Java question
l AT&T 20:38 Program10.pdf Office Supplies Inc, an office supply store, services many customers. As customers orders for office supplies are shipped, information is entered into a file. Office Supplies Inc bills all customers sorted by their customer id (from lowest to highest) The report includes their bit balance and tax iablity. Write a program to produce the otstanding balance report sorted by customer ID number from the date in the text file. Below is a description of the information on the text fle: The first line in the file contains the number of customers in the file (integer) Then, the fields below repeat for each customer Customer name (String) Customer ID (integer) - o Bal balance (double) Email address (String) Tax lability (double or String) e e The customers served by the office supply store are of two types: tax-exempt or non-tax- exempt. For a tax-exempt customer, the tax lability field on the file is the reason for the tax exemptions: education, non-profit, government, other CString). Foro non-tax-exempt customer, the tax liability field is the percent of tax that the customer will pay (double) n which the customer's business From the information provided, write a solution that includes the following: -A suitable inberitance hierarchy which represents the customers serviced by the office supply company. It is up to you how to design the inheritance hierarchy. I suggest a Customer class and appropriate subclasses. CPS 2231 For all classes include the following: Instance variables (5 points) Constructors (7.S points) Accessor and mutater methods (7.5 points) Sutable toString) methods (5 points) Any other appropriate helper methods you an Write a class xxX Program10 wthich uilizes the following: An Array of Customer objects (7.5 points) e A method that reads the input fle provided and stores the objects in the aray o A method that serts the array of Customers in ascending order by the e A method that formats and prints the output report. The report should indlude of Customers, (s0 points) customer ID. (10 points) the folowing requirements Report header at the start of each page showing the name of the company, report, and page number. (4 poiets) Report headers for each column of information. (4 points) One Customer per line. I suggest you use the printf command (not tahsi to line each data tem us into enlumns 6 points E Open With Print