Larren Buffett is concerned after receiving her weekly paycheck. She believes that her deductions for Social Security Medicare, and Federal Income Tax withholding (FIT) may be incorrect. Larren is paid a salary of $3,800 weekly. She is married, claims 3 deductions, and prior to this payroll check, has total earnings of $128,300. What are the correct deductions for Social Security, Medicare, and FIT? Assume a rate of 6.2% on $128.400 for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare. (Use Table 91 and Table 9.2). (Round your answers to the nearest cent.) Deductions Social Security taxes Medicare taxes FIT BLE 9.1 itago mothod income tax olding allowances Payroll Period Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Quarterly Semiannually Annually Daily or miscellaneous (each day of the payroll period) One Withholding Allowance $ 79.80 159.60 172.90 345.80 1,037.50 2,075.00 4,150.00 16.00 Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding (For Wages Pald in 2018) TABLE 1-WEEKLY Payroll Period () SINGLE person including head of household (b) MARRIED person the amount of wages the amount of was (her slicno The amount of income (subtracting The amount of income to wedding was withold withholding allows to withheldis Not over $71 No 22 SO Over But not ever- of ones over Over But not over- of excess Over- 171 254 10.00 plus 10% $71 1922 plus 10% 6254 -681510.30 plus 12% $954 1530 $1.711 $35.0 plus 12 - 5815 -1.660 105.62 plus 229 5015 $1,711 $3,305 $171 56 plus 20% -1,711 $1.950 -60,100 5271.00 plus 24% -61.650 . 86.200 5541.64 plus 20 99.000 $3,100 -$3,917 5017.15 plus 32 -63.100 3,200 $7.614 54,234 24 plus 2 08.200 $3,017 -59,607 5678.60 plus 30 -3.917 $7.914 -11.701 $1,737.12 plus 35% 7910 32.818.10 plus 37 -59687 $11.781 33.209.67 plus 37 TABLE 2-B/WEEKLY Payroll Period (*) SINGLE person including head of household) (1) MARRIED person- the amount of wages the amount of wages (che subtracting The amount of income tax (alteracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is hold withholding allowance is to withholdie Not Over $142 SO Notor $444 30 Over But not over of excess over Over But motor of excess over 51 5509 5000 plus 10% -$142 5444 -$1,177 SO.CO plus 10% SSD --$1.631 $35.To plus 12% -5509 51177 -$3,421 $7330 plus 12% $1.177 $1,631 -$3,315 $171.34plus -51.631 3421 -$6,700 $3425 plus $3.421 53,315 -$8.200 $541.82 plus 24% -53315 SE790 $12.680 $1.060,76 plus 24% -$8.790 58.200 -57.835 $1 234 22 lus 32% -56,200 $12580 $15.829 $2.468.56 alus 32% --$12.580 $7135 -$19.373 51,757 42 plus 35% -57835 $16.820 -$23.821 $3.51464 plus 35N -315,829 51927 5579572 plus 37% -$19.373 $23521 S82084 plus 3 $22521 TABLE 2- BIWEEKLY Payroll Porod () SINGLE person nouding head of household) The amount of wages (a subacting The amount of incore withdding dllowance is to withhold: No Over $142 30 Over But not over- -5500 50.00 plus 10% 5509 -$1.631.335.70 plus 12% S1531 -1.315 5171 34 plus ZZ $3,315 -5.200 5541.82 plus 24% SA 200 -57835 51 234 22. lus 12 57 836 -$12373 51.757 42 plus 35 $19.370 5579572 us 37 (D) MARRIED persos the art of wages (for subtracting The amount of contex with siding allowance is to withheld is Nolore 3444 SO ol excess oveOver But not over of cossover -5142 