import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.util.*;
public class JavaBankList extends JFrame { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Make these variables publicly available public String Name; public int Accountnum; public int Balance;
// JPanel for user inputs private JPanel inputDetailJPanel; // JLabel and JTextField for account name private JLabel NameJLabel; private JTextField NameJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for account number private JLabel AccountnumJLabel; private JTextField AccountnumJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for balance private JLabel BalanceJLabel; private JTextField BalanceJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for withdraw private JLabel DepositJLabel; private JTextField DepositJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for Withdraw private JLabel WithdrawJLabel; private JTextField WithdrawJTextField; // JButton to create account private JButton CreateAccountJButton; // JButton to delete account private JButton DeleteAccountJButton; // JButton to make transaction private JButton TransactionJButton; // JButton to display account private JButton DisplayJButton; // JLabel and JTextArea to display account details private JLabel displayJLabel; private static JTextArea displayJTextArea; // array to store Account details and an Arraylist ArrayList Accounts = new ArrayList(); //static int noAccounts = 0; // constructor public JavaBankList() { //create the interface and start the application createUserInterface(); } // create and position GUI components; register event handlers private void createUserInterface() { // get content pane for attaching GUI components Container contentPane = getContentPane(); // enable explicit positioning of GUI components contentPane.setLayout(null); // set up inputDetailJPanel inputDetailJPanel = new JPanel(); inputDetailJPanel.setBounds(16, 16, 208, 250); inputDetailJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Input Details")); inputDetailJPanel.setLayout(null); contentPane.add(inputDetailJPanel); // set up NameJLabel NameJLabel = new JLabel(); NameJLabel.setBounds(8, 32, 90, 23); NameJLabel.setText("Name:"); inputDetailJPanel.add(NameJLabel); // set up NameJTextField NameJTextField = new JTextField(); NameJTextField.setBounds(112, 32, 80, 21); NameJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); inputDetailJPanel.add(NameJTextField); // set up AccountnumJLabel AccountnumJLabel = new JLabel(); AccountnumJLabel.setBounds(8, 56, 100, 23); AccountnumJLabel.setText("Account Number:"); inputDetailJPanel.add(AccountnumJLabel); // set up AccountnumTextField AccountnumJTextField = new JTextField(); AccountnumJTextField.setBounds(112, 56, 80, 21); AccountnumJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); inputDetailJPanel.add(AccountnumJTextField); // set up BalanceJLabel BalanceJLabel = new JLabel(); BalanceJLabel.setBounds(8, 80, 60, 23); BalanceJLabel.setText("Balance:"); inputDetailJPanel.add(BalanceJLabel); // set up BalanceTextField BalanceJTextField = new JTextField(); BalanceJTextField.setBounds(112, 80, 80, 21); BalanceJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); inputDetailJPanel.add(BalanceJTextField); // set up DepositJLabel DepositJLabel = new JLabel(); DepositJLabel.setBounds(8, 104, 80, 23); DepositJLabel.setText("Deposit:"); inputDetailJPanel.add(DepositJLabel); // set up DepositJTextField DepositJTextField = new JTextField(); DepositJTextField.setBounds(112, 104, 80, 21); DepositJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); inputDetailJPanel.add(DepositJTextField); // set up WithdrawJLabel WithdrawJLabel = new JLabel(); WithdrawJLabel.setBounds(8, 128, 60, 23); WithdrawJLabel.setText("Withdraw:"); inputDetailJPanel.add(WithdrawJLabel); // set up WithdrawJTextField WithdrawJTextField = new JTextField(); WithdrawJTextField.setBounds(112, 128, 80, 21); WithdrawJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); inputDetailJPanel.add(WithdrawJTextField); // set up CreateAccountButton CreateAccountJButton = new JButton(); CreateAccountJButton.setBounds(112, 152, 80, 24); CreateAccountJButton.setText("Create"); inputDetailJPanel.add(CreateAccountJButton); CreateAccountJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { // event handler called when CreateAccountJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { CreateAccountJButtonActionPerformed(event); } } ); // end call to addActionListener // set up DeleteAccountButton DeleteAccountJButton = new JButton(); DeleteAccountJButton.setBounds(16, 152, 80, 24); DeleteAccountJButton.setText("Delete"); inputDetailJPanel.add(DeleteAccountJButton); DeleteAccountJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when DeleteAccountJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { DeleteAccountJButtonActionPerformed(event); } } ); // end call to addActionListener // set up TransactionJButton TransactionJButton = new JButton(); TransactionJButton.setBounds(16, 180, 176, 24); TransactionJButton.setText("Make Transaction"); inputDetailJPanel.add(TransactionJButton); TransactionJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when TransactionJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { TransactionJButtonActionPerformed(event); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end call to addActionListener // set up DisplayJButton DisplayJButton = new JButton(); DisplayJButton.setBounds(16, 208, 176, 24); DisplayJButton.setText("Display