website, TJX 10-K reports, etc.). Assignment 1 1992 COSO Framework Assessment Requirements Using the 1992 COSO framework, perform a robust risk assessment of the case, identifying any internal control issues related to each of the ve 1992 COSO components identied below. Next, classify each internal control issue as a strength or weakness, and then for each weakness, assess its risk as high, moderate, or low (high risk occurs when a company does not have any corrective actions in place when a key internal control weakness is found, and the company suffers a substantial loss as a result; moderate risk occurs when an internal control weaknesses is found and the company does not have any corrective actions in place, however, only minor losses may occur as a result; and a low risk occurs when an internal control weakness is found and is considered a control deciency). Finally, classify each risk as a nancial, compliance, and/or operational risk (nancial refers to internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of the nancial statements; compliance is concerned with adherence to rules, policies, and procedures, both internal and external to the organization; and operational is concerned with the effectiveness and efciency of the organization's activities and whether they help to reduce risks faced by the organization). Use Exhibit 1 to document your work. 1. Control Environment: Includes the evaluation of both soft and hard controls. Soft controls consist of integrity and ethical values, commitment to competence, board of directors and audit committee, and management's philosophy and operating style. Hard controls include organizational structure, assignment of authority and responsibility, and human resource policies and procedures. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 526 EXHIBIT 1 Requirement 1 TJX 1992 COSO Risk Assessment Matrix Risk Assessment (High, Moderate, or Low); Type Risk (F = Financial, C = Compliance, and/or O = Operational) Note: When completing this requirement, additional rows may be added as needed. COSO Component 1. Control Environment: Control Issue TJX does not have a board of directors information technology committee Strength or Risk Weakness Assessment Type Risk Weakness Low F, C, O 2. Risk Assessment 3. Control Activities 4. Information and Communication (continued on next page) Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 527 EXHIBIT 1 (continued) COSO Component Control Issue Strength or Risk Weakness Assessment Type Risk 5. Monitoring 2. 3. 4. 5. Risk Assessment: Relevant risks that can impact organizational goals and objectives are identied and assessed. Includes risk assessment in relation to company-wide objectives, process-level objectives, risk identication and analysis, and managing change. Control Activities: Include policies and procedures in place that limit risks that may impact organization's objectives. Examples include activities related to security (application and network), application change management, business continuity and backups, and outsourcing. Information and Communication: Relevant information must be identied, captured, and communicated in a form and timeframe that allows individuals to carry out their responsibilities. Assessment involves evaluating the quality of information and effectiveness of the communication. Monitoring: A process must exist to verify internal control systems are functioning over time. Accomplished through ongoing monitoring, separate evaluations, and reporting of deciencies. Assignment 2 2004 COSO ERM Framework Assessment Requirements Using the COSO ERM framework (COSO 2004), perform a robust risk assessment identifying any internal control issues related to each of the eight components identied below. Next, classify each internal control issue as a strength or weakness, and then, for each weakness, assess its risk as high, moderate, or low (high risk occurs when a company does not have any corrective actions in place when a key internal control weakness is found, and the company suffers a substantial loss as a result; moderate risk occurs when an internal control weaknesses is found and the company does not have any corrective actions in place, however, only minor losses may occur as a result; and a low risk occurs when an internal control weakness is found and is considered a control deciency). Finally, classify each risk as a nancial, compliance, and/or operational risk (nancial refers to internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of the nancial statements; compliance is concerned with adherence to rules, policies, and procedures, both internal and external to the organization; and operational is concerned with the effectiveness and efciency of the organization's activities and whether they help to reduce risks faced by the organization). Use Exhibit 2 to document your work. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 528 EXHIBIT 2 Requirement 2 TJX 2004 COSO ERM Risk Assessment Matrix Risk Assessment (High, Moderate, or Low); Type Risk (F = Financial, C = Compliance, and/or O = Operational). Note: When completing this requirement, additional rows may be added as needed. COSO ERM Component 1. Internal Control Environment Control Issue TJX does not have a board of directors information technology committee Strength or Weakness Risk Assessment Type Risk Weakness Low F, C, O 2. Objective Setting 3. Event Identication 4. Risk Assessment 5. Risk Response (continued on next page) Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 529 EXHIBIT 2 (continued) COSO ERM Component Control Issue Strength or Weakness Risk Assessment Type Risk 6. Control Activities 7. Information and Communication 8. Monitoring 1. Internal Environment: Encompasses the tone of the organization, sets the basis for how risk is perceived and addressed. 2. Objective Setting: Ensures management has in place a process to set objectives that support and are in line with the entity's mission and are consistent with their risk appetite. 