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MAT 275 Laboratory 7 Laplace Transform and the Symbolic Math Toolbox In this laboratory session we will learn how to 1. Use the Symbolic Math

MAT 275 Laboratory 7 Laplace Transform and the Symbolic Math Toolbox In this laboratory session we will learn how to 1. Use the Symbolic Math Toolbox 2. Calculate the Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transform. The Symbolic Math Toolbox The Symbolic Math Toolbox allows MATLAB to perform symbolic calculations. We will start our overview of this Toolbox with two simple and useful tools that come with it. 1. A quick way to make plots: ezplot. Here is the simplest way to make simple plots. The command ezplot sin(t) makes a plot of the sin function on the default interval (2, 2). More elaborately you can also type ezplot('sin(t)'); The command ezplot('t^2/exp(t)',[-1,5]) plots the function t2 /et over the interval (1, 5). 2. A fun tool: funtool. Type funtool and you will be operating plotting calculator that does symbolic calculations. Use this when you need to do some quick checking about a function, its derivative, integral, inverse, etc. the 'help' key explains what the other keys do. Numeric vs Symbolic computations What is the dierence between numeric (plain MATLAB) and symbolic (the Symbolic Math Toolbox) computation? Let us say, you wanted to know the derivative of a function, t2 sin(3t1/4 ). The denition of derivative gives a crude way to numerically calculate the derivative of the function as f (f (x + h) f (x))/h) if h is small. The MATLAB commands below calculate this approximation of the derivative in the interval (0, 2), at a set of points spaced t = h = 0.1 apart. h = .1; t = 0:h:2*pi; f = t.^2.*sin(3*t.^(1/4)); fprime = diff(f)/h; plot(t(1:end-1), fprime) % % % % % % delta t for the difference the region of interest for t the function at all t values numerical approximation of derivative Note: diff(f) has 1 less element than f plot the derivative The derivative of the function is represented by the two lists of numbers t(1:end-1) and fprime. The derivative at t(7) is fprime(7). Compare this with the Symbolic Tool calculation of the derivative of the same function. Here is the command and response: >> symb_deriv=diff(sym('t^2*sin(3*t^(1/4))')) symb_deriv = 2*t*sin(3*t^(1/4)) + (3*t^(5/4)*cos(3*t^(1/4)))/4 The Symbolic Toolbox gives a formula for the derivative. If you are patient you can verify by hand that indeed ) d (2 4 4 t sin(3t1/4 ) = 2t sin(2 t) + (3/4)t5/4 cos(3 t). dt The command 1 ezplot(symb_deriv,[0,2*pi]) gives about the same curve as the previous calculation. If you type int(symb_deriv) you will see a very complicated and long expression. However, if you type simplify(int(symb_deriv)) you will get back t^2*sin(3*t^(1/4)) as expected by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Notice that diff is two dierent commands. One is the numerical command (dealing with the dierence between consecutive terms in a list) and one is the Symbolic Toolbox command (symbolically calculating the derivative). Which one of the commands MATLAB uses depends on whether you have typed something in the correct syntax for one or the other. Getting help with the Symbolic Toolbox If you know the name of the command you want help with, say diff, you can see helpful explanations in any of three ways: 1. type help diff at the command line. You will see a description of the numerical MATLAB command diff together with this helpful clue at the end: Overloaded methods: char/diff sym/diff fints/diff iddata/diff umat/diff \"Overloaded\" means the command diff has meaning outside of plain MATLAB. If you type help sym/diff, you will get help with the Symbolic Toolbox command also called diff 2. Type help sym/diff to get help on the symbolic command diff. 3. Type helpdesk at the MATLAB prompt. Then click on the Symbolic Math Toolbox and select Functions. You can then select Calculus and click on any one of the commands for more information. To see an organized