Jason Trevor owns a commercial bakery in le kely, Georgia, that produces a variety of goods sold in grocery stores. Trevor is required by law to perform internal tests on food produced at his plant to check for contamination. On three occasions, the tests ol food products oontaining pea nut 'outter were positive for salmonella oontamination. Trevor was not required to report the results ti: U.S. Food and Drug Administration ofcials, however, so he did not. Instead, Trevor instructed his employees to simply repeat the tests until the results were negative. Meanwhile, the products that had originally tested positive for salmonella were eventually shipped out to retailers. Five people who ate Trevor's baked goods that year became seriously ill, and one person died from a salmonella infection. Even though Trevor's conduct was legal, was it unethical for him to sell goods that had onoe tested positive for salmonelia?I 1. Ethics is the study of what is right : or .1. Business ethics applies to businesspersons , businesses I , and making decisions in a business oonterrt. 3n. Aooording to the text, when making decisions, the rst thing a business should evaluate isthe implications o' each dec'erion. 3b. The law address all issues dening them as legal or illegal, therefore using the law as an absolute guide sufcient when making business decisions. 31:. In this caseI Trevor had a duty to perform internal tests on food produoed at his plant to check for oontamination. 3d. Trevor did not have 5 a legal duty to report the initial test results to the Food and Drug Administration. in. Merely oomplying with the law is referred to as the 4. Aooording to the text, when making decisions, the seoond thing a business should evaluate is the relations