3. Event Identication: Identies internal and external events that may impact the achievement of an entity's objectives, distinguishing between risks and opportunities. 4. Risk Assessment: Analyzes risks, considering the likelihood and impact as a basis for how risks should be managed. 5. Risk Response: Management selects a risk response: avoiding, accepting, reducing, or sharing risk; develops a set of actions aligned with the entity's risk tolerance and appetite. 6. Control Activities: Include policies and procedures in place that limit risks that may impact the organization's objectives. Examples include activities related to security (application and network), application change management, business continuity and backups, and outsourcing. 7. Information and Communication: Relevant information must be identied, captured, and communicated in a form and timeframe that allows individuals to carry out their responsibilities. Assessment involves evaluating the quality of information and effectiveness of the communication. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 530 EXHIBIT 3 Requirement 3 TJX 2007 COBIT Risk Assessment Matrix Risk Assessment (High, Moderate, or Low); Type Risk (F = Financial, C= Compliance, and/or O = Operational) Note: When completing this requirement, additional rows may be added as needed. COBIT Component 1. Plan and Organize (IT environment) Control Issue Assessment of Riskslack of control over information technology environment Strength or Weakness Risk Assessment Type Risk Weakness High F, C, O 2. Acquire and Implement (program development and change) 3. Deliver and Support (computer operations and access to programs and data) (continued on next page) Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 531 EXHIBIT 3 (continued) COBIT Component Control Issue Strength or Weakness Risk Assessment Type Risk 4. Monitor and Evaluate (IT environment) 8. Monitoring: A process must exist to verify internal control systems are functioning over time. Accomplished through ongoing monitoring, separate evaluations, and reporting of deciencies. Assignment 3 2007 COBIT Framework Assessment Requirements Using the 2007 COBIT framework related to each of the four domains identied below, perform a robust risk assessment identifying any internal control issues related to the use of information technology. Next, classify each internal control issue as a strength or weakness, and then, for each weakness, assess its risk as high, moderate, or low (high risk occurs when a company does not have any corrective actions in place when a key internal control weakness is found, and the company suffers a substantial loss as a result; moderate risk occurs when an internal control weakness is found and the company does not have any corrective actions in place, however, only minor losses may occur as a result; and a low risk occurs when an internal control weakness is found and is considered a control deciency). Finally, classify each risk as either a nancial, compliance, and/or operational risk (nancial refers to internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of the nancial statements; compliance is concerned with adherence to rules, policies, and procedures, both internal and external to the organization; and operational is concerned with the effectiveness and efciency of the organization's activities and whether they help to reduce risks faced by the organization). Use Exhibit 3 to document your work. 1. 2. 3. 4. Plan and Organize: Dene strategic plan, identify IT that may contribute to the achievement of business strategy/objectives, ensure compliance with external requirements, assess risk, and manage projects. Acquire and Implement: Acquire, develop, and implement IT solutions identied. Deliver and Support: Concerned with the delivery of required services, including support, training, education, security, and continuity. Manage conguration, data, facilities operations, and problems. Monitor and Evaluate: Assess IT for quality and compliance (management oversight, independent assurance by internal and external sources, independent audit). Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Acquire and Implement Plan and Organize COBIT Component Control Environment COBIT 1 Assessment of Risks: lack of control over information technology environment Risk Assessment Control Activities COSO Component Note: When completing this requirement, additional rows may be added as needed. Requirement 4 1992 COSO-2007 COBIT Mapping Matrix EXHIBIT 4 Monitoring (continued on next page) Information & Communication 532 Cereola and Cereola Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Monitor and Evaluate Deliver and Support COBIT Component Control Environment Risk Assessment Control Activities COSO Component EXHIBIT 4 (continued) Information & Communication Monitoring Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 533 Cereola and Cereola 534 Assignment 4 COSO-COBIT Mapping Requirement COSO and COBIT cater to different audiences. Whereas COSO's target audience is management at large, COBIT's target audience is management, users, and auditors. Because of these differences, auditors should not expect a one-to-one relationship between COSO's components and COBIT's domains. The purpose of mapping is to give auditors a point of reference when discussing the role of technology in the assessment of internal controls for nancial reporting. Based on your solutions for the 1992 COSO Framework and 2007 COBIT framework requirements, map your internal control issues identied in the four COBIT domains with the ve 1992 COSO components. Use Exhibit 4 to document your work. (Note: there are many publications that can help you with the mapping task. For example, the IT Governance Institute [ITGI] provides a publication that maps COBIT to COSO and can be found on the ISACA website: IT Control Objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley: