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It's a very long question needs to be solved by Java, any help would be appreciated. (1) The CellPhone class Assume that a cell phone

It's a very long question needs to be solved by Java, any help would be appreciated.

(1) The CellPhone class Assume that a cell phone retailer wanted you to write a program to keep track of its inventory. Define an object called CellPhone which maintains state representing a cell phone's model (a string), manufacturer (a string), monthsWarranty (an integer) and price (a float). All instance variables (i.e. attributes) should be made private. Create a zero-parameter constructor as well as one that takes all 4 parameters (in the order listed above). Also create get and set methods for each attribute. Save and compile the file. The program below is called CellPhoneTestProgram and it should test your CellPhone methods. However, the testing code is incomplete (see highlighted areas). Please complete the testing code according to the directions given, then test out the code to make sure that it works: public class CellPhoneTestProgram { public static void main(String args[]) { // Create three CellPhone objects. // One should be an "iPhone6Plus" cell from Apple which has a 12 month warranty and costs // $915. Another cell should be a "Galaxy S7" from Samsung with an 18 month warranty, and // a price of $900.00. The last phone should be a "PRIV" from BlackBerry with a 24 month // warranty and a price of $890.00. CellPhone iPhone = /* WRITE IN MISSING CODE*/; CellPhone galaxy = /* WRITE IN MISSING CODE*/; CellPhone priv = /* WRITE IN MISSING CODE*/; System.out.println("Here is the Apple phone information:"); System.out.println(iPhone.getModel()); System.out.println(iPhone.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(iPhone.getMonthsWarranty()); System.out.println(iPhone.getPrice()); System.out.println(" Here is the Samsung phone information:"); System.out.println(galaxy.getModel()); System.out.println(galaxy.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(galaxy.getMonthsWarranty()); System.out.println(galaxy.getPrice()); System.out.println(" Here is the BlackBerry phone information:"); System.out.println(priv.getModel()); System.out.println(priv.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(priv.getMonthsWarranty()); System.out.println(priv.getPrice()); // Write code to change the Apple phone's // model to "iPhoneSE" and its price to $590.00 // ... WRITE CODE HERE... System.out.println(" Here is the Apple phone's new information:"); System.out.println(iPhone.getModel()); System.out.println(iPhone.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(iPhone.getMonthsWarranty()); System.out.println(iPhone.getPrice());

// Complete the line below so that it shows the combined total // of all three phone prices System.out.println("The total cost of all phones is $" + /* WRITE IN MISSING CODE*/); // Complete the code below so that it determines which phone has the longest // warranty and displays the result using a nice readable sentence if (/* WRITE IN MISSING CODE*/) System.out.println("The Apple phone has the longest warranty"); /* WRITE IN SOME MORE MISSING CODE*/ } } Make sure that your test code compiles, runs and produces the correct output. Hand this test code in with your assignment. (2) The Call Simuation Test Program There is no coding to do for this part of the assignment, just read carefully through the test code below so that you understand how the remaining parts of the assignment will fit in to this test program. It simulates a "much simplified" scenario of the inner workings of a cell phone company where some customers buy some cell phones and then make calls back and forth to one another as well as accessing the internet, which uses up some of the data that they are allowed each month. The company keeps track of the type of cell phone plan for each customer and monitors the number of minutes that the customer has signed up for as well as the amount of data used that month. Each plan has a specified number of "minutes allowed" for the month as well as "d ata allowed". For regular monthly plans, if the customer goes past the number of minutes during a phone call, he/she pays some amount per minute for all minutes exceeding the monthly value. This is added to the customer's monthly bill. Similar charges occur when the customer goes past their allowed data usage. A second kind of plan is a "pay-as-you-go" plan in which the plan owner pays for a specified number of minutes and data. Once those minutes/data are used up, the customer can no longer make or accept phone calls nor access the internet until he/she has paid for more minutes/data. At the end of the month, customers with regular monthly plans are charged for the "extra" minutes/data that they used. public class CallSimulationTestProgram { public static void main(String args[]) { // Create some phone objects CellPhone iPhone = new CellPhone("iPhone 6Plus", "Apple", 12, 915.00f); CellPhone galaxy = new CellPhone("Galaxy S7", "Samsung", 18, 900.00f); CellPhone priv = new CellPhone("PRIV", "BlackBerry", 12, 890.00f); // Create some customer objects. Only Tim and April have a "pay-as-you-go" plan // (identified by a true Boolean value), the others are on standard monthly plans // (identified by a false Boolean value). Realistically, these purchases would // occur at different times on different days but we are assuming that all 5 // Customers purchase at the same time. Customer rob = new Customer("Rob Banks", iPhone, new PhonePlan(200, 2500000, false)); Customer april = new Customer("April Rain", galaxy, new PhonePlan(200, 1000000, true)); Customer rita = new Customer("Rita Book", priv, new PhonePlan(100, 500000, false)); Customer sue = new Customer("Sue Permann", iPhone, new PhonePlan(100, 2500000, false)); Customer tim = new Customer("Tim Bur", iPhone, new PhonePlan(30, 0, true)); // Show the Customers System.out.println("Here are the customers:"); System.out.println(rob);

