life and stress concepts were assessed via short scales (Cronbach's alpha=.?5 and .853 respectively]. Scores were calculated by summing up the responses to the individual items on each of the scales. Start by examining the data and the coding of the data [variable names and values of variables]. Assignment 1} Develop a table summarizing the characteristics of the sample using the variables provided. ' Title your table appropriately. Determine the level of measurement for each variable to determine the correct summary statistics to use. Gd practice is to reclassify any variable that has very small sub groups An example table is presented below [also see video for help]. Most commonly, the analyst creates a table shell in 1Word and then runs procedures to populate the table. For example if using Excel, for frequencies of gender, you could sort your data by gender and then use the CDUNT function to determine how many females and how many males are in the dataset. If using lntellectus Statistica find descriptive statistics under the analysis tab. The table must be in EPA. format although it CAN BE single spaced. 2] lCreate pig figures {chart-"graphj: One of the gures must be a box and whisker plot that illustrates the distribution of one of the variables by gender {male vs female}. The other type of figure is your choice, using any of the variables. Think of a graphic that you might use in a presentation to illustrate something about your sample. Follow APE-t format to label your gures appropriately. 3] Then once you have your table and figures made, pull it all together. Prepare your submission which summarizes what you did in just one or two paragraphs putting the table and gures after the text. Begin your brief summary by l) describing the context and dataset you are using, noting the sample size and missing data; 2] Then, describe the ndings illustrated in the table and figures referring to them properly. You do not need to cite every value in the table but highlight the general characteristitm {e.g., the majority were female, mean age 35 years, etc]; 3} Then display the table and figures. Suggestion: Look at a research report where a Table 1 is used to describe the characteristics for an example and what they write in the text. Although APA format is double spaced, the assignment can be single spaced. r'tim for no more than 2-3 pages in length for this assignment