The Role of IT in the Design and Implementation of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting, Second Edition [ITGI 2006].) EXHIBIT 5 Requirement 5 Report Guidance Report Name: TJX Companies: Student's Name: Date: Background: Write a short description of TJX Companies and the data security breach. Purpose: Briey describe the purpose of the internal control review and why it is important. Scope: Provide an outline of the scope of the review and a short description of the work that your team performed for TJX Companies. Findings: Elaborate on the team's key nding(s). Provide specic examples of control strengths and weaknesses. Provide enough detail to support your assessment, particularly for those areas that you feel are high risk and that may impact compliance. For each control given a risk rating of ''high,'' suggest a resolution that will help the company to comply with any applicable regulations. Note that your arguments must be consistent with your assessment. Conclusion: Provide a statement of your overall assessment of controls at TJX. For example, ''Based on our ndings, our task force nds TJX is/is not in compliance with SOX for the following reasons. In addition, we nd that TJX is/is not in compliance with _______________ (identify other regulatory requirements that you may have encountered during your research of TJX, such as PCI DSS) for the following reasons.'' Note: Keep in mind as you write your report that senior executives and managers are very busy and will not spend time reading a report that is of little interest to them. Therefore, limit your report to no more than ve pages. If your title and opening paragraphs do not capture their interest quickly, they will likely discard it and move on to the next task. With this in mind, create a catchy title for your report and prepare a compelling introduction that will intrigue the executives, capture their attention, and entice them to continue reading. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 535 Assignment 5 Written Internal Control Assessment Prepare a written report evaluating the internal controls at TJX. Provide specic examples of control strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas that you feel are not in compliance with SOX and other regulatory requirements (use the exhibits above to support your assessment). Written assessment should not exceed ve pages. Exhibit 5 is provided as report guidance. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 536 CASE LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE Introduction The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) (U.S. House of Representatives 2002) was established to restore investor condence in public markets, and has since had a signicant impact on rms' internal control policies and procedures. Section 404 of the Act requires rms to report, on an ongoing basis, the effectiveness of their internal controls in their annual 10-K lings. The reporting requirements include disclosing information about the viability of these controls and any potential risks that may impact the company's overall nancial position. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) recommends the use of internal control frameworks (ICF) to help rms achieve SOX compliance (SEC 2003). Many companies have turned to the 1992 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations-Internal Control Integrated Framework (COSO 1992) or the 2004 COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERM)3 (COSO 2004) for establishing internal controls over nancial reporting. The primary objective of COSO is duciary, in that it provides a general framework focusing on control objectives for nancial and operational processes that impact nancial reporting. IT systems are collectively linked to the nancial reporting process and must be evaluated, part and parcel, with SOX compliance. COSO does not provide detailed guidance for rms needing to design and implement specic information technology (IT) controls for their organization. To address this exclusion, the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) and the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) developed the 2007 Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) framework as guidance for controls related to IT (ISACA 2007). It is important to note that SOX compliance does not guarantee a ''risk-free'' enterprise; however, rms can benet from the use of ICF as a means to establish strong internal controls that reduce risk exposure. Information technology is highly vulnerable to security threats. Potential security weaknesses, inherent in information and communication technology, create not only technical problems for IT, but also internal control problems for management. It is management's responsibility to develop and implement sound controls that reduce security risks, increase system availability, protect sensitive information, and lower audit costs. Management has a duty to preserve and protect the rm's critical assets; not only the physical assets, but also the ''electronic'' assets of the rm. If not properly maintained or safeguarded, an information breach can cause signicant damage to an enterprise in terms of regulatory risk (laws and regulations governing the collection, use, retention, security, and destruction of data), market risk (breach resulting in insider trading, stock manipulation, or antitrust violations), and business continuity risk (loss of customer condence, reputation, stock market valuation, or disruption in operations). With increased regulations addressing internal controls from both within the industry and through legislation, rms are now faced with the challenge of developing internal control programs that are directed at safeguarding sensitive proprietary information (both nancial and nonnancial), as well as private personal information. Compliance with COSO and COBIT can help organizations meet not only the requirements of SOX, but also contribute toward compliance with other regulatory mandates such as data privacy and security laws. According to the 2008 Identify Theft Resource Center (ITRC) report, information security breaches have increased by 47 percent during the period 2007 to 2008 (ITRC 2008). The American Institute of Certied Public Accountants (AICPA) indicates that information security management, 3 The 1992 COSO Framework was updated in 2004 to emphasize the importance of identifying and managing risks across the enterprise. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 537 privacy management, and secure data le storage, transmission, and exchange were among the top ten technology initiatives for 2009 (AICPA 2009). Two highly publicized examples of information breaches resulting from internal control weaknesses occurred at both TJX Companies and Hannaford Supermarkets. These highly publicized cases thrust the problem of information security to the forefront of the issues confronting accounting professionals. As a result of the proliferation in information breaches, states across the nation have adopted legislative measures to address the matter, and U.S. companies are now faced with increased regulatory pressure to adopt internal control procedures that effectively protect sensitive, private, and proprietary information retained by their organizations. In addition to federal and state mandates impacting information security management, such as SOX, industry associations have also promulgated voluntary guidelines, standards, and practices for their respective members. The enactment of complex information security laws has added to this challenge, requiring rms to implement internal control measures that are designed to prevent information breaches. Many states have enacted notice of security breach laws that address what actions must be taken by rms in the event of an information breach. Perhaps the most far reaching of these legislative efforts is the action taken by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts (as a result of the TJX breach) enacted a data privacy and security law, 201 CMR 17.00, that emphasizes preventive, detective, and corrective measures (Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2008). The law imposes on rms a statutory duty to implement measures that ensure the security, integrity, and condentiality of all personal information retained by the organization. The law mandates specic minimum standards that must be met by rms relative to safeguarding personal information obtained in either paper or electronic form. The law requires rms4 (regardless of size) to formulate a complex comprehensive written security plan that encompasses administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for all personal information obtained.5 The instructional case is developed based on current events related to information breaches, and illustrates the consequences of poor internal controls related to information systems and data security. The material provides students an opportunity to learn about the importance of developing, implementing, and monitoring internal control programs that are designed to protect sensitive information from being purloined. This includes not only internal controls designed to improve nancial reporting as regulated by state and federal laws, but also programs aimed at the protection of all sensitive information, such as protecting condential proprietary information from competitors. The case allows faculty to integrate the use of internal control frameworks, such as COSO and COBIT, to teach students how to identify internal control weaknesses, both internal and external, to an organization. It also permits faculty to provide students with hands-on experience assessing risk as it relates to organizations' use of information technology. Overview and Learning Objectives In recent years, accountants, auditors, and managers alike have increased their focus on internal controls as a direct result of nancial regulations such as SOX and other information security laws. In addition, increased use of complex information technology has changed the way rms gather and report information, further complicating assessment of compliance with these laws and regulations. Several internal control frameworks have been developed that assist rms in establishing compliance, such as the COSO and COBIT, as well as auditing standards such as SAS 1096 4 5 6 The provisions of the Massachusetts law apply to all persons that own, license, store, or maintain personal information about residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. See: (ITRC 2008). SAS 109, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, effective 12/15/2006. A critical component of the standard includes a client's IT system (AICPA 2006). Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 538 Cereola and Cereola (supersedes SAS 94). It is important for students entering the accounting profession to obtain an understanding of these frameworks and standards in order to be able to evaluate the internal controls of an organization and to assert whether rms are in compliance. This instructional case provides students with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the importance of internal controls and the frameworks which are used to assess compliance. The case is based on the TJX data security breach which occurred between 2005 and 2006. The case provides detailed narrative and supplemental readings of the events that led up to the breach. The students are asked to evaluate this narrative and to research the case from multiple sources in order to develop a risk assessment prole based on information gathered. Students are challenged to think ''outside of the box,'' as at rst glance students may not see the link between the weaknesses in the case and its relation to nancial reporting risk. Students must use critical thinking skills