System.out.println(april); System.out.println(rita); System.out.println(sue); System.out.println(tim); // Have the customers make some phone calls to other customers, 12); // a 12 minute call from Rob's phone to Sue's phone, 27);, 3);, 19); // This line now assumes that Tim's call was cut off after 8 minutes, // because his plan only allows 8 more minutes., 8); // Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on each account // have changed System.out.println("Rob's minutes = " + rob.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("April's minutes = "+ april.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Rita's minutes = " + rita.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Sue's minutes = " + sue.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Tim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); // Try some more calls, 1); // Should not connect at all, 1);, 1); // Should not connect at all // Tim gets his phone working again by paying for more minutes tim.buyMinutes(100); // Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on Tim's account has changed System.out.println("Tim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); // Tim lets Rob know that his phone is working again. // Then Rob tells Sue who then phones Tim to chat., 24); // OK now, 15);, 68); // Sue's limit will exceed and she must pay extra, 65); // Both customers exceed their minutes and must pay extra // Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on each account have changed System.out.println("Rob's minutes = " + rob.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("April's minutes = "+ april.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Rita's minutes = " + rita.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Sue's minutes = " + sue.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); System.out.println("Tim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining()); // Now simulate internet data access rob.accessInternet(45600); // used up 45.6MB rita.accessInternet(2700000); // use up 2.7GB rob.accessInternet(1200000); // use up 1.2GB tim.accessInternet(10000); // attempt to use 10MB ... won't work sue.accessInternet(2500000); // used up exactly 2.5GB april.accessInternet(1900000); // attempt to use 1.9GB, only 1GB used, then stops // Output to show how the remaining unused data on each account have changed System.out.println("Rob's data = " + rob.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB"); System.out.println("April's data = "+ april.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB"); System.out.println("Rita's data = " + rita.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB"); System.out.println("Sue's data = " + sue.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB"); System.out.println("Tim's data = " + tim.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB"); // Pretend that the month is over and print out all of the billing statements rob.printMonthlyStatement(); april.printMonthlyStatement(); rita.printMonthlyStatement(); sue.printMonthlyStatement(); tim.printMonthlyStatement(); } }

