Jack Camp is a financial advisor and Diane Camp is an attorney. They have two children, John (17) and Mellie (9). They live at 1982 American Fool Street, Jefferson City, MO 65043. John wants to be a football star and is a little on the rowdy side. After a big football win, he went drinking and driving and was in a car accident that resulted in a substantial amount of unreimbursed medical expenses. Mellie is an all-American girl and a competitive gymnast, so Jack and Diane pay for a private gymnastics coach. Jack and Diane have a single-family home rental property located at 842 Mellon Court, Jefferson City, MO 65043. It was rented for the entire year. On November 21, 2021, Jack and Diane sold some Tastee Freez stock that they had purchased for $14,000 on January 12, 2021. They needed the money to help pay for John's medical expenses. They won a pontoon boat while attending a Kansas City Chiefs game, the boat was valued at $25,000. Listed below are their income and expenses relating to 2021. Compute the Camp's net tax payable or refund due for 2021. > $ $ $ $ $ Jack's Salary Diane's Salary Municipal Bond Interest Bank interest income Qualified Dividends Proceeds from sale of Tastee Freez stock Rental House income Rental House expenses Moving expenses (moved to a house closer to jobs) Student loan interest - Diane Alimony paid by Jack (from 2015 divorce) Life insurance (Diane's mom died) Mortgage interest Medical expenses (John car accident) Property taxes Gymnastics coach fees Sales Tax Criminal attorney fees for John Contributions to Catholic Church Contribution to Governor's re-election campaign Goodwill donations of household items Tax Withheld from Jack's salary Tax Withheld from Diane's salary 140,000 150,000 2,500 1,800 7,000 10,000 16,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 12,000 250,000 14,000 35,000 3,000 9,000 8,000 5,000 29,000 15,000 250 22,000 24,500 $ $ $ $