list of the symbolic commands with a very short description you can do either of two things: 1. type help symbolic on the command line. One line in this list is, for example, diff - Differentiate 2. Click on the Help button at the top of the command window. Then click on Function Browser and select Symbolic Math Toolbox. Using the Symbolic Math Toolbox Lets see some other things the Symbolic Math Toolbox can do, besides diff, int, ezplot, simplify and funtool. Basic manipulations: Expand a polynomial, make it look nice, solve it, and check the solution. syms x a % tell matlab that x and a are symbols f = (x-1)*(x-a)*(x+pi)*(x+2)*(x+3) % define f pretty(f) % print f in a more readable form g = expand(f) % rewrite f, multiply everything out h = collect(g) % rewrite again by collecting terms soln = solve(h,x) % find all solutions of h = 0 check = subs(f,x,soln(5)) % check, say the fifth solution 2 Comments: The syms is used to declare symbolic variables. Since x is a symbol, f is automatically treated as a symbolic expression. solve is a powerful command that tries all kinds of things to nd a solution. Here solve manages to nd all ve roots of a fth order polynomial (something that cannot always be done, by the way). subs is an often used command if you do math online. Here every occurrence of x in the expression of f is replaced with the fth supposed solution. The result of this line of calculation is, predictably, 0. The subs command can be used with functions of more than one variable. For instance >> syms x a y >> subs(x*y^2,y,a) ans = a^2*x substitutes y = a into xy 2 to get xa2 (here x, y and a are symbolic variables). We can also substitute two things at once: subs(x*y^2,{x,y},{2,3}) evaluates xy 2 for x = 2 and y = 3. Laplace Transforms with MATLAB The Laplace transform of a function f can be obtained using the MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox. The following example shows how to obtain the Laplace transform of f (t) = sin(t): >> syms t >> laplace(sin(t)) ans = 1/(s^2 + 1) >> pretty(ans) 1 -----2 s + 1 To make the expression more readable, one can use the command simplify. Here is an example for the function f (t) = 1.25 + 3.5te2t + 1.25e2t >> syms t >> f=-1.25+3.5*t*exp(-2*t)+1.25*exp(-2*t); >> F=laplace(f) F = 5/(4*(s + 2)) + 7/(2*(s + 2)^2) - 5/(4*s) >> simplify(F) ans = (s - 5)/(s*(s + 2)^2) >> pretty(ans) s - 5 ---------2 s (s + 2) 3 Inverse Laplace Transform The command for the inverse laplace transform is ilaplace. Lets calculate the inverse laplace of the s5 previous function F (s) = . s(s + 2)2 >> syms s t >> F=(s-5)/(s*(s+2)^2); >> ilaplace(F) ans = 5/(4*exp(2*t)) + (7*t)/(2*exp(2*t)) - 5/4 >> pretty(ans) 5 7 t 5 ---------- + ---------- - 4 exp(2 t) 2 exp(2 t) 4 Partial Fractions in MATLAB The residue function converts a quotient of polynomials to pole-residue representation, and back again to polynomials. [r,p,k]=residue(B,A) nds the residues, poles and direct term of a partial fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials B(s)/A(s). The quotient of polynomials B(s) and A(s) is represented as B(s) r1 r2 rn = + + ... + + ks A(s) s p1 s p2 s pn where r = (r1 , r2 , . . . , rn )T is a column vector of residues, p = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn )T is a column vector of pole locations (the roots of the denominator), and k is a row vector of direct terms (if the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator, then k will be an empty vector). The residue command requires two input vectors: one holding the coecients of the numerator and one holding the coecients of the denominator. The coecients must be given in descending powers of s. Consider for instance the following function: Y (s) = 5s 1 s3 3s 2 To nd the partial fraction decomposition of Y (s) we must rst enter the polynomials at the numerator and at the denominator as vectors. The numerator, 5s 1, can be entered in MATLAB as B = [5,-1]; % coefficients of the numerator in decreasing order while the denominator is represented by the vector A = [1,0,-3,-2]; % coefficients of the denominator in decreasing order Note that the s2 term is missing, thus we need to enter a zero as the second entry of the vector. The residue command gives the following output: [r, p, k] = residue(B,A) r = 1.0000 -1.0000 2.0000 p = 4 2.