(3) The PhonePlan class In order for the above code to work properly, you must define some new object classes as well as methods. First create a PhonePlan plan that a customer has for his/her phone. the minutesAllowed (an integer), minutesUsed integer), dataUsed (another integer) as-you-go" and false for regular plans). the number of monthly minutes for regular plans and the number of purchased minutes for "pay-as-you-go" plans. Assume that this va KiloBytes (i.e., KB) and also never decreases (for example, a 2.5GB data plan will have a dataAllowed value of 2500000). Create a constructor that takes the original example code in part 2). New plans should have their Create get/set methods for your instance variables as well as getMinutesRemaining() and getDataRemaining() on the plan (i.e., take into account the KB of data remaining on the plan, respectively) plan as one of the following lines (depending on the type of plan): Pay-as-you-go Plan with 42 minutes Regular (200 minute, 2.5GB data) Monthly Plan with Test your code with the following test program and make sure that the output is public class PlanTestProgram { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println( System.out.println( System.out.println( System.out.println( System.out.println( } } This should be the output: Regular (200 minute, 2.5GB data) Monthly Plan with Pay-as-you-go Plan with 250 minutes and Regular (300 minute, 5.0GB data) Monthly Plan with Regular (60 minute, 1.0GB data) Monthly Plan with Pay-as-you-go Plan with 30 minutes and class In order for the above code to work properly, you must define some new object classes PhonePlan object that will represent the type of plan that a customer has for his/her phone. A PhonePlan object must keep track of minutesUsed (another integer), dataAllowed (another integer) and planType (a boolean which is true for "pay for regular plans). Note that the minutesAllowed represents the number of monthly minutes for regular plans and the number of purchased minutes Assume that this value never decreases. The dataAllowed KiloBytes (i.e., KB) and also never decreases (for example, a 2.5GB data plan will have a Create a constructor that takes the original minutesAllowed, dataAllowed and the New plans should have their minutesUsed and dataUsed instance variables as well as methods called getDataRemaining() that determines the number of minutes remaining on the plan (i.e., take into account the minutesAllowed and the minutesUsed) KB of data remaining on the plan, respectively). Also, write a toString() method that displays the epending on the type of plan): minutes and 1490630KB remaining ) Monthly Plan with 182 minutes and 82350KB Test your code with the following test program and make sure that the output is PlanTestProgram { main(String args[]) { .println(new PhonePlan(200, 2500000, false)); .println(new PhonePlan(250, 500000, true)); .println(new PhonePlan(300, 5000000, false)); .println(new PhonePlan(60, 1000000, false)); .println(new PhonePlan(30, 0, true)); GB data) Monthly Plan with 200 minutes remaining and 2500000 minutes and 500000KB remaining GB data) Monthly Plan with 300 minutes remaining and 5000000 GB data) Monthly Plan with 60 minutes remaining and 1000000 minutes and 0KB remaining

(4) The Customer class Now create a Customer object that keeps track of the customer's name (i.e., a String), the type of cellPhone they have (i.e., a CellPhone object that you created in part 1), the type of plan that they have (i.e., a PhonePlan object that you just created), the number of callsMade so far during the month, and finally, the balance owed on their account (a float). Create a constructor that takes the customer's name, cellPhone type and phonePlan (see example in part 2). New customers should have an account balance initially equal to 0 for regular plans and $0.40 per minute purchased (i.e., initial minutes allowed) for Pay-as-you-go plans. Create get and set methods for the three instance variables. Create a toString() method that displays the customer as follows: Tim Bur with a Apple iPhone 6Plus on a Pay-as-you-go Plan with 30 minutes and 0KB remaining Rita Book with a BlackBerry PRIV on a Regular (100 minute, 0.5GB data) Monthly Plan with 100 minutes remaining and 500000KB remaining Note that all of the red portions in the output above will vary from customer to customer. You must also make use of the toString() method that you created in part 3 by calling it from within here. Test your code with the following test program and make sure that the output is correct. public class CustomerTestProgram { public static void main(String args[]) { CellPhone iPhone = new CellPhone("iPhone 6Plus", "Apple", 12, 400.00f); CellPhone galaxy = new CellPhone("Galaxy S7", "Samsung", 18, 200.00f); CellPhone priv = new CellPhone("PRIV", "BlackBerry", 24, 210.00f); System.out.println(new Customer("Rob Banks", iPhone, new PhonePlan(200, 2500000, false))); System.out.println(new Customer("Rita Book", priv, new PhonePlan(100, 500000, false))); System.out.println(new Customer("Sue Permann", iPhone, new PhonePlan(60, 2500000, false))); System.out.println(new Customer("Tim Bur", iPhone, new PhonePlan(30, 0, true))); System.out.println(new Customer("April Rain", galaxy, new PhonePlan(200, 1000000, true))); } } (5) The "Fun" Part Now we will create a couple of interesting methods. Create an instance method in the Customer class called phone() which records a phone call being made between two customers. The method should take 2 parameters. The first should be a Customer object, representing the customer that this person is calling. The second parameter is the number of callLength minutes that the phone call lasted (minimum one minute). Note from part 2 that this method is used as follows:, 12); // a 12 minute call from Rob's phone to Sue's phone You must complete the code for the method so that the following happens: 1. If either customer has a "pay-as-you-go" plan and the number of callLength minutes exceeds the minutesRemaining for either "pay-as-you-go" customer, then the call is not allowed ... nothing happens.

