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Machine Learning - doing neural networks This is all to be written in Python Introduction In Part 1 of this assignment you will implement a

Machine Learning - doing neural networks

This is all to be written in Python

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Introduction In Part 1 of this assignment you will implement a basic neural net in numpy. You are not to use any libraries such as sklearn or keras, although you are always welcome to check if there is a certain library that you think would make sense for you to use! [20pts Total] Part 1: A Feedforward Neural Network As discussed in lab, we will follow some of the examples shown in PlayGround. a) (3pts) Create the data set. Choose from the following two options (for now) three options: [1pt] Option 1: Create and visualize a two-class data set consisting of two Gaussians, similarly scaled as the ones in the bottom left data set in playground [2pts] Option 2 : Create and visualize both: (i) a two-class data set as in Option 1, as well as (ii) a two class data set of concentric circles, as in the upper left data set in playground. [3pts] Option 3 [new] : Create and visualize both Gaussian clusters and concentric circles, but this time New. allow the user to specify how many different clusters/circles the distribution includes. For example, if (numCia33e3==3) then that will generate three Gaussians, or three concentric circles, corresponding to three distinct classes. The sample function below has been modified accordingly, with a default value, so that if you are only able to handle two classes, it will still be called the same way. [3pts] Option 3 [new] : Create and visualize both Gaussian clusters and concentric circles, but this time New. allow the user to specify how many different clusters/circles the distribution includes. For example, if (numCla33e3==3) then that will generate three Gaussians, or three concentric circles, corresponding to three distinct classes. The sample function below has been modified accordingly, with a default value, so that if you are only able to handle two classes, it will still be called the same way. Note that your data sets must be randomly generated, so that running the code multiple times with different seeds will give different (but similar looking) results each time. Also note the args have couple small differences from before. Your data generation should be run with the function: X = generateData( numExamples, distributionShape, numclasses = 2, numOutputs=1) # X is just the name of the matrix containing the generated dataset #nurrExamples is the number of examples in the dataset, with each row corresponding to one example # distributionShape can either be 'g' (gaussian) or 'a' (circles) # it numclasses==2 then numOutputs can be 1, assuming a sigmoid unit, or 2, corresponding to softmax. # Otherwise, numOutputs must be the same as numclasses. b) [1pt] Add noise [new] : Add an option that allows you to add label noise with a given probability c) [7pts] Train a small feedforward neural network [new] : Starting with the example done in lab, you will continue to implement a small feedforward network in numpy. At this stage, you will write two functions: train( X, numInput, numHiddenUnits, numOutput, activationType, numiter) // X is the data matrix, one example per row // numInput is the number of columns of input in X // nuolutput is the number of columns of output in X // activation Type is either 'linear' or sigmoid' or 'relu'; // it specifies only the activation Function of the single hidden layer // numitex is the number of iterations for which your training algorithm should run. //// Return: 11 The function should return (wi, 62), a 2-tuple of weight matrices for the // input-to-hidden and hidden-to-output layers, similarly to the sample code // done in lab. If num Output == 1, then the output unit is a sigmoid (no matter what activation function the hidden units have). It numoutput > 1, then the output units should be a softmax layer. Your second function should take as input a data matrix (which might contain test data), as well as the trained weights, and the same set of architecture parameters (i.e. numinput, numHiddenUnits, num Output, activation Type) and also a data matrix, and a verbosity parameter, and it should output the results of the trained weights applied to the given data. predict( X, w1, W2, numInput, nunHiddenunits, numOutput, activationType, verbosity // X, WI, W2, numInput, numHiddenUnits, numOutput, activationType are all as before. /// Detur. // This function returns a matrix containing with the same number of rows // as X, and with a total of (numOutput+1) colums: // the first numOutput colums contain the predicted values for the given input X. // The last column contains the cross-entropy error for that prediction, given the // correct answer as defined in X. // correct answer as defined in X. // This part should work for an arbitrary number of input units, an arbitrary number of hidden units (keeping just a single layer), and for the three activation functions (linear, sigmoid, reLU). Later parts of this question will ask you to write this in an object-oriented format and add additional features. For Saturday, you are simply asked to write this for an arbitrary number of input units, an arbitrary number of hidden units (keeping just a single layer), and for three activation functions (linear, sigmoid, reLU). You should try to allow for multiple output units, but they do not need to function well: there are some numerical precision issues that you might be unable to solve on your own at this point. d) [5pts] Refactor [new] : Refactor your existing code into a cleaner object-oriented form. For now, you can assume the default values as shown in the listing below. That is, you need create a class for a model that