in order to draw connections between the risks presented in the case and their impact on nancial reporting. Students are required to use internal control frameworks, such as COSO and COBIT, to help them organize their evaluation in a logical and thoughtful manner. The case offers a number of important benets with respect to auditor evaluation of internal controls. First, it provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of internal control frameworks as it relates to risk assessment. Second, it allows students to see how COSO and COBIT together can help ease the burden of achieving compliance. Third, it provides students an opportunity to see how internal control frameworks can be used for compliance with other regulatory requirements other than SOX, such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS 2008). Finally, it provides students with the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and professional writing skills. Case Adaptability The instructional case as written provides faculty with an opportunity to assign one or all of the requirements presented at the end of the case, depending on the specic objectives covered in their course. Instructors have the opportunity to use this case material to (1) familiarize students with internal control frameworks recommended by the SEC for compliance with SOX, (2) provide students with an opportunity to review and evaluate internal control weaknesses using recommend frameworks, and formulate recommendations that can help thwart such weaknesses through examination of problems encountered in a real-world case, (3) demonstrate how two widely used internal control frameworks, COSO and COBIT, are inextricably linked, as nancial reporting processes are driven by information technology systems, and/or (4) demonstrate how internal control frameworks can contribute to compliance with other regulatory requirements beyond SOX, such as information security laws. The case requires students to think about the many challenges that face accounting professionals and management as they attempt to assess overall risk as it relates to internal controls, information technology, and nancial reporting. These learning objectives respond to the need by the profession for accounting students to have specic competencies and skills in areas such as decision modeling, risk analysis, communication via reporting, research, and technology (Foster and Bolt-Lee 2002). Implementation Guidance The case is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate accounting information systems (AIS) and auditing courses. At the undergraduate level, our experience indicates that the case should be presented after the concept of internal controls is discussed in class. Discussion of internal controls is covered over two to three 75-minute class periods (introduction to internal control systems and internal control frameworks, computer controls for AIS, and auditing computerized AIS). During the class period where internal control frameworks are introduced, we spend 20-30 minutes Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 539 discussing the COSO framework, explaining how each of the ve components relates to internal controls. At the undergraduate level, we require students to complete only the COSO requirement (instructors can choose to use either the 1992 or 2004 COSO framework, depending on course coverage), and students are given a week to complete the assignment. At this level, we omit the COBIT internal control framework mapping and writing requirements. Introduction of the case begins with a brief PowerPoint presentation highlighting the ve COSO components. Next, a short video is shown describing the TJX data breach. The video was produced by 60 Minutes and shown on CBS7 (CBS 2007). This 13-minute video demonstrates how poor internal controls and lack of compliance with laws and regulations can have a large, negative impact on a rm, both in nancial and nonnancial terms. The video is instrumental in getting students engaged in the conversation on internal controls, as many have shopped at TJX stores (e.g., T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, etc.). After watching the video, students are presented with thought questions (thought questions can be found in the supplemental teaching notes) that are designed to help them think about the case from an internal control perspective in order to better analyze and evaluate the case material. At the graduate level, we spend a considerable amount of time studying both the COSO and COBIT frameworks prior to introduction of the case. We nd that introducing COBIT at this level is appropriate, as we explain to students that (1) SOX requires rms to implement an internal control framework used to assess controls within the rm, and recommends the use of COSO,8 (2) SOX 404 requires rm executives to include an assessment report on the effectiveness of internal controls over nancial reporting, including IT controls; however, SOX does not provide specic guidance on how to assess controls related to IT, and (3) in light of this omission, COBIT developed by ITGI and ISACA has increasingly become the most widely used framework for assessing IT controls (Ridley et al. 2004; Damianides 2004). Although most AIS and auditing textbooks contain a thorough introduction of the COSO framework, the same cannot be said for COBIT. Therefore, we provide students with supplemental readings on the topic of COBIT (a list of these readings can be found in the supplemental teaching notes). For example, sample readings include Chapter 3, ''Managing IT Risk,'' from IT Governance Using COBITt and Val ITe: Student Book, Second Edition. This document was published by the IT Governance Institute in 2007.9 This chapter denes the relevant IT activities (including both general and application controls) from the four COBIT domains (plan and organize, acquire and implement, deliver and support, and monitor and evaluate). Students do not need any practical business experience to understand the ITGI student handbook, as it is written at a level appropriate for undergraduate or graduate students. In order to help students develop an understanding of the COBIT/COSO mapping requirement, students are provided with additional readings from the IT Control Objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley publication. This publication is available from the IT Governance Institute.10 Appendix B of this document illustrates the IT processes of COBIT and their relationship to the COSO components. 