Make a bar graph of the 5 bins
The data are stored in the planets.mat file. %% run this code and check out the workspace to see what gets toaue osHere is the information you need: enames pl a cell array storing the names of each planet 31 %rad-an array of doubles storing the radius of each planet in miles 41%orb-an array of each planet's orbit in days %temp- an array of each planet's equlibrium temperature in Kelvin 51%dist-an array of the distance from each planet to its sun in 71%units of Solar Radius 91 rad-earth-3959; %miles elrad_superearth-2*rad-earth; %miles 11 rad-neptune-15299; %miles 21 rad-jupiter= 43441; %miles 23 24 25 26 Part 1- Bin planets by size 28 bin zeros (1, 5); %init ia liing the arrays of bins 91%(1)the first index should, hold number of planets with 0|%a radius less than or equal to the earth's radius 31%(2) the second index should hold the number of planets 32 owith a radius greater than earth's radius and less 33%than or equal to super earth's radius 34%(3) (4) (5)etc. 35%TO D0: Fill this in The data are stored in the planets.mat file. %% run this code and check out the workspace to see what gets toaue osHere is the information you need: enames pl a cell array storing the names of each planet 31 %rad-an array of doubles storing the radius of each planet in miles 41%orb-an array of each planet's orbit in days %temp- an array of each planet's equlibrium temperature in Kelvin 51%dist-an array of the distance from each planet to its sun in 71%units of Solar Radius 91 rad-earth-3959; %miles elrad_superearth-2*rad-earth; %miles 11 rad-neptune-15299; %miles 21 rad-jupiter= 43441; %miles 23 24 25 26 Part 1- Bin planets by size 28 bin zeros (1, 5); %init ia liing the arrays of bins 91%(1)the first index should, hold number of planets with 0|%a radius less than or equal to the earth's radius 31%(2) the second index should hold the number of planets 32 owith a radius greater than earth's radius and less 33%than or equal to super earth's radius 34%(3) (4) (5)etc. 35%TO D0: Fill this in