has a single sigmoid output, with two hidden layers in addition to the input), with each hidden layer having two ReLU units. class Model: def __init__(self, num Inputs=2, numOutputs=1, layerSize=2, numHidden Layers-2, activation Type ='R'); // numInputs: number of inputs to the net // pumupute number of output units in the output // layerSize: the number of units in each hidden layer // activation Type: either 'I' (linear), 'S' (sigmoid), 'R' (reLU) // This is the activation type of all hidden layers. // Note that the output should automatically be a softmax layer if // numoutputs is greater than 1, and a sigmoid otherwise. // (So the default output is a single sigmoid unit). self. num Inputs = nurInputs selnumQupusa = pumuputa self.layer Size = layerSize self.numHidden Layers = numHiddenLayers self activation Type = activation Type Create a function setWeights value ) that allows us to set all the weights to a constant value (for debugging). You should also have a function initheights (mean, stdev) that initializes all the weights to be randomly chosen with the provided mean and standard deviation. We should be able to call your model as follows: X = generateData 100, 'g', 2, 1) # use 2 gaussians to generate # 100 data points, with a single target value (0 or np.random. shuffle (X) # make sure the examples are shuffled X_train = X[:90] # create a 90/10 train/test split X_test - XC90:1 net - Model() net.setInput (X_train) net.setTest (X_test) net.initWeights (0.0, 0.01) # initialize weights with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01 trainError = net.train (100, 0.1) #train for 100 iterations with a step size of 0.1, this should return 100x2 array containing the training and test error at each of the 100 iterations testError = net.test() # return the error on the test set Y = net.predict (X1) assuming Xi is a valid input matrix, return the array of predictions for Xi testError = net.test() # return the error on the test set Y = net.predict (X1) assuming Xi is a valid input matrix, return the array of predictions for Xi For this part, you only need to have it work for the given default values e) [1pt] [new] : Allow a variable number of hidden units. E.g. net = Model (2,1,5,2,'R') #same as above but with 5 hidden units per layer f) [1pt] [new] : Allow the various possible activation types. E.g. net = Model (2,1,2,2,'S') #same as above but with sigmoid hidden units g) [1pt] [new] : Allow multiple output units, using softmax and a cross-entropy error. net = Model (2,3,2,2,'S') #3 softmax output units h) (1pt] [new] : Allow multiple hidden layers. net = Model (2,1,2,5,'R') #5 hidden layers In this assignment, your code will primarily be marked by running it. It is possible that the marker will look at the code itself, but not guaranteed. The marking will be done based on whether the test scripts run properly and give correct answers. We may provide some additional informal suggestions over the next couple of days, but this document should provide sufficient specification in its current form for completing the assignment Introduction In Part 1 of this assignment you will implement a basic neural net in numpy. You are not to use any libraries such as sklearn or keras, although you are always welcome to check if there is a certain library that you think would make sense for you to use! [20pts Total] Part 1: A Feedforward Neural Network As discussed in lab, we will follow some of the examples shown in PlayGround. a) (3pts) Create the data set. Choose from the following two options (for now) three options: [1pt] Option 1: Create and visualize a two-class data set consisting of two Gaussians, similarly scaled as the ones in the bottom left data set in playground [2pts] Option 2 : Create and visualize both: (i) a two-class data set as in Option 1, as well as (ii) a two class data set of concentric circles, as in the upper left data set in playground. [3pts] Option 3 [new] : Create and visualize both Gaussian clusters and concentric circles, but this time New. allow the user to specify how many different clusters/circles the distribution includes. For example, if (numCia33e3==3) then that will generate three Gaussians, or three concentric circles, corresponding to three distinct classes. The sample function below has been modified accordingly, with a default value, so that if you are only able to handle two classes, it will still be called the same way. [3pts] Option 3 [new] : Create and visualize both Gaussian clusters and concentric circles, but this time New. allow the user to specify how many different clusters/circles the distribution includes. For example, if (numCla33e3==3) then that will generate three Gaussians, or three concentric circles, corresponding to three distinct classes. The sample function below has been modified accordingly, with a default value, so that if you are only able to handle two classes, it will still be called the same way. Note that your data sets must be randomly generated, so that running the code multiple times with different seeds will give different (but similar looking) results each time. Also note the args have couple small differences from before. Your data generation should be run with the function: X = generateData( numExamples, distributionShape, numclasses = 2, numOutputs=1) # X is just the name of the matrix containing the generated dataset #nurrExamples is the number of examples in the dataset, with each row corresponding to one example # distributionShape can either be 'g' (gaussian) or 'a' (circles) # it numclasses==2 then numOutputs can be 1, assuming a sigmoid unit, or 2, corresponding to softmax. # Otherwise, numOutputs must be the same as numclasses. b) [1pt] Add noise [new] : Add an option that allows you to add label noise with a given probability c) [7pts] Train a small feedforward neural network [new] : Starting with the example done