Jensen Indemnity, inc, agreed to insure Porter Racing League race cars for damajgn incurred during on-track accidents. Jensen Indemn ty slepossted 1400,000 with Parts Co, a Colorado firm that manufactured auto parts, so that it could buy parts for damaged cars without delay. Parts agreed to Fetarn ary unspent deposit at the end of the season. Near the end of the season, the owners of Parts decided to retire and sold ats ascets to. Bourdaln Motorsports, lnc a coeorgia corporation. Bourdain expressly assumed Partsy liabilities, but expressly sated in the contract that it did not assume any obligation to retarn unspent seposits of Partvy clients. Jensen indenavity filed a suit in a Georga state court against Bourdain, seehing to recover its deposit. What is the rule concerning the liability of a corporation that bays the assets of ancther? Nre there exceptions? Wrich. principles apply in thin case? When one compary dissolved and becomes andher comparyo it is essentially a If this is true, then the exception applies, it that a court will hold that Hourdain is responscile for the ilabilities of Parts. Jensen Indemnity, inc, agreed to insure Porter Racing League race cars for damajgn incurred during on-track accidents. Jensen Indemn ty slepossted 1400,000 with Parts Co, a Colorado firm that manufactured auto parts, so that it could buy parts for damaged cars without delay. Parts agreed to Fetarn ary unspent deposit at the end of the season. Near the end of the season, the owners of Parts decided to retire and sold ats ascets to. Bourdaln Motorsports, lnc a coeorgia corporation. Bourdain expressly assumed Partsy liabilities, but expressly sated in the contract that it did not assume any obligation to retarn unspent seposits of Partvy clients. Jensen indenavity filed a suit in a Georga state court against Bourdain, seehing to recover its deposit. What is the rule concerning the liability of a corporation that bays the assets of ancther? Nre there exceptions? Wrich. principles apply in thin case? When one compary dissolved and becomes andher comparyo it is essentially a If this is true, then the exception applies, it that a court will hold that Hourdain is responscile for the ilabilities of Parts