lesson 3.docx - Saved to this PC. References Mailings Review View Help - A 21 O-A AalbCcDc Aabbccc AaBbct AaBbc AaB 1 Normal No Spac.. Heading 1 Heading 2 Head Paragraph Styles 5 3) Navigate to the Root a) What Command(s) did you use? 4) Navigate to the Windows Directory on C: a) What Command(s) did you use? b) Do a "DIR" on the Windows Directory i) How many Directories in that Directory 1) How many Files are in that Directory? c) Do a HELP on DIR d) Do a DIR on the Windows Directory, using the bare format. a) What Command[s] did you use? e) Do a DIR on the Windows Directory, displaying the owners of the files, a) What Command(s) did you use? f) Do a DIR on the Windows Directory Listing the files in Alpha order. a) What Command[s] did you use? g) Do a DIR on the Windows Directory, using the wide list format. a) What Command[s] did you use? h) Do a DIR.exe on the Windows Directory. What happened? a) How many files h How many Directorios? 1 Mundo Lesson 3.docx - Saved to this PC. Allegra La Design out References Mailings Review View Help Foni 12- A A A - ! Aalbo ABCD AaBb AaBbcc Aa Bbcd * A-D-A-EES Normal No Space Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 4 Paragraph LORD Step 2 - On the Flash Drive 1) Navigate to the Flash Drive. Make sure you are not on the hard drive 1) What Command(s) did you type at the prompt? 2) Make sure you are at the Root of the Flash Drive 3) Command Review 1) Command to make a Directory 1) Command[s] to Change Directories ) Command to remove a Directory 4) Make the Directory structure, below the root of your flash Drive COTA Auto Bike DIR-Ust of Directories Tree - Visual of Directory Structure CD Change Directory MD - Make Directory RD - Remove Directory Cd. Takes you up one level Cd). Go to root directory Up Arrow-Recalls last command Need Help? Command / or HES command Transportation Lyft Scooter 5) Navigate to the Root of your flash drive and do a TREE on the Transport Directory it should look similar to the image shown. 61 Do a screenshot of vour active hop