Java implementation of class Statement, MonthlyStatement, QuarterlyStatement, HalfYearlyStatement, FullYearStatement, and MultiYearStatement( Composite Java Design Pattern ). Question: The bank like to provide statements to the
Java implementation of class "Statement", "MonthlyStatement", "QuarterlyStatement", "HalfYearlyStatement", "FullYearStatement", and MultiYearStatement"(Composite Java Design Pattern).
Question: The bank like to provide statements to the customer. These could be monthly, quarterly, half-yealry, full year or multi-year statements. Each higher level statement woudl recursively include its component statements.
Expected output:
-- Testing Monthly Statement by itself --
**Monthly Statement for January, 2022
-- Testing Quartely Statement --
** Combo Statement of Quartely Statement for Q1 2022
** Monthly Statement for January, 2022
** Monthly Statement for February, 2022
** Monthly Statement for March, 2022
-- Testing Quartely Statement --
** Combo Statement of Quartely Statement for Q2 2022
** Monthly Statement for April, 2022
** Monthly Statement for May, 2022
** Monthly Statement for June, 2022
-- Testing Half yearly Statement --
** Combo Statement of First Half yearly Statement for Q2 2022
** Monthly Statement for April, 2022
** Monthly Statement for May, 2022
** Monthly Statement for June, 2022
** Combo Statement of Quartely Statement for Q1 2022
** Monthly Statement for January, 2022
** Monthly Statement for February, 2022
** Monthly Statement for March, 2022
-- Testing Quartely Statement --
** Combo Statement of Quartely Statement for Q2 2022
** Monthly Statement for April, 2022
** Monthly Statement for May, 2022
** Monthly Statement for June, 2022
public class CompositePatternTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
classStatement { public void print() { //... } }
classMonthlyStatementextends Statement { public void print() { //... super.print(); //... } }
classQuarterlyStatementextends Statement { public void print() { //... super.print(); //... } }
classHalfYearlyStatementextends Statement { public void print() { //... super.print(); //... } }
classFullYearlyStatementextends Statement { public void print() { //... super.print(); //... } }
classMultiYearlyStatementextends Statement { public void print() { //... super.print(); //... } }
import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID;
public abstract class Transaction {
private final Date transactionDate; private final UUID transactionId;
private String description;
private final int transactionAmount;
private final Customer transactionOwner;
private int endingBalance;
public Transaction(Date transactionDate, String description, int transactionAmount, Customer transactionOwner) { this.transactionId = UUID.randomUUID(); this.transactionDate = transactionDate; this.description = description; this.transactionAmount = transactionAmount; this.transactionOwner = transactionOwner; }
public Date getTransactionDate() { return this.transactionDate; }
public int getTransactionAmount() { return this.transactionAmount; }
public Customer getTransactionOwner() { return this.transactionOwner; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }
public int getEndingBalance() { return endingBalance; }
public void setEndingBalance(int endingBalance) { this.endingBalance = endingBalance; }
public void print(Account account) { if (account != null) { System.out.printf("\t%s Account: %s\t%10s $%-6d\tby %-10s Running Balance $%d ", DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(this.transactionDate), account.getAccountId(), this.description, this.transactionAmount, this.transactionOwner.getName(), this.getEndingBalance()); } else { System.out.printf("\t%s %10s $%-6d\tby %-10s ", DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(this.transactionDate), this.description, this.transactionAmount, this.transactionOwner.getName()); }
protected abstract void execute();
import java.util.Date;
public class DepositTransaction extends Transaction {
public DepositTransaction(Date transactionDate, int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account toAccount) { super(transactionDate, "Deposit", amount, transactionOwner); if (toAccount != null) toAccount.addTransaction(this); }
public void execute() { System.out.println("Transaction::DepositTransaction"); } }
import java.util.Date;
public class WithdrawTransaction extends Transaction {
public WithdrawTransaction(Date transactionDate, int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account fromAccount) { super(transactionDate, "Withdraw", amount, transactionOwner); if (fromAccount != null) fromAccount.addTransaction(this); }
public void execute() { System.out.println("Transaction::WithdrawTransaction"); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date;
public class TransferTransaction extends Transaction {
private final Account fromAccount; private final Account toAccount;
public TransferTransaction(Date transactionDate, int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account fromAccount, Account toAccount) {
super(transactionDate, "Transfer", amount, transactionOwner); this.fromAccount = fromAccount; this.toAccount = toAccount; this.fromAccount.addTransaction(this);
synchronized (this.fromAccount) { if (amount <= this.fromAccount.getCurrentBalance()) { Transaction t1 = new WithdrawTransaction(transactionDate, amount, transactionOwner, fromAccount); Transaction t2 = new DepositTransaction(transactionDate, amount, transactionOwner, toAccount); } }
public Account getFromAccount() { return fromAccount; }
public Account getToAccount() { return toAccount; }
public void execute() { System.out.println("transaction::Transfertransaction"); }
