Lou and Joan Girardt are marrled and file a ont return They recently bought a new home on 21680 5kyline Drive, Hondderson, NV 89077 Thor son, Start, atonds the Univensity of Penecyvanka full tme on a full scholanship. Shurt ts clatmed aa a dkpendort on the Grarchs, tax return Thor SgE Lou, 412345670; Jorn 412 34 blit and gurt 4234 672 mer tati dites areik w Lou, May ??, 1964, Joan. De enter 24nRA and Saart, May eal Thor relevant tax informaon lloc firm are as follows Hages (box 1)-$114,99.5e Federal MH (box 2)-$ 15,099.14 Secial security wages (box 3)-$114,999.5 Social security MH (hox 4) $ 7,117.63 Hodicare M/M (box 6)-5 1,664.61 Schedule K-1 fron the law offices of Joann Girard irards-Attorney at Lau TD 12-3456789 Material participation-yes Line 1 -$22,58200 (ordinary business income) Line ? $22.58200 6 179 deduction Lou is a full-time lecturer at Artzona State University. His W-2 Information from ASU is as follows Hages (boN 1)-563,809.8 Federal W/H (box 2)-$ 9.950.25 Social security ages (box 3)-565,e90.00 Social security W/H (box 4)- 4,83e.ee Medicare wages (box 5)565,ese.ee Nedlcare W/H (box 6)-394258 The following are other income and expenses they receved and incurred during the year Dividend (qualifled) Interest $ 666 765 Expenses Real estate taxes State sales tax Hortgage Interest Charitable contribut ion 7,836 1,629 2,562 2,598 Prev 1 or here to search Lou and Joan Girardt are marrled and file a ont return They recently bought a new home on 21680 5kyline Drive, Hondderson, NV 89077 Thor son, Start, atonds the Univensity of Penecyvanka full tme on a full scholanship. Shurt ts clatmed aa a dkpendort on the Grarchs, tax return Thor SgE Lou, 412345670; Jorn 412 34 blit and gurt 4234 672 mer tati dites areik w Lou, May ??, 1964, Joan. De enter 24nRA and Saart, May eal Thor relevant tax informaon lloc firm are as follows Hages (box 1)-$114,99.5e Federal MH (box 2)-$ 15,099.14 Secial security wages (box 3)-$114,999.5 Social security MH (hox 4) $ 7,117.63 Hodicare M/M (box 6)-5 1,664.61 Schedule K-1 fron the law offices of Joann Girard irards-Attorney at Lau TD 12-3456789 Material participation-yes Line 1 -$22,58200 (ordinary business income) Line ? $22.58200 6 179 deduction Lou is a full-time lecturer at Artzona State University. His W-2 Information from ASU is as follows Hages (boN 1)-563,809.8 Federal W/H (box 2)-$ 9.950.25 Social security ages (box 3)-565,e90.00 Social security W/H (box 4)- 4,83e.ee Medicare wages (box 5)565,ese.ee Nedlcare W/H (box 6)-394258 The following are other income and expenses they receved and incurred during the year Dividend (qualifled) Interest $ 666 765 Expenses Real estate taxes State sales tax Hortgage Interest Charitable contribut ion 7,836 1,629 2,562 2,598 Prev 1 or here to search