Journalize the following entries. I don't need the $ amount I just don't know which accounts to charge
TRANSMETON 1 THINCTEN RESTS Billal y A Kanda Moon for their Annwy party, Irvice 21. 10. 10 hours ming Service 512500 pala 4 dages Like China Plates 4 packages Like-Chala S ER 1 w Like-Lise Nakit 4 puskapas Lite- S a lery Sets pair Toasting Hue 25th Anniversary 4 package 25th Annivery Balloons Na Salus lured wwe Voorw. There wa S40. W w ir Ihnen mi traintha ' (ASTHEN MM pas for the Siste en de The MAM A Rease Issued Check-2430 in the 2.51 Morge C. 15L 7th Street, Dame, TX 782081 for the way it . Perte the wake, 5451.43 ftyruert m ensen the remainder of the desercial bus. Sead Credit Mom Fucial for mencie I TENURE I el January para Like China Planes 2 packages Assorted Ball Renter ART w w w w Swe Turale band we grow wend wis to Marry wire Gaur Son Chark A n them of 5750,00 to WKOX Radia for vetene ai during the marie of way, February, and 10 Amary warys www5 Increased the petty cash csc rep by $250.00 t singh i re increasine 2015 is the amount Billedlide Academyanes, 236, nr 2/10,n30 6 heure aming & Sani 5000 per packs Like China Flat 3 packaLikelin Dinner Napkins Nowe Loliwra t h the Suyu Sview OR VISA Cakalat or les TRANSACTION TRANSACTION DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION Billed Monty & Keesha Moore for their 25th Anniversary party, Invoice #215, terms 2/10, n 30. 10 hours Event Planning & Service @ S125.00 per hour 4 packages Like-China 6" Plates 4 packages Like-Crystal 8 oz. Stemware 3 packages Like-Linen Beverage Napkins 4 packages Like-Silver Cutlery Sets January 4 pair Toasting Flutes-25th Anniversary 4 packages 25th Anniversary Balloons Notes: Sales tax is due on the entire cost of the event. There was a $400.00 event deposit made by the couple in December. When recording This transaction you need to debit Unearned Event Deposits for the $400.00 deposit with the balance due as an Account Receivable. The Moores do not normally pay within the discount period. Record this sale at the gross amount. Issued Check #2403 in the amount of $827.55 to PSL Mortgage Co. (151 January 5 7th Street, Dallas, TX 75208) for the January mortgage payment. Per the amortization schedule, S451.48 of the payment is interest expense and the remainder of the payment reduces the principal balance. Issued Credit Memorandum W55 to Portland Financial for merchandise returned on Invoice W214 of January 2 1 package Like-China 6" Plates January 5 2 packages Assorted Balloons Reminder: Remember that this sale was recorded at a discount, but reduce Sales Tax Payable based on the gross price of goods returned. A second entry is required to return goods to Inventory and credit the Cost of Goods Sold account. Issued Check #2404 in the amount of $750.00 to WKOX Radio for January 5 advertisements to air during the months of January, February, and March. (Hint: Charge to Prepaid Advertising.) Increased the petty cash fund to $250.00 to provide for increasing January 5 miscellaneous office expenses by issuing Check W2405 in the amount of $50.00 to J. Browning, Petty Cash. Billed Liondale Academy for an event, Invoice #216, terms 2/10, 1/30. 6 hours Event Planning & Service @ $90.00 per hour 3 packages Like-China 9" Plates 3 packages Like-Crystal 12 oz. Goblets January 6 3 packages Like-Silver Cutlery Sets 3 packages Like-Linen Dinner Napkins Note: Liondale always pays within the discount period. Record Event Supply Sales and Fee Income at the discounted amount Calculate sales tax on the gross amount 12 13