Literature Review Guidelines This assignment is designed for you to present a summary of what has been communicated about a particular controversial topic within the sport industry (i.e. Gender Bias, NIL, Racial Issues, Title IX, Salary Caps, Pay to Play, etc.). You are to determine the central issue you are focusing your efforts toward and its relevance to the sport community. My topic is Racial Issues in Sports. Paper Requirements: Minimum 6 pages, 12pt font maximum size, Double spaced, APA Format. Source Requirements: Please use ALL of the following sources below: Allison, R., Knoester, C., & Ridpath, B. D. (2021). Public Opinions About Paying College Athletes and Athletes Protesting During the National Anthem: A Focus on Race/Ethnicity and Political Identities. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 1-23. Brown, T. N., Jackson, J. S., Brown, K. T., Sellers, R. M., Keiper, S., & Manuel, W. J. (2003). "There's No Race On The Playing Field" Perceptions of Racial Discrimination Among White and Black Athletes. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 27(2), 162-183. Goldsmith, P. A. (2003). Race relations and racial patterns in school sports participation. Sociology of Sport Journal, 20(2), 147-171. Groothuis, P. A., & Hill, J. R. (2013). Pay discrimination, exit discrimination or both? Another look at an old issue using NBA data. Journal of Sports Economics, 14(2), 171-185 Intravia, J., Piquero, A. R., & Piquero, N. L. (2018). The racial divide surrounding United States of America national anthem protests in the National Football League. Deviant Behavior, 39(8), 1058-1068 Kahn, L. M. (1991). Discrimination in professional sports: A survey of the literature. ILR Review, 44(3), 395-418. Kanazawa, M. T., & Funk, J. P. (2001). Racial discrimination in professional basketball: Evidence from Nielsen ratings. Economic Inquiry, 39(4), 599-608. Martin, L. L. (2018). The politics of sports and protest: Colin Kaepernick and the practice of leadership. Martin, S., & McHendry Jr, G. F. (2016). Kaepernick's Stand: Patriotism, Protest, and Professional Sports. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 6. Price, J., & Wolfers, J. (2010). Racial discrimination among NBA referees. The Quarterly journal of economics, 125(4), 1859-1887. Sorek, T., & White, R. G. (2016). American football and national pride: Racial differences. Social science research, 58(4), 266-278. Suggested Format -Introduction o Discuss the overall topic that you have been researching and why it is important to the sport community o Illustrate many of the general themes, trends and nuances regarding your topic o Determine a central focus and why this is significant - Theme o Sub-Theme #1 (i.e. Commonalities) . 3 Sources Similarities and Differences o Sub-Theme #2 (i.e. Differences) - 3 Sources . Similarities and Differences o Sub-Theme #3 (Nuances) . 3 Sources . Similarities and Differences Conclusion o Strengths & Weaknesses o What is Missing? o Implications for future research