Accounts"); inputDetailJPanel.add(DisplayJButton); DisplayJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when TransactionJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { DisplayJButtonActionPerformed(event); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end call to addActionListener // set up displayJLabel displayJLabel = new JLabel(); displayJLabel.setBounds(240, 16, 150, 23); displayJLabel.setText("Account Details:"); contentPane.add(displayJLabel); // set up displayJTextArea displayJTextArea = new JTextArea(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(displayJTextArea); scrollPane.setBounds(240,48,402,184); scrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); contentPane.add(scrollPane); displayJTextArea.setText("Welcome to Java Bank - There are currently no Accounts created"); // clear other JTextFields for new data NameJTextField.setText(""); AccountnumJTextField.setText("0"); BalanceJTextField.setText("0"); DepositJTextField.setText("0"); WithdrawJTextField.setText("0"); // set properties of application's window setTitle("Java Bank"); // set title bar string setSize(670, 308); // set window size setVisible(true); // display window } // end method createUserInterface private void CreateAccountJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // System.out.println("Create Account Button Clicked"); displayJTextArea.setText(""); Name = ""; //Get Name from Text Field Name = NameJTextField.getText(); //Get Accountnum from Text Field and convert to int unless blank then set to 0 if (AccountnumJTextField.getText() == "0") { Accountnum = 0; } else { Accountnum = Integer.parseInt(AccountnumJTextField.getText()); } //Get Balance from Text Field and convert to int unless blank then set to 0 if (BalanceJTextField.getText() == "0") { Balance = 0; } else { Balance = Integer.parseInt(BalanceJTextField.getText()); } if ((Name != "") & (Accountnum != 0)) { //add a new account to the list using the Account constructor Accounts.add(new Account(Name,Accountnum,Balance)); //Set a temp Account for display purposes Account tempAccount = (Account)Accounts.get(Accounts.size()-1); //Display tempAccount displayJTextArea.setText(Accounts.size() + " " + tempAccount.getaccountname() + " " + tempAccount.getaccountnum() + " " + tempAccount.getbalance()); } else { displayJTextArea.setText("Both the Name field and Account Number must be completed"); } // clear other JTextFields for new data NameJTextField.setText(""); AccountnumJTextField.setText("0"); BalanceJTextField.setText("0"); DepositJTextField.setText("0"); WithdrawJTextField.setText("0"); } private void DeleteAccountJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { displayJTextArea.setText("Oops this isnt coded in this version!"); //Name = NameJTextField.getText(); //System.out.println("Delete Account: " + Name); // Enter code to delete here // clear JTextFields for new data NameJTextField.setText(" "); AccountnumJTextField.setText("0"); BalanceJTextField.setText("0"); DepositJTextField.setText("0"); WithdrawJTextField.setText("0"); } private void TransactionJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { displayJTextArea.setText(""); if (Accounts.size() == 0) { displayJTextArea.setText("No Accounts currently created"); }else { // get user input int Accountnum = Integer.parseInt(AccountnumJTextField.getText()); int Deposit = Integer.parseInt(DepositJTextField.getText()); int Withdraw = Integer.parseInt(WithdrawJTextField.getText()); for ( int i = 0; i 0)) { tempAccount.setbalance(tempAccount.getbalance()+Deposit); Accounts.set(i, tempAccount); displayJTextArea.setText(tempAccount.getaccountname() + " " + tempAccount.getaccountnum() + " " + tempAccount.getbalance()); } // if account number matches and withdrawal field has entry then withdraw from account if ((tempAccount.accountnum == Accountnum) && (Withdraw>0)) { tempAccount.setbalance(tempAccount.getbalance()-Withdraw); Accounts.set(i, tempAccount); displayJTextArea.setText(tempAccount.getaccountname() + " " + tempAccount.getaccountnum() + " " + tempAccount.getbalance()); } } } // clear other JTextFields for new data NameJTextField.setText(""); AccountnumJTextField.setText("0"); BalanceJTextField.setText("0"); DepositJTextField.setText("0"); WithdrawJTextField.setText("0"); } private void DisplayJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Name = NameJTextField.getText(); displayJTextArea.setText(""); if (Accounts.isEmpty()) { displayJTextArea.setText("No Accounts currently created"); }else { for (int i=0; i
Lesson objectives: Read and understand a pre-written java program consisting of classes and interacting objects Apply the concept of inheritance in the solutions of problems Test classes in isolation Describe when it is more appropriate to use an ArrayList than an Array Vocabulary: Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below. A method that can modify an object. A method that can access the contents of an object but does not modify that object. object that can store multiple object types and can grow and shrink dynamically as required The process where one object acquires the properties of another. Allows you to check the quality of the code for a class independent of the rest of the program code. Try It/Solve It: l. If you did not install the JavaBank Case Study during the lesson then please follow the slides from Page 6 to do so now. 2. Examine the code in JavaBankList to see how to declare and use the ArrayList Accounts. ArrayList to store Account details ArrayList