2. After the method is called, both customers' minutesUsed amounts should increase by callLength minutes. 3. If the call was successful, each customers' number of callsMade should increase by 1. Now write a method called buyMinutes() which simulates a customer purchasing extra minutes of phone usage. The method should take a single integer parameter representing the number of minutes that are being purchased. If the customer has a "pay-as-you-go" plan, then he/she is charged $0.40 per minute purchased (i.e., add it immediately to the balance) and you must update the PhonePlan and Customer objects accordingly. For regular plan customers, this method does nothing. Finally, write an instance method in the Customer class called accessInternet() which records that a customer has just accessed the internet and used up some data. The method should take one parameter representing the number of KB that was used during his/her internet session. Note from part 2 that this method is used as follows: rob.accessInternet(45600); // used up 45.6MB (6) Monthly Statements Finally, write a method in the Customer class called printMonthlyStatement() which uses System.out.println to display the information about the customer's account as follows (shown for Regular plan customers): Name: Rita Book Plan Type: Regular Monthly (100 minutes, 0.5GB data) Minutes Used: 111 Data Used: 2700000 Calls Made: 3 Monthly Charges: $20.00 Voice Overtime Charges: $1.65 Data Overusage Charges: $110.00 HST: $17.11 Total Due: $148.76 Note that the "Monthly Charges" include $25 for 200-minute plans, otherwise $15 for 100-minute plans (we will assume that only 200 and 100 minute plans are available, to keep things simple). In addition, there is a "Monthly Charge" of $10 per GB of data allowed on the plan (e.g., a 4GB plan will have a monthly charge for data in the amount of $40). Note that this charge is in addition to the $25 or $15 for the 200 or 100 minute plan). Note that the number of "Calls Made" also includes both calls made AND received. It only includes calls that were successfully made. The "Minutes Used" should reflect the total amount of time (in minutes) that this customer spent on the phone during the month, using voice ... not internet usage and the "Data Used" should represent the amopunt of KB used while accessing the internet. The "Voice Overtime Charges" should be $0.15 per minute that they spend on the phone that exceeds their allotted 100 or 200 monthly plan amount. The "Data Overusage Charges" should be $0.00005 per KB that they exceed above their allowed data usage. The billing statement should reflect these amounts as well as a 13% "HST" amount and a final "Total Due" amount.

If the customer has a "pay-as-you-go" plan, the statement should look like this: Name: Tim Bur Plan Type: Pay-as-you-go Minutes Used: 122 Minutes Remaining: 8 Data Used: 0 Data Remaining: 0 Calls Made: 5 Monthly Charges: $52.00 HST: $6.76 Total Due: $58.76 Note that the "Monthly Charges" include the charges for minutes that were purchased when the customer signed up as well as any charges incurred for additional minutes purchased during the month. For either type of customer, when the monthly statement is printed, print a blank line before and after the statement so that when printing multiple statements consecutively, there will be a clear separation. To test out your code, run the CallSimulationTestProgram code from part 2 and make sure that the solutions are correct. Here is the expected output: Here are the customers: Rob Banks with a Apple iPhone 6Plus on a Regular (200 minute, 2.5GB data) Monthly Plan with 200 minutes remaining and 2500000KB remaining April Rain with a Samsung Galaxy S7 on a Pay-as-you-go Plan with 200 minutes and 1000000KB remaining Rita Book with a BlackBerry PRIV on a Regular (100 minute, 0.5GB data) Monthly Plan with 100 minutes remaining and 500000KB remaining Sue Permann with a Apple iPhone 6Plus on a Regular (100 minute, 2.5GB data) Monthly Plan with 100 minutes remaining and 2500000KB remaining Tim Bur with a Apple iPhone 6Plus on a Pay-as-you-go Plan with 30 minutes and 0KB remaining Rob's minutes = 185 April's minutes = 173 Rita's minutes = 54 Sue's minutes = 80 Tim's minutes = 0 Tim's minutes = 100 Rob's minutes = 160 April's minutes = 173 Rita's minutes = -11 Sue's minutes = -54 Tim's minutes = 8 Rob's data = 1254400KB April's data = 0KB Rita's data = -2200000KB Sue's data = 0KB Tim's data = 0KB Name: Rob Banks Plan Type: Regular Monthly (200 minutes, 2.5GB data) Minutes Used: 40 Data Used: 1245600 Calls Made: 4 Monthly Charges: $50.00 Voice Overtime Charges: $0.00 Data Overusage Charges: $0.00 HST: $6.50 Total Due: $56.50 Name: April Rain Plan Type: Pay-as-you-go

