_'L What is meant by "just cause?" How is reasonable notice calculated? What is the meaning of "fiduciary" in the context of professional- client relationships? What is a professional's duty of confidentiality? What rules establish who can be a member of a particular profession? What is the general law that applies to the sale of goods? What are "unascertained" goods? What is the difference between c.i.f, c.o.d and f.o.b means? 59997453391???) What are the key provisions of the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act? 10. What are the main purposes of competition law? 1. On occasion. employers and employees have argued for a rule of thumb in calculating reasonable notice. Most frequently they have argued for a "month-peryearofservice" rule. Courts have generally rejected such an approach. What are the advantages of such a rule? How is such a rule defective? 2. If you are the manager in an organization responsible for finalizing contracts with professional service providers, what factors would you consider in deciding between fees based on an hourly basis versus flat fees on a per-job basis? What protection might you try to build into the contracts? 3. When should a business exclude or modify the contractual terms that are implied by the Sale of Goods Act? 4. Does consumer protection law place too great a burden on business? Is protecting consumers worth the additional regulation and the transaction costs that come with the additional regulation? 5. In banking relationships. customers are expected to take care of themselves and to negotiate and be aware of their rights and obligations. In practice, the terms of banking contracts are dictated by the banks and found in standard form agreements that are not open to negotiation. Should banking contracts be regulated to ensure a basic level of fairness for customers? 6. What are the banks' obligations regarding suspected money laundering? 7'. Why are electronic transfers not subject to the same regulations as paper transactions