just looking for solution for fuel and oil for forklift V and F
High-Low Method: Cost Formu The controle of the South Charleston plant Ravin, Inc, montred activitiated with material handling cut the hand towers are embed March for the Purces wted with man handling. The number of moves is the driver. The total cost of the three resources and the car masured by waves for the two offer torrent Number of Hoves Total Cost Resource Porin depreciation LON 5.000 2.400 2.400 20,000 High Indirect labor con 5.000 564,000 148.000 20.000 Fuel and oil for for at LOW 5,000 13,450 13,000 High 20,000 Required If required, round your answers to twe decimal places. Enter a "0" w required 1. Determine the cost behavior formula of each resource, Use the high-low method tooted and components Forklin depreciation V 2,400 2,400 Indirect labor v 5,6 30,000 36,000 5.6 Fuel and oil for for X Y 0.69 X 2. Using your knowledge of cost behavior, predict the cost of each item for an activity output level of 11,000 moves 2.400 Forklift depreciation Indirect labor 97,600 7.590 Fuel and oil for forklift 3. Construct a cost formula that can be used to predict the total cost of the three resources combined. If required, round your answers to two decimal places Materials handling cost 38,400+ 6.29 Using this formula, predict the total materials handling cost activity output is 11,000 moves. Y- 107,590 High-Low Method, cout Formula The control of the South Charleston plant of Ravinia, the monitored activities associated with matenals handing costs. The tigh and low levels of resource usage accurred in September and March for three different resources associated with materias handling. The number of moves is the driver. The total costs of the three resources and the activity output, at masured by moves for the two different levels, are presented as follows: Resource Number of Moves Total Cost For depreciation Low 5,000 $2.400 HI 20,000 2.400 Indirect labor LOW 5,000 564,000 20,000 148.000 Fuel and or for for LOW 5,000 High 20,000 13,800 Required If required, round your answers to two decimal places. Enter a "f required 1. Determine the cost behavior formula of each resource. Use the high low method to assess the feed and variable components Forklift depreciation 0 F 2,400 2.400 Indirect labore V 36,000 36.000 5.6 Fuel and all for Forklift V Y 0.69 2. Using your knowledge of cost behavior predict the cost of each item for an activity Output level 11,000 moves Fordit depreciation 2,400 Indirect labor 97,600 Fuel and oil for forklift 7,590 3. Construct a cost formula that can be used to predict the total cost of the three resources combined. If required, round your answers to two decimal places. Materials handing cost 38,400 6.29X Using this formula, predict the total materials handing cost activity output is 11,000 moves Y 107,590