kthehet 7. 7: Time Value of Money Amortized Loans An important a ction of rest es amortized loans. Some common toes of mort s are a home mortgage loans and business loans. Each loan payment consists of interest and m ent of print This download e d amortization schedule. Interest is in the first period and Select over thee of the while the principale m entis the first period and it set thereafter Quantitative Problem. You need $13,000 to purchase a used . Your wealthy unde is willing to lend you the money as an amarted loan. He would like you to make annual payments for 5 years, with the first payment to be made one year from today. He r e an annual return What will be your a ll t o not und meine Round you to the rest How much of your first payment will be applied to interest and to principal payment? Do not round intermediate actions. Round your ers to the nearest C S Principal repayments Cowth M command option kthehet 7. 7: Time Value of Money Amortized Loans An important a ction of rest es amortized loans. Some common toes of mort s are a home mortgage loans and business loans. Each loan payment consists of interest and m ent of print This download e d amortization schedule. Interest is in the first period and Select over thee of the while the principale m entis the first period and it set thereafter Quantitative Problem. You need $13,000 to purchase a used . Your wealthy unde is willing to lend you the money as an amarted loan. He would like you to make annual payments for 5 years, with the first payment to be made one year from today. He r e an annual return What will be your a ll t o not und meine Round you to the rest How much of your first payment will be applied to interest and to principal payment? Do not round intermediate actions. Round your ers to the nearest C S Principal repayments Cowth M command option