5444 -$1,177 SOCO plus 10 -144 -5509 51177 -3.421 S/330 pus 12 $1,177 -51.831 N1421 -$6,70 5542.58 plus $3.421 -3315 70 -312.660 31.083.76 ks 24% -$8,790 36 2001 $120 -$15.829 $268.56 12 -$12.580 -57835 $16.829 -523 521 151464 -$15.829 $19373 $23.521 $5.208 34 plus 37 $23.521 JIL $7835 -$19.373.. $1,757 42 plus 35% --57835 S15.829 -23,621 $3.514.64 plus 35% -$15.829 $19 373 $5.795 72 plus 37% -$19.373 $23.521 $6.206 84 plus 37 $23,521 TABLE 2-BIWEEKLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person including head of household) (1) MARRIED person- If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The arount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withnoiding allowances) is to withhold is: withholding allowances) is to withholdio Not over $142 SO Not over $444 SO Over But not over of excess over Over But not over of excess over- $142 -5509 $0.00 plus 10% -5142 $444 -$1,177 $0.00 plus 10% -$144 5509 -$1.631 $35.70 plus 12% -5509 $1,177 -$3,421 573 30 plus 12% -$1,177 $1.631 -$3,315 $171.34 plus 22% -$1.631 $.421 -$6.790.. $342.58 plus 22% -53.421 $3.315 -$8.200 5541.82 plus 24% -$3.315 SE.790 -$12,560 $1,083.78 plus 24% -$8,790 $6.200 -S7835 $1 234 22 olus 32% -S6200 $12560 -$15.829 52.468.56 plus 32% -$12.560 $7,835 -$19.373 $1.757.42 plus 35% -57835 $16.829 -523,521 53,514,64 plus 35% -$15.829 $19.373 $579572 plus 37% -$19.373 $23.521 $6 206 84 plus 37% -$23,521 TABLE 3-SEMINONTHLY Payroll Period (*) SINGLE person (ncluding head of household (6) MARRIED person M the amount of wages if the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax windding allowances)is bo withhoids: withholding allowances) is to withdld is. Not over $154 SO Not over $461 SO Over But not over- of excess over-Over- But not over- of excess Over $164 -$551 enn plis 10% $154 S41 -$1.97% Son 101 -5481 $551 -$1,767 $3970 plus 12 -$551 $1,275 -$1,706 $79 40 plus 12% -$1,275 $1,767 -$3.592 $185.62 plus 22 -$1.767 $2.706 -$7,356 $371.12 plus 22% -$3,708 $3,592 -$5,717 $587.12 plus 24% -$3.592 $7.356 -$13.606 $1,174.12 plus 2 -57.356 $6.717 $9.488 $1,337 12 plus 32 -56717 $13.606 -$17,148 $2.674.12 plus 326 -$13,505 $8.488 $20.988 $1,903.84 plus 35% $8.488 $12.148 -$25.481 .. $3.807.56 plus 396 - $17,140 $20.000 56.278 84 plus 37 $20.08 $26.481 $6.72411 37 TABLE 4-MONTHLY Payroll Period ( SINGLE person including head of household (6) MARRIED person If the amount of wages of the annount of wagos (her subtracting The amount of income to (aftoroubtracting The amount of income tax witholding allowance): b withholdi: withholding allowances) is to withheld is Not over $308 SO Not Over $063 59 Over But not over- of excess over Over Dut not over of excess over $300 -31.102 $0.00 plus 10% -5308 $903 -$2,850 $0.00 plus 10 -3900 $1,102 -39,530 379.40 plus 12% -S1102 $2.550 -31.4133158.70 plus 12% -$2.550 33,533 -37,189.. 1.12 plus 22% -33.333 $7,413 -314,713 .. $742.20 plus 221 -$7,413 S7.183 -$13.433.51,174.12 plus 24% -$7.183 $14713 -$27.213 . $2.346.20 plus 24 -$14.713 $13,430 -516,975 $2,674.12 plus 32% -513433 $27.213 -$34.290 55.346.20 plus -$21.213 $16,975 -$41,975 $3,807 50 plus 35% -$16.975 $34.296 -$50,863 $7.01482 plus 30% -34,296 $41,975 $12.557.56 plus 37% --$41,975 SS53 3.448-27 pus 37% - $50.963 3