List vendors by name, first name & state from whom we bought a line item that costs less than $100. Use one subquery and one join to build your overall query. Hint: There are at least two ways you can write this query. In one of them, the JOIN will be inside the subquery: in the other, the JOIN will be outside of the subquery. You do not need any aggregation/summary for this query. ap Tables general ledger_ac... invoice_archive invoice_line_items invoices terms vendor_contacts > 5 vendors AL HAL RAL vendor_jd vendor name vendor_address1 vendor_address2 vendor_clty vendor state vendor zip code vendor phone vendore Register of Copyrights Lrary of Congress Washington 20550 Una 4 Sobre 10 Westwood Blvd Sto 260 ML Los Angeles CA 30025 (0) 565-8725 B Newbrigo Book Clubs 5000 Cinder Drive Washington 1072 (BO) 665-2000 Mario California Chamber of Commerce 3255 Ramosci FRAK Sacramento 27 0910 666 6670 MUO 7 Towne Advertiser's Maling Sves Kevin Minder 341W Macarthur Bad Santa Ana s700 Mangan 18 BFI Industries PO Box 9380 Freano 2372 15601506-1861 kalih 19 Pacific Gas & Electric Box 62001 Ban Franciaco CA 94152 (800) 555-6061 Anthon 10 Robbins Mobile Lock And Key 4600 N Frano BRAL Fromno CA 83724 69655-6375 Leigh HO 160703 (569) 665-8105 Hostery 832333333 MAA AL SELECT * FROM ap.vendor contacts I 1s 100% Result Ord har Search SEE Expert Rewal and same free 107 Orancangan TA a IN Di M 601 23 Q Filter objects 1. SELECT * FROM ap.invoice_line_items; ap > Tables generaJedger_ac- invoice_archive Involce Jine_items > Invoices terms vendor contacts vendors Views Stored Procedures Functions 100% Tables Views Stored Procedures Functions om sys Resul orld Filter Rowe Q Search Edit: BE Export/import & Invelor Jd Invloe_sequence consumberintomamount inetom descript.. 15 SSS High 1933 144.70 mer 555 15.50 FOR 2275 Fright 17 17210 right 0.00 La grande dom 110 FRONT 111 TRO mlerine Obendo Session 10 SELECT * FROM ap. Invoice_line_items; a Fiter objects ap Tables > generalJedger_ac... > Invoice archive invoiceline Jtems >Invoices > ters > vendor_contacts > vendors Views Stored Procedures Functions 100% > Tables Views Stored Procedures Functions > om sys Result Orld > Filter Rows: Search Edit: BE Export/import moc nequenca Cumberlinemamunt lineamdeserto ES 15 TOR 144.70 Timor ITE ON 1565 25 FOON 555 17.30 LOROVO 400 TOTS | Cow 1 12.30 FOR hinde Session 1. SELECT FROM ap.invoices: ap Tables general Jedger_Ac- Invoice_archive Invoice Jine_terns invoices > terms > vendor_contacts > vendors Views Stored Procedures Functions ex > Tables Views Stored Procedures Functions om sy 100% Rotorld Filter Rows: Q Search Invece donde number wel date note total payment total creditotal de date mandate 13 WS24 12011104-13 20160513 114500 2606 2016-64-100 140 6760 12010 501 16.36 od 2014 1406-7 123 12016-1 12275 000 301805-18 2014-05-31 13 1000026 17270 100 10141 M 101663.60 WOO TOO 016-05-04 TOT 0714 TRON 0.66 5 101N 110 EFT 2016-05-21 125 10.00 11 TEST EVE IST TOTT TTT a Filter objects SELECT * FROM ap.terms; > ap Tables generalJedger_ac.. > Invoice_archive invoiceine_items Invoices terms > vendor_contacts > vendors Views Stored Procedures Functions 100% 11 Tables Result Orld I Filter Rows: Q Search Edit: Export/import Views Stored Procedures Functions arms terme descriptl. armadur days 13 Na de 30 day50 Not Today 15 Na do de DO RAL MAA om sys Gia Session a Filter Objects ap 10 SELECT FROM ap.vendor_contacts: Tables generalJedger_ac.. Involce_archive Invoice JineJtems > Invoices terms vendor_contacts vendors Views Stored Procedures Functions 100% 13 Tables Result Orld Filter Rows: Q Search Edit: AEE Export/import Views Stored Procedures Functions vendor Jd last name intrame 117 Oradangau Ant Apron 20 Brades Danny LIDO 101 10 Suvan Gorino 1112 BUT Chari MAR MAR > om sys SELECT * FROM ap. vendors P Tables generaUedge. Invoice archive Invoice Jinetams >woices Terms vendor_contacts endors Views Shred Procedures Functions Store Procedures Purons e rrow warm Thay GUE wand ULOG wand dosyalardan berkenaar TA NU A LA Law MA TA LA TE Nowy TA La HIM MI FAN