public void print(Account account) {
System.out.printf("\t%s %10s $%-6d\tby %-10s ", DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(this.getTransactionDate()), this.getDescription(), this.getTransactionAmount(), this.getTransactionOwner().getName());
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class TransactionDecorator extends Transaction{
protected Transaction transaction;
public TransactionDecorator(Transaction transaction){
super(transaction.getTransactionDate(), transaction.getDescription(), transaction.getTransactionAmount(), transaction.getTransactionOwner());
this.transaction = transaction;
public void execute(){
public class LoggingTransaction extends TransactionDecorator {
public LoggingTransaction(Transaction transaction){
public void execute(){
System.out.println("Logging @" + new Date() + "->Transaction::" + transaction.getDescription());
class SecurityTransaction extends TransactionDecorator {
public SecurityTransaction(Transaction transaction){
public void execute(){
System.out.println("Security check @" + new Date() + "->Transaction::" + transaction.getDescription());
class DepositTransaction extends Transaction{
public DepositTransaction(int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account toAccount){
super(amount, transactionOwner);
if(toAccount != null)
public void execute(){
class WithdrawTransaction extends Transaction{
public WithdrawTransaction(int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account fromAccount){
super(amount, transactionOwner);
if(fromAccount != null)
public void execute(){
class TransferTransaction extends Transaction{
private Account fromAccount;
private Account toAccount;
public TransferTransaction(int amount, Customer transactionOwner, Account fromAccount, Account toAccount){
super(amount, transactionOwner);
this.fromAccount = fromAccount;
this.toAccount = toAccount;
synchronized (this.fromAccount) {
if(amount <= this.fromAccount.getCurrentBalance()) {
Transaction t1 = new WithdrawTransaction(amount, transactionOwner, fromAccount);
Transaction t2 = new DepositTransaction(amount, transactionOwner, toAccount);
public void execute(){
class Customer {
private final String name; private final String customerId; private final Date registrationDate; private final List
public String getName() { return; }
public String getCustomerId() { return this.customerId; }
public Date getRegistrationDate() { return this.registrationDate; }
public void addAccount(Account account) { accountList.add(account); /* Add the account to the customer's accountList */ }
public void printStatement(Date toDate) {
System.out.println(" BEGIN ACCOUNT STATEMENT - " + this.getName() + " - " + DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(toDate)); for(int i=0; i < accountList.size(); i++) { accountList.get(i).printStatement(toDate); }
System.out.println(" END ACCOUNT STATEMENT "); }
} --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Account {
private final String accountId; private final Date openDate; private Date closeDate;
private final Customer primaryOwner; private Customer jointOwner;
private AccountStatus accountStatus;
private Date jointOwnershipDate;
private int currentBalance;
private final List
public Account(Customer primaryOwner, String accountId, Date openDate) { this.accountId = accountId; this.openDate = openDate; this.accountStatus = AccountStatus.Open; this.currentBalance = 0; this.transactionList = new ArrayList<>(); this.primaryOwner = primaryOwner; primaryOwner.addAccount(this); }
public Customer getPrimaryOwner() { return this.primaryOwner; }
public String getAccountId() { return this.accountId; }
public Date getOpenDate() { return this.openDate; }
public AccountStatus getAccountStatus() { return this.accountStatus; }
public int getCurrentBalance() { return this.currentBalance; }
public void setJointOwner(Customer jointOwner, Date jointOwnershipDate) { this.jointOwner = jointOwner; this.jointOwnershipDate = jointOwnershipDate; jointOwner.addAccount(this); }
public Customer getJointOwner() { return this.jointOwner; }
public Date getJointOwnershipDate() { return this.jointOwnershipDate; }
protected synchronized void addTransaction(Transaction t) {
if (this.accountStatus == AccountStatus.Close) throw new BankException("Account " + this.getAccountId() + "closed... Transaction not allowed");
if (t instanceof DepositTransaction) { deposit(t.getTransactionAmount()); transactionList.add(t); t.setEndingBalance(currentBalance);; /* Update Ending Balance after the Deposit transaction and add transaction details in the Transaction List*/ t.print(this); } else if (t instanceof WithdrawTransaction) { WithdrawTransaction wt = (WithdrawTransaction) t;
if (wt.getTransactionAmount() <= currentBalance){ withdraw(wt.getTransactionAmount()); } else { wt.setDescription("Not enough balance, withdrawl ignored"); } transactionList.add(wt); wt.setEndingBalance(currentBalance); /* Update Ending Balance after the withdraw transaction (Successfull or not successful) and add transaction details in the Transaction List*/ wt.print(this); } else if (t instanceof TransferTransaction) {
TransferTransaction tr = (TransferTransaction) t;
if (tr.getToAccount().accountStatus == AccountStatus.Close) throw new BankException("Account " + this.getAccountId() + " closed... Transaction not allowed");
tr.setDescription("Transfer from " + this.getAccountId() + " to " + tr.getToAccount().getAccountId()); this.transactionList.add(tr); tr.getToAccount().transactionList.add(tr); /* Update Ending Balance of source/destination accounts after the transfer transaction and add transaction details in the Transaction List*/ tr.print(this); }
