Maria Mendez is division controler and James Dalton is division manager of the Hestor Shoe Company Mendez has line responsiblity to Dalton, but she also has staff responsibility to the company controller. Dalton is under severe pressure to achieve the budgeted division income for the year. He has asked Mendez to book $200,000 of revenues on December 31. The customers' orders are fim, but the shoes are stil in the production process. They will be shipped on or around January 4. Dalton says to Mendez, "The key event is getting the sales order, not shipping the shoes. You should support me, not obstruct my reaching division goals Requirements 1. Describe Mendez's ethical responsibilities. 2. What should Mendez do if Dalton gives her a direct order to book the sales? OD. (1) Competence, (2) Confidentiality, and (Honesty. These standards are summarized in the CMA's "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants Using the standard, Mendez should cary out duties ethically and communicate unfavorable as well as favorable information and professional judgments or opinions demands that Mendez perform her professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards and provide decision support information that is accurater information fairtly and objectively and disclose deficiencies in intemal controls in conformance with organizational policy andlor applicable law requires that Mendez report Maria Mendez is division controller and James Daiton is division manager of the Hestor Shoe Company Mondez has line responsibility to Daton, but she also has staf responsibility to the company controler. Da under severe pressure to achieve the budgeted division income for the year. He has asked Mendez to book $200,000 of revenues on December 31. The customers' orders are firm, but the shoes are stl in the production process. They will be shipped on or apound January 4, Daiton says to Mendez, The key event is getting the sales order, not shipping the shoes. You should support me, not obstruct my reaching divisi goals. Requirements 1. Describe Mendez's ethical responsibilities 2. What should Mendez do if Dalton gives her a direct order to book the sales? A. (1) Competence, (2) Integrity, and (3) Credibility These standards are summarized in the IMA's "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants OB. (1) Honesty, (2) Integrity, and (3) Responsibility. These standards are summarized in the IMA's "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants O C. (1) Honesty, (2) Faimess, and (3) fntegrity These standards are summarized in the CMA's "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants O D. (1) Competence, (2) Confidentiality, and (3) Honesty. These standards are summarized in the CMA's "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Managoment Accountants Using the standard, Mendez should cary out duties othically and communicate unfavorable as well as favorable information and professional judgments or opinions demands that Mendez perform her professional dutios in accordance with relovant laws, regulations, and technical standards and provide decision support information that is accurate information faily and objoctively and disclose deficiencies in internal controls in conformance with organizational policy andlor applicable law. requires that Mendez report