in lab, you will continue to implement a small feedforward network in numpy. At this stage, you will write two functions: train( X, numInput, numHiddenUnits, numOutput, activationType, numiter) // X is the data matrix, one example per row // numInput is the number of columns of input in X // nuolutput is the number of columns of output in X // activation Type is either 'linear' or sigmoid' or 'relu'; // it specifies only the activation Function of the single hidden layer // numitex is the number of iterations for which your training algorithm should run. //// Return: 11 The function should return (wi, 62), a 2-tuple of weight matrices for the // input-to-hidden and hidden-to-output layers, similarly to the sample code // done in lab. If num Output == 1, then the output unit is a sigmoid (no matter what activation function the hidden units have). It numoutput > 1, then the output units should be a softmax layer. Your second function should take as input a data matrix (which might contain test data), as well as the trained weights, and the same set of architecture parameters (i.e. numinput, numHiddenUnits, num Output, activation Type) and also a data matrix, and a verbosity parameter, and it should output the results of the trained weights applied to the given data. predict( X, w1, W2, numInput, nunHiddenunits, numOutput, activationType, verbosity // X, WI, W2, numInput, numHiddenUnits, numOutput, activationType are all as before. /// Detur. // This function returns a matrix containing with the same number of rows // as X, and with a total of (numOutput+1) colums: // the first numOutput colums contain the predicted values for the given input X. // The last column contains the cross-entropy error for that prediction, given the // correct answer as defined in X. // correct answer as defined in X. // This part should work for an arbitrary number of input units, an arbitrary number of hidden units (keeping just a single layer), and for the three activation functions (linear, sigmoid, reLU). Later parts of this question will ask you to write this in an object-oriented format and add additional features. For Saturday, you are simply asked to write this for an arbitrary number of input units, an arbitrary number of hidden units (keeping just a single layer), and for three activation functions (linear, sigmoid, reLU). You should try to allow for multiple output units, but they do not need to function well: there are some numerical precision issues that you might be unable to solve on your own at this point. d) [5pts] Refactor [new] : Refactor your existing code into a cleaner object-oriented form. For now, you can assume the default values as shown in the listing below. That is, you need create a class for a model that has a single sigmoid output, with two hidden layers in addition to the input), with each hidden layer having two ReLU units. class Model: def __init__(self, num Inputs=2, numOutputs=1, layerSize=2, numHidden Layers-2, activation Type ='R'); // numInputs: number of inputs to the net // pumupute number of output units in the output // layerSize: the number of units in each hidden layer // activation Type: either 'I' (linear), 'S' (sigmoid), 'R' (reLU) // This is the activation type of all hidden layers. // Note that the output should automatically be a softmax layer if // numoutputs is greater than 1, and a sigmoid otherwise. // (So the default output is a single sigmoid unit). self. num Inputs = nurInputs selnumQupusa = pumuputa self.layer Size = layerSize self.numHidden Layers = numHiddenLayers self activation Type = activation Type Create a function setWeights value ) that allows us to set all the weights to a constant value (for debugging). You should also have a function initheights (mean, stdev) that initializes all the weights to be randomly chosen with the provided mean and standard deviation. We should be able to call your model as follows: X = generateData 100, 'g', 2, 1) # use 2 gaussians to generate # 100 data points, with a single target value (0 or np.random. shuffle (X) # make sure the examples are shuffled X_train = X[:90] # create a 90/10 train/test split X_test - XC90:1 net - Model() net.setInput (X_train) net.setTest (X_test) net.initWeights (0.0, 0.01) # initialize weights with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01 trainError = net.train (100, 0.1) #train for 100 iterations with a step size of 0.1, this should return 100x2 array containing the training and test error at each of the 100 iterations testError = net.test() # return the error on the test set Y = net.predict (X1) assuming Xi is a valid input matrix, return the array of predictions for Xi testError = net.test() # return the error on the test set Y = net.predict (X1) assuming Xi is a valid input matrix, return the array of predictions for Xi For this part, you only need to have it work for the given default values e) [1pt] [new] : Allow a variable number of hidden units. E.g. net = Model (2,1,5,2,'R') #same as above but with 5 hidden units per layer f) [1pt] [new] : Allow the various possible activation types. E.g. net = Model (2,1,2,2,'S') #same as above but with sigmoid hidden units g) [1pt] [new] : Allow multiple output units, using softmax and a cross-entropy error. net = Model (2,3,2,2,'S') #3 softmax output units h) (1pt] [new] : Allow multiple hidden layers. net = Model (2,1,2,5,'R') #5 hidden layers In this assignment, your code will primarily be marked by running it. It is possible that the marker will look at the code itself, but not guaranteed. The marking will be done based on whether the test scripts run properly and give correct answers. We may provide some additional informal suggestions over the next couple of days, but this document should provide sufficient specification in its current form for completing the assignment

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