7 8 9 10 60 Minutes, by CBS, investigates the TJX data breach. The video can be found at: watch?v=MxG2J3bf1BQ Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Auditing Standard No. 5 states that management is required to ''base its assessment on a suitable, recognized control framework,'' and identies COSO as a suitable framework. SAS 109 states that auditors must obtain an understanding of the ve COSO components of internal controls. Instructors can acquire the IT Governance Using COBIT and Val ITe: Student Book from the ISACA academic website: aspx Copies of this publication can be found at: ResearchDeliverables/Pages/IT-Control-Objectives-for-Sarbanes-Oxley-2nd-Edition.aspx (ITGI 2006). Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 540 Students are also encouraged to use external resources to nd other documents containing mappings of COBIT to COSO (additional resources on this topic are provided in the supplemental teaching notes). At the graduate level, the case is assigned as a group project after the third week of classes. It is our belief that working in a group at the graduate level is more indicative of a real-life work setting and, therefore, appropriate for this assignment. Students are assigned the COSO, COBIT, mapping, and written internal control assessment requirements. Two weeks after the case is assigned, students are required to make a ve- to ten-minute presentation in class demonstrating their progress in completing the assignment. (The purpose of this presentation is to encourage students not to procrastinate. The presentations are not graded; we have found that although no grade is assigned to this benchmark, groups tend to do quite well, as presentations in front of their peers make them competitive.) The nal project is due at the end of the semester. Note, as an alternative, the case can be adapted by eliminating the COSO requirement (we have found that it is not necessary for students at the graduate level to complete the COSO requirement prior to completing the mapping requirement, as these students generally had a good working knowledge of COSO coming into the course). Note, at either the undergraduate or graduate level, the case can be completed individually, in teams, or a combination of both. A team project may be more appropriate, as it more closely imitates that which occurs in the business world. In a business setting, teams consist of individuals with diverse skills and personalities. When students are able to develop critical team-building skills, they become more effective managers and leaders. In addition, a team project allows students to develop communication skills, collaboration skills, and conict resolution skills. We recommend individual projects at the undergraduate level and group projects at the graduate level. Prerequisite Knowledge To complete the case in an undergraduate AIS class, students should have a basic knowledge of the following professional and regulatory guidance: \u0015 \u0015 \u0015 1992 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Report, Internal Control-Integrated Framework 2004 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Report, Enterprise Risk Management Framework 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Sections 302 and 404 To complete this case in an auditing or graduate AIS class, students should also be familiar with: \u0015 \u0015 \u0015 2007 IT Governance Institute and Information Systems Audit and Control Association, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology Framework Statement on Auditing Standards 109, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standard No. 5, An Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting that is Integrated with an Audit of Financial Statements (PCAOB 2007) (supersedes PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2) Other optional uses for the case may require familiarity with other regulatory guidance, including: \u0015 \u0015 Federal/State Data Security Laws (refer to Massachusetts law 201 CMR 17.00) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 541 Additional implementation guidance is provided in the supplemental teaching notes. Included in these notes are sample solutions, suggestions for further adaptations of the case, additional supplemental readings and links to relevant external publications, and sources, discussion notes, and a grading rubric. Grading the Case As noted above, instructors may use the case at either the undergraduate or graduate level. At the undergraduate level, the case represented 10 percent of the student's overall grade. At the graduate level, the case represented 20 percent of the student's overall grade. It is estimated that the case will take 20-30 minutes to grade. To help facilitate grading, a grading rubric is included (see the supplemental teaching notes). Efcacy of the Case This case has been presented to students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels at an AACSB accounting-accredited university located in the eastern United States. Students were asked to complete a four-question questionnaire prior to completing the case. As most accounting courses provide some coverage of internal controls, the intent of the rst four questions was to establish students' baseline knowledge of internal controls. Students were then asked to complete a 14question questionnaire after