Java. You wil put into action an, Appointment dass that ingeracts with the mend-driben acplication, called AppotMeru. There wil be four fields in the Appointment cluss: a btle, a date, a beginning time, and an ending 1 inte. It is sate to predict that no appointment will last more than ore day Use Loca Dese. Lecetire, and LocalDade Time. For the date feld use Loca Dale and for the two time felds, use Localime. Here are the methods you wil need in your Apeointment class. rta creale an appointrient N getter methods puble Localine getStartme0] public String gotfilsog public Local Tme getEndifimelj public LocaiDate geDabe() Metuens the start timie formitied to deplay a 12 hour lormat Mor ecample. 04:31.00 AM N hrotum publie string getstart iew formatiedy) Wreturn the end bime formathed to display a 12 hour foemant N for example. 09:45:00 PM N arretum a formatied string N publis Siring getEndtimeFenmattiodi Hreturs the day of the week based on the date. For example, an appointewent on Feb 13, 2023 No will nebarn FRIDAY W (i) retum a formatled string putbie string petDayorWew0 W retums the duration of the meeting in minutes, based on the start and end times putic long howLongindinutes() W eetuens bue if the current appointment is ionger or equal to the appointenent passed in as a purameber N tipperam the appointiment to compare to N iseretum true or false publie Biolean wastonger(Appointrient ether? N refuns true if the cument appointment starts before the appointment. N passed in the parareter. This is based on both the date and the start time.. Wi,e., an appointmeat on Jan 12023 at 4.30pm oocurs before an appoirterent N en Feb 720 to at oroog am. Ni Giparam the appointtient to compare to Ni isrehum true or false pubbic Boolean wasBefore(Appointment other