line Question 7 (1 point each, 5 points total) Base on the pseudocode below, answer the following questions, code 1 int myint = 0; 2 String myString = "About Time"; 3 MadeObject myMadeObject = new MadeObject; 4 boolean myBoolean myobject.theMethodmyint, myString, myMadeObject): 5 public boolean the Method(int theint, String the string. MadeObject the MadeObject) theint = 1: MadeObject another MadeObject = new MadeObject; another MadeObject.publicBooleanVariable = true; theMadeObject.publicBooleanVariable = true return anotherMadeObject == the MadeObject://these object have all the same values } After all the above code executes: myint has a value of despite/because of look at line 7 myMadeObject publicBooleanVariable has a value of because of line myBoolean has a value of because the return line compares Question 3 (1 point each, 4 points total) For each of the following write Private or Public: Instance variables should usually be Helper methods should usually be Methods accessible from other classes must be In Eclipse when you type the name of an object followed by a dot the _variables & methods pop up Question 9 (4 points each, 12 points total) Write the method heading for each of the following: A public method that does not take any arguments but gets the balance and returns a double: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Public method that take in a double and changes the variable "balance' to this new double but does not return anything A helper method that checks to see if the user is cleared to continue. It is only accessed from other methods in the same class. It takes in a String called password, and a int call timestamp. It returns true or false. Question 10 (1 point each, 4 points total) For each of the following write 'l for lowercase or "U" forUppercase: The first letter of class names should be The first letter of method names should be The first letter of primitive variables should be The first letter of class variables should be Question 11 (3 points each, 9 points total) Write the java code for each of the following: The heading for a public class named Car: Create a new Car object named myCar: Access the acceleratey method, which takes an int, of the object myCar and send it a value of 10