completing the case; the rst four questions were intended to establish whether the case increased their working knowledge of internal controls. Table 1 provides the results of the questionnaires. Eighty-three respondents completed the survey, of which 45 were undergraduate students and 38 were graduate students. Based on the pre-questionnaire, on average, respondents indicated that they had taken two accounting courses that covered internal controls and one accounting course that included material on COSO and COBIT. A limitation in this survey is that students were not asked which accounting courses they had taken that covered internal controls. Survey questions were based on a scale of 0-100 (0 = no knowledge, to 100 = advanced knowledge). Responses to working knowledge of internal controls averaged 65.1, working knowledge of COSO averaged 53.5, and working knowledge of COBIT averaged 47.3. Responses to whether students believed that internal controls were important to their professional development averaged 91.5. Results indicated that students' working knowledge of internal controls pre-case averaged 65.1; post-case averaged 79.2. Although the results show a 14.1 percent increase in working knowledge pre/post case completion, the small increase is not surprising as, based on the university's curriculum, many of the students were either in or had already taken an audit course, including signicant coverage of internal controls. The second two questions showed a more signicant pre/ post impact. When asked if the case increased their working knowledge of COSO/COBIT, initial responses were 53.5 (47.3); post responses averaged 78.0 (75.9). These results indicate that the case was effective in increasing students' knowledge of both internal control frameworks. Not surprisingly, when students were asked if they thought internal controls were important to their professional development, the overwhelming majority strongly agreed (pre 91.5; post 92.6). Overall results of the remaining ten questions, which attempted to establish relevance for the case, were also favorable, with mean scores ranging from 76.3 to 86.6. The highest mean scores came from statements relating to students' interest in the case, real-world applicability, and relevance in identifying internal control weaknesses. In addition to the survey, students were asked to provide comments on the case. Overall, students indicated that the case provided them with a unique opportunity to develop skills related to risk assessment through identifying internal control weaknesses using recommended internal control frameworks. Students reported that the case forced them to use critical thinking skills in Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 542 TABLE 1 Summary of Student Survey Responses (n = 83: 45 Undergraduate; 38 Graduate) Panel A: Pre-Questionnaire Response (Std. Dev.) Statement 1. My current working knowledge of internal controls is 65.1 (10.7) 53.5 (13.5) 47.3 (16.4) 91.5 (12.9) 2. My current working knowledge of COSO is 3. My current working knowledge of COBIT is 4. Internal controls important to my professional development Response Scale (0-100), where 0 = no knowledge, 50 = some knowledge, 100 = advanced knowledge. Panel B: Post-Questionnaire Response (Std. Dev.) Statement 1. Case increased my working knowledge of internal controls 2. Case increased my working knowledge of COSO 3. Case increased my working knowledge of COBIT 4. Internal controls important to my professional development 5. Case relevant in identifying internal control weaknesses 6. Case helped me understand importance of SOX 7. Case relevant in identifying specic controls to protect rm resources 8. Case relevant in identifying specic controls to achieve effective/efcient operations 9. Case relevant in identifying specic controls to achieve reliability in nancial statements 10. Case relevant in identifying specic controls to achieve compliance with applicable laws 11. Found case interesting 12. Case relevant because it was based on a real-world company 13. Case was understandable, even though I had no formal training in internal control frameworks 14. Case provided benecial learning experience 79.2 (11.2) 78.0 (14.3) 75.9 (21.4) 92.6 (18.3) 82.6 (16.2) 76.3 (16.5) 81.4 (13.9) 79.0 (14.6) 78.7 (13.5) 82.3 (13.3) 81.9 (12.5) 86.6 (11.8) 82.4 (14.5) 85.2 (11.5) Response Scale (0-100), where 0 = strongly disagree, 50 = neither agree nor disagree, 100 = strongly agree. Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 543 order to develop a link between the case and internal control issues related to nancial reporting, and found that the matrices provided much-needed guidance for their analysis. Students suggested that the case helped them to develop a better understanding of the multitude of compliance laws and regulations imposed upon rms, such as SOX and PCI DSS. Other comments suggested that more time be spent in class covering COSO and COBIT, introduce the case earlier in the semester, increase the length of the written assessment, and provide suggestions for outside resources. Overall, students liked that the case had real-world application (see sample student comments in Table 2). On average, the students reported that it took them between eight and ten hours to complete the case. TABLE 2 Sample Student Comments Comments ''I liked that the case had real-world application.'' ''The case was well written and organized. Instructions were clear; however, we were not smothered by 'this is how we have to do it.''' ''I thought the case was a good learning tool and that it helped me to understand the relationship between SOX and the internal control frameworks.'' ''Overall, I thought the TJX case was interesting and a great educational experience. I've enjoyed telling one of my mentors about it.'' ''I thought the TJX case was a good learning tool that helped me understand internal controls as it relates to information technology.'' ''I thought