private synchronized void deposit(int amount) { this.currentBalance += amount; }
private synchronized void withdraw(int amount) { this.currentBalance -= amount; }
public synchronized void closeAccount(Date closeDate) { this.accountStatus = AccountStatus.Close; this.closeDate = closeDate; }
public void printStatement(Date toDate) {
System.out.println(" \tTransactions for Account " + this.accountId + " Primary Owner: " + this.primaryOwner.getName() + " ");
for (int i=0; i< transactionList.size();i++) { Transaction t =(Transaction) transactionList.get(i); /* print each transaction from the account holder's Transaction List*/ t.print(this); } }
public class Bank {
private final Map
private static Bank bankInstance;
private Bank() { customerMap = new HashMap<>(); accountMap = new HashMap<>(); }
public static synchronized Bank getBankInstance() { if (bankInstance == null) { bankInstance = new Bank(); } return bankInstance; }
public synchronized Customer createCustomer(String name, String customerId, Date registrationDate) throws BankException {
if(customerMap.containsKey(customerId)) { throw new BankException ("customerId already exists"); } else { Customer customer = new Customer(name, customerId, registrationDate); customerMap.put(customerId, customer); return customer; } }
public synchronized Customer lookupCustomer(String customerId) throws BankException { Customer customer = customerMap.get(customerId); if(customer == null) { throw new BankException ("customerId does not exist"); } else { return customer; } }
public synchronized Account createAccount(String customerId, AccountType accountType, String accountId, Date openDate, int initialAmount) throws BankException {
if(accountMap.containsKey(accountId)) { throw new BankException ("accountId already exists"); } else { Customer customer = customerMap.get(customerId); Account account = null; switch(accountType) { case Checking -> { account = new CheckingAccount(customer, accountId, openDate, initialAmount); } case Savings -> { account = new SavingsAccount(customer, accountId, openDate, initialAmount); } } accountMap.put(accountId, account); return account; } } public synchronized Account lookupAccount(String accountId) { Account account = accountMap.get(accountId); if (account == null) { new BankException("accountId does not exist"); } else { return account; } return account; }
public synchronized void setJointOwner(String accountId, String primaryOwnerId, String jointOwnerId, Date jointOwnershipDate) {
Account account = this.lookupAccount(accountId); Customer primaryOwner = this.lookupCustomer(primaryOwnerId); Customer jointOwner = this.lookupCustomer(jointOwnerId);
if ((account != null) && (primaryOwner != null) && (jointOwner != null)) { if ( (account.getPrimaryOwner() == primaryOwner) && (account.getJointOwner() == null) ) { account.setJointOwner(jointOwner, jointOwnershipDate); } }
public synchronized void createTransaction(TransactionType transactionType, Date date, int amount, String customerId, String sourceAccountId, String destinationAccountId) { switch (transactionType) {
case Deposit -> { makeDeposit(date, amount, customerId, sourceAccountId); break; } case Withdraw -> { makeWithdrawal(date, amount, customerId, sourceAccountId); break; } case Transfer -> { makeTransfer(date, amount, customerId, sourceAccountId, destinationAccountId); } } }
private synchronized void makeDeposit(Date date, int amount, String customerId, String accountId) { Customer customer = this.lookupCustomer(customerId); Account account = this.lookupAccount(accountId); new DepositTransaction(date, amount, customer, account); }
private synchronized void makeWithdrawal(Date date, int amount, String customerId, String accountId) { Customer customer = this.lookupCustomer(customerId); Account account = this.lookupAccount(accountId); if (account != null && ((account.getPrimaryOwner() == customer) || (account.getJointOwner() != null && account.getJointOwner() == customer)) ) { new WithdrawTransaction(date, amount, customer, account); } else new BankException("Customer is not owner or joint owner"); }
private synchronized void makeTransfer(Date date, int amount, String customerId, String fromAccountId, String toAccountId) { Customer customer = this.lookupCustomer(customerId); Account fromAccount = this.lookupAccount(fromAccountId); Account toAccount = this.lookupAccount(toAccountId); if (fromAccount != null && ((fromAccount.getPrimaryOwner() == customer) || (fromAccount.getJointOwner() != null && fromAccount.getJointOwner() == customer)) ){ new TransferTransaction(date, amount, customer, fromAccount, toAccount); } else new BankException("Customer is not owner or joint owner"); }
public synchronized void printStatement(String customerId, Date toDate) { Customer customer = this.lookupCustomer(customerId); if (customer != null) customer.printStatement(toDate); }
import java.util.Date;
class SavingsAccount extends Account {
public SavingsAccount(Customer primaryOwner, String accountId, Date openDate, int initialAmount) { super(primaryOwner, accountId, openDate); Transaction t = new DepositTransaction(openDate, initialAmount, primaryOwner, this);
import java.util.Date;
class CheckingAccount extends Account {
public CheckingAccount(Customer primaryOwner, String accountId, Date openDate, int initialAmount) { super(primaryOwner, accountId, openDate); Transaction t = new DepositTransaction(openDate, initialAmount, primaryOwner, this); }
public enum AccountStatus { Open, Close } public enum AccountType { Checking, Savings, CD } public class BankException extends RuntimeException { public BankException(String msg) { super(msg); } }
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