Marketing Research
Cessna Aircraft Cessna Aircraft is one of the largest manufacturers of small, private-business airplanes in the United States. It is always looking for new market opportunities, which may involve culti- vating existing segments or developing and exploiting new ones. Recent research by Cessna revealed that although a very small percentage of the total adult population enrolls in pri- vate pilot-training programs, about half of the individuals who enter a training program complete it. And the number of people with pilot's licenses is increasing. Eventually, about one out of five people with a private pilot's license buys a private airplane. Thus, pilot train- ing is an important part of the total market for Cessna and its competitors. A small percentage of pilots are women. Similarly, a small percentage of the students in training programs are women; this figure has shown only a slight increase in recent years. Moreover, there are very few women instructors in pilot-training programs. A sub- stantial number of women have the necessary skills, time, and income to enroll in and complete the basic training program. Cessna is interested in learning why more women don't enter the program and how the program and/or promotional materials could ap- peal to and motivate more women to consider or inquire about such programs. There may be several specific market segments worthy of examination. These in- clude wives of pilots, businesswomen, women who have the income and desire to travel for pleasure, and young women who seek future employment as corporate aircraft pilots. Cessna realizes that the limiting factor may be low levels of interest or motivation and perhaps attitudes toward the desirability of women pilots. But opportunities for women are increasing in many different fields. Cessna therefore believes that a vital market may exist that is not being fully exploited. Questions 1. What is the management decision problem? 2. Define the marketing research problem(s). 3. Develop the marketing research objectives. 4. Explain how a marketing researcher should use the problem definition process to an- swer the above questions