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 k = Thus the partial fraction decomposition of Y (s) is 1 1 2 + + . s 2 s + 1 (s + 1)2 The last term in the partial fraction decomposition follows from the fact that the pole 1.0000 is repeated. Solving ODEs using the Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transform EXAMPLE A mass-spring system is modeled by the equation y + 4y = g(t), { where g(t) = 8t 40 y(0) = y (0) = 0 0t5 t>5 (a) Use MATLAB to nd the laplace transform of the forcing term g(t) and plot the forcing term. Note: The unit step function is denoted in MATLAb by heaviside. Answer: We have g(t) = 8t + u(t 5)(40 8t). We can plot g(t) and nd its Laplace transform using the following MATLAB commands. The graph of g(t) is shown in Fig. L7a. syms s t g = 8*t + heaviside(t-5)*(40-8*t); ezplot(g,[0,10]) G= laplace(g) G = 8/s^2 - 8/(s^2*exp(5*s)) Thus the Laplace of g(t) is G(s) = (1 e5s ) 8 . s2 8 t heaviside(t 5) (8 t 40) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 t Figure L7a: Graph of g(t) 5 10 (b) Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the Dierential Equation and substituting the Initial Conditions gives 8 Y (s) = (1 e5s ) 2 2 s (s + 4) where Y (s) is the Laplace transform of the solution y(t). Let F = 8 s2 (s2 + 4) (i) Use the residue command to nd the partial fraction decomposition of F and use this partial fraction decomposition to nd (by hand) the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s). 8 Answer: Note that F = 4 . s + 4s2 >> num=[8]; % coefficients of the numerator in decreasing order >> den=[1,0,4,0,0]; % coefficients of the denominator in decreasing order >> [r,p,k]=residue(num,den) r = 0 + 0.5000i 0 - 0.5000i 0 2.0000 p = 0 + 2.0000i 0 - 2.0000i 0 0 k = Thus 0.5i 0.5i 2 + s 2i s + 2i s2 and combining the complex terms we obtain F = F = 2 2 + . s2 + 4 s2 Using a Table of Laplace transforms, we nd that the inverse Laplace transform of F is f (t) = 2t sin(2t) and the inverse laplace of Y (s) is y(t) = f (t) u(t 5)f (t 5) (ii) Enter the function F = s2 (s8 +4) in MATLAB, and then enter diff(int(F)). What is the 2 output? Note that MATLAB computes the integral of rational functions by computing the partial fraction decomposition rst. Answer: >> F= 8/(s^2*(s^2+4)); >> diff(int(F)) ans = 2/s^2 - 2/(s^2*(4/s^2 + 1)) >> pretty(ans) 6 2 2 -- - ------------2 2 / 4 \\ s s | -- + 1 | | 2 | \\ s / Simplifying the second term of the answer gives 2 2 which is the partial fraction s2 4 + s2 decomposition found in part (i). (iii) Find the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) using the ilaplace command. Answer: >> Y = (1-exp(-5*s))*8/(s^2*(s^2+4)); >> y=ilaplace(Y) y = 2*t - sin(2*t) + 8*heaviside(t - 5)*(sin(2*t - 10)/8 - t/4 + 5/4) We can see that the solution found using ilaplace is the same as the one we found in part (i). (c) Write the solution y(t) you found in part (b) as a piecewise function. This solution is an oscillation around a slanted line for 0 t 5 and around a horizontal line for t > 5. Determine this slanted and horizontal lines and plot them together with the solution. Compare the graph of the solution to the graph of the forcing term from part (a). Does the graph makes sense in the mass-spring context? Answer: The solution y(t) can be written as a piecewise function as follows; { 2t sin(2t) 0t5 y(t) = 10 sin(2t) + sin(2(t 5)) t>5 Thus y(t) is an oscillation around the line y = 2t for 0 t 5 and around the line y = 10 for t > 5. We can combine the two lines in the single function h(t) = 2t + u(t 5)(10 2t). We will plot the solution y(t) in the default color for ezplot and the function h(t) with a dashed red line. The output is shown in Fig. L7b. p1 = ezplot(y,[0,10]); hold on h = 2*t + heaviside(t-5)*(10-2*t); p2 = ezplot(h,[0,10]); set(p2, 'Color','red','LineStyle','--') axis([0,10,0,12]) title('') legend('solution','lines y= 2t and y = 10',2) hold off It is much easier to generate overlay plots with dierent line styles using the plot command. The following commands produce the same picture as the commands above. t = 0:0.1:10; y = eval(vectorize(y)); % write a formula for y that works with arrays and % evaluate it h = 2.