Minutes Used: 27 Minutes Remaining: 173 Data Used: 1000000 Data Remaining: 0 Calls Made: 1 Monthly Charges: $80.00 HST: $10.40 Total Due: $90.40 Name: Rita Book Plan Type: Regular Monthly (100 minutes, 0.5GB data) Minutes Used: 111 Data Used: 2700000 Calls Made: 3 Monthly Charges: $20.00 Voice Overtime Charges: $1.65 Data Overusage Charges: $110.00 HST: $17.11 Total Due: $148.76 Name: Sue Permann Plan Type: Regular Monthly (100 minutes, 2.5GB data) Minutes Used: 154 Data Used: 2500000 Calls Made: 5 Monthly Charges: $40.00 Voice Overtime Charges: $8.10 Data Overusage Charges: $0.00 HST: $6.25 Total Due: $54.35 Name: Tim Bur Plan Type: Pay-as-you-go Minutes Used: 122 Minutes Remaining: 8 Data Used: 0 Data Remaining: 0 Calls Made: 5 Monthly Charges: $52.00 HST: $6.76 Total Due: $58.76

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D Microsoft Word CCM C Chegg study I Guided x C file://IC/Users/victor0323/Downloads/COMP1406 A2 W2017%2001).pdf Assume that a cell phone retailer wanted you to write a program to keep track of its inventory. Define an object called CellPhone which maintains state representing a cell phone's model (a string), manufacturer (a string), monthsWarranty (an integer) and price (a float). All instance variables (i.e. attributes) should be made private. Create a zero-parameter constructor as well as one that takes all 4 parameters (in the order listed above). Also create get and set methods for each attribute. Save and compile the file. The program below is called CellPhoneTestProgram and it should test your CellPhone methods. However, the testing code is incomplete (see highlighted areas). Please complete the testing code according to the directions given, then test out the code to make sure that it works: public class Cell PhoneTestProgram public static void main (String ar Create thr Cell Phone objects One should be iPhone 6P7u e from Apple which has 12 month wa ranty and coats $915 Another ell should be Galaxy 57 from Samsung with an 18 month wa ranty, and a price of $900.00 The last phone should be a from BlackBerry wi a 24 non ch PRIV war. price of 3890.00 WRITE IN MISSING coog Cellphone iPhone Cell Phone galaxy WRITE IN MISSING CODE Cell Phone priv WRITE System.out.println Here is the Apple phone information System.out.println(iPhone. getModel System.out.println (iPhone.getManufacturer System.out.println iPhone getMonths Warranty System out, Phone get Price System.out. ntln "AnHere is the Samsung phone information System out prin ga get Model System.out.println (galaxy.getManufacturer System. out.println (galaxy getMontha Warranty 0); System. out.println (galaxy.getPrice System.out.println InHere is the BlackBerry phone information System out.println getModel i System out.println priv,get Manufacturer System. out.println (priv. getMonths Warranty Syst tl get P a 0:36 NG 2017/1/28

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