For this assignment, you are given an abstract class Library Item ( a). You must complete the following: 1. Add an equals method to LibraryItem 2. Implement three direct subclasses of LibraryItem: DVD (a concrete class), Magazine (a concrete class), and Book (an abstract class). 3. Implement three concrete subclasses of Book: DigitalBook, PrintBook, and Audiobook. Each item type has a loan period and a maximum number of checkouts per item (i.e., a physical item like a print book can only be checked out by one person at a time, whereas a digital item like an audio book can be checked out by multiple people at a time, depending on the number of licenses the library has for that item). This information is given in the below table: Item Type Max # checkouts per item DVD 1 1 Magazine Digital Book Print Book Loan Period 7 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days 3 1 Audio Book 2 Library Item public method to add: o boolean equals (Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable(s) value (3) as this LibraryItem DVD public methods: DVD (String title, ArrayList
actors) // Constructs a DVD object with the given title and actors . ArrayList getActors() void setActors (ArrayList actors) . String checkOut() // if this item is not already checked out, this method checks this item out and returns the loan period; if it is already checked out, returns the String "NOT ALLOWED"; overrides LibraryItem.checkout() boolean equals (Object otherobject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this DVD Magazine public methods: Magazine (String title, int issueNumber, String publicationDate) // Constructs a Magazine object with the given title, issue number, and publication date int getIssueNumber() void setIssueNumber(int issueNumber) . String get PublicationDate() o void set PublicationDate (String publicationDate) String checkout() // if this item is not already checked out, this method checks this item out and returns the loan period; if it is already checked out, returns the String "NOT ALLOWED"; overrides LibraryItem.checkout () . boolean equals (Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this Magazine . o . Book (abstract class) public methods: Book (String title, String author) // Constructs a Book object with the given title and author . String getAuthor() void setAuthor (String author) boolean equals Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this Book DigitalBook public methods: DigitalBook (String title, String author, int numPages) // Constructs a DigitalBook object with the given title, author, and number of pages int getNumPages() void setNumPages (int numBages) . String checkOut() // if the max number of checkouts for this item has not already been reached, this method checks this item out and returns the loan period; if no more check outs are available for this item, returns the String "NOT ALLOWED"; overrides LibraryItem.checkOut() void checkin() // checks in this item (frees up one checkout for this item); overrides LibraryItem.checkIn() boolean equals (Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this DigitalBook PrintBook public methods: PrintBook (String title, String author, int numBages) // Constructs a PrintBook object with the given title, author, and number of pages int getNumPages() void setNumPages(int numPages) . String checkOut() // if this item is not already checked out, this method checks this item out and returns the loan period; if it is already checked out, returns the String "NOT ALLOWED"; overrides LibraryItem.checkout() boolean equals (Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this PrintBook AudioBook public methods: AudioBook (String title, String author, double playingTime) // Constructs an AudioBook object with the given title, author, and playing time (in hours) double getPlayingTime() void setPlayingTime (double playingTime) String checkout() // if the max number of checkouts for this item has not already been reached, this method checks this item out and returns the loan period; if no more check outs are available for this item, returns the String "NOT ALLOWED"; overrides LibraryItem.checkout) void checkin() // checks in this item (frees up one checkout for this item); overrides LibraryItem.checkIn() . boolean equals (Object otherObject) // returns true if otherObject has the same instance variable (3) value (3) as this AudioBook . o Example: ArrayList actors = new ArrayList(); actors.add("Amy Adams"); actors.add("Glenn Close"); actors.add("Haley Bennett"); actors.add("Gabriel Ba330"); DVD dvdl = new DVD ("Hillbilly Elegy", actors); Magazine mag1 = new Magazine ("Time", 435, "February 2021"); DigitalBook dbl = new DigitalBook ("Hillbilly Elegy", "J.D. Vance", 264); PrintBook pl = new PrintBook ("Hillbilly Elegy", "J.D. Vance", 264); PrintBook pb2 = new PrintBook ("The Warmth of Other Suns", "Isabel Wilkerson", 622); PrintBook pb3 = new PrintBook ("Caste", "Isabel Wilkerson", 496); AudioBook abl = new AudioBook ("Hillbilly Elegy", "J.D. Vance", 6.8); AudioBook ab2 = new AudioBook ("Hillbilly Elegy", "J.D. Vance", 6.8); abi.equals (ab2); // returns true dvdl.equals (dbl); // returns false pb2.equals (pb3); // returns false Library Item[] items = new Library Item [8]; items [0] = dvdl; items [1] = magi; items [2] = db1; items [3] poi; items [4] pb2; items [5] pb3; items [6] = abi; items [7] = ab2; for (LibraryItem item : items) { System.out.println(item.checkOut(); } = // above should print: // 7 days // 7 days // 14 days // 21 days // 21 days // 21 days // 28 days // 28 days System.out.println(items [6].checkOut(); // 28 days System.out.println(items [6].checkOut(); // NOT ALLOWED items [6].checkIn(); System.out.println(items [6].checkout(); // 28 days public abstract class LibraryItem { private String title; private boolean checkedout; public LibraryItem(String title) { this.title = title; checkedout = false; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public boolean ischeckedout() { return checkedout; 3 public void setcheckedout(boolean checkedout) { this.checkedout = checkedout; 3 public abstract string checkout(); public void checkin() { checkedout = false; } public String tostring() { return title; } }