the TJX project was the most interesting and benecial to my educational experience. The only thing I would change would be the length of the written assessment. We really struggled to not go over the ve page limit, and as a result, had to leave out some of our recommendations. I'd recommend you limit this to ten pages.'' ''I liked the real-world application of the internal controls and being able to read about the internal control issues that I've learned about in AIS and auditing.'' ''I liked how the case tied in COSO with SOX and other applicable laws.'' ''I thought the teamwork environment was also an advantage, because it gives us a bit more practice in team management skills.'' ''I thought the case was an appropriate length, and wasn't too bogged down with minute details.'' ''Overall, I really enjoyed the project and thought it did a nice job bringing COSO, SOX, COBIT, and the internal control structure lessons together.'' ''I thought the case was a good example because most if not all of us knew about the TJX information leak and found it fairly interesting.'' ''I thought the case did a great job in having us explore COSO and COBIT frameworks. It really parallels the real world as I did IT attestation this summer and a lot of the issues came up in the case that apply directly to the real world, logical access, change management, and rewalls and security controls. I knew that these controls were important but I never really understood where they came from, but it seems like they are heavily based in COBIT and COSO and I thought the correlation was great. Overall great project to give.'' ''One of the things I did nd a little frustrating was the amount of assumptions that we had to make about TJX's internal control system. If possible maybe supplying a list of internal control procedures (even if you had to make them up) that TJX had before the breach.'' ''I liked the TJX case since we had talked about it previously in other classes so it was familiar. The COSO and COBIT parts were interesting but I wish we had spent more time discussing them in class. Maybe if the paper was due the week before the end of class, the last class could be spent discussing what each group discovered in their research. I think that would be an interesting way to cover the material and learn from other groups.'' Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Cereola and Cereola 544 SUMMARY OF TEACHING NOTES The teaching notes for this case include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A suggested solution for the COSO, COBIT, and Mapping Matrix. A suggested solution for the written report. Suggestions for adaptation of the case, including additional readings and other teaching cases to help students better understand and complete the case. Discussion notes to introduce the internal control frameworks. Discussion notes to help students complete the matrices and rate the control issues. A grading rubric. TEACHING NOTES Teaching Notes are available only to full-member subscribers to Issues in Accounting Education through the American Accounting Association's electronic publications system at http:// Full-member subscribers should use their usernames and passwords for entry into the system where the Teaching Notes can be reviewed and printed. Please do not make the Teaching Notes available to students or post them on websites. If you are a full member of AAA with a subscription to Issues in Accounting Education and have any trouble accessing this material, then please contact the AAA headquarters ofce at info@ or (941) 921-7747. REFERENCES American Institute of Certied Public Accountants (AICPA). 2006. Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Accessing the Risks of Material Misstatement. Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 109. New York, NY: AICPA. American Institute of Certied Public Accountants (AICPA). 2009. The AICPA's 2009 top technology initiatives. Available at: TopTechnologyInitiatives/Top10TechnologiesArchive/Pages/2009TTI.aspx CBS News. 2007. Hi-Tech Heist: How Hi-Tech Thieves Stole Millions of Customer Financial Records. Video available at: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). 1992. Internal Control-Integrated Framework. New York, NY: AICPA. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). 2004. Enterprise Risk Management Framework. New York, NY: AICPA. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2008. 201 CMR 17.00: Standards for the protection of personal information of residence of the commonwealth. Available at: idtheft/201CMR1700reg.pdf Damianides, M. 2004. How does SOX change IT? The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 15 (6): 35-41. Foster, S. and C. Bolt-Lee. 2002. New competencies for accounting students. The CPA Journal 72 (1): 68- 71. Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). 2008. Security Breaches 2008. Available at: http://www. Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). 2007. Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. Available at: Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI). 2006. IT control objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley: The role of IT in the design and implementation of internal control over nancial reporting, second edition (September). Available at: Issues in Accounting Education Volume 26, No. 3, 2011 Breach of Data at TJX: An Instructional Case Used to Study COSO and COBIT 545 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council. 2008. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (DSS), Version 1.2 (October 1). Available at: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). 2007. An Audit of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction with an Audit of Financial Statements. Auditing Standard No. 5. Washington, D.C.: PCAOB. Ridley, G., J. Young, and P. Carroll, 2004. COBIT and its utilization: A framework from the

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