*t + heaviside(t-5).*(10-2*t); % write a formula for h that works with arrays plot(t,y,'b-',t,h,'r--') legend('solution','lines y= 2t and y = 10',2) 7 Note the vectorize and eval commands. The vectorize command takes a formula that is good for scalars and puts dots in the right places. The eval command takes text that looks like MATLAB command and executes the command. 12 solution lines y = 2t and y = 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Figure L7b: Graph of the solution to y + 4y = g(t), y(0) = y (0) = 0 Comparing Figs L7a and L7b from parts (a) and (c), we can see that the graph of the solution makes perfect sense in the mass spring context. The linearly increasing forcing term for the rst 5 seconds causes the equilibrium to shift linearly. Once the forcing term stabilizes into a constant value so does the equilibrium and, since the system is undamped, the mass keeps oscillating around the new equilibrium with constant amplitude. EXERCISES Instructions: For your lab write-up follow the instructions of LAB 1. Important! Before you start working on the exercises, enter clear all to clear all the variables from memory. 1. Consider the transfer function Y (s) = 4s2 + 4s + 4 s2 (s2 + 3s + 2) (a) Use the MATLAB function residue to nd the residues and poles of Y (s). Use the output to nd the partial fraction decomposition of Y (s). (b) (i) Use the Table of Laplace transforms and your answer to (a) to nd the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s). (ii) Enter the function Y in MATLAB and conrm your result from part (i) with the ilaplace command (do not forget to declare s as a symbolic variable). 2. Consider the IVP y + 2y + 5y = u(t 2) u(t 6), y(0) = y (0) = 0. (a) Plot the forcing term u(t 2) u(t 6) in the interval 0 t 15. You can use ezplot or plot. (b) Applying the Laplace Transform to both sides of the Dierential Equation and substituting the Initial Conditions yields Y (s) = (e2s e6s ) 1 s(s2 + 2s + 5) where Y (s) is the Laplace transform of the solution y(t). Find the inverse Laplace of Y (s) using the ilaplace command. 8 (c) Plot the graph of the solution y(t) from part (b) for 0 t 15, and compare with the graph of the forcing term from part (a). Does the graph make sense in the mass-spring context? Make sure you comment on both the short term and long term behaviors of the solution 3. A mass m = 1 is attached to a spring with constant k = 5 and damping constant c = 4. The mass is initially in equilibrium position and it is released with an initial velocity of 2 units. At the instant t = the mass is struck with a hammer and at t = 2 it is struck again. The motion of the mass satises the following IVP: y + 4y + 5y = (t ) + (t 2); y(0) = 0, y (0) = 2. The delta (dirac) function is entered in MATLAB with the command dirac. (a) Use MATLAB to nd the Laplace transform of the right hand side. (b) Apply (by hand) the Laplace transform to both sides of the equation and determine Y (s), the Laplace transform of the solution y(t). Use ilaplace to nd the inverse Laplace of Y (s). (c) Plot the solution y(t) in the interval 0 t 12, and comment on the graph in the mass-spring context and in relation to the forcing term. 4. Consider a mass spring system with m = k = 1 and x(0) = x (0) = 0. At each of the instants t = 0, , 2, 3, . . . , n, .., the mass is struck a hammer blow with a unit impulse. Thus the position function of the mass satises the IVP x + x = (t n), x(0) = x (0) = 0. n=0 Applying the Laplace Transform we obtain ens X(s) = s2 + 1 n=0 so that the solution is x(t) = u(t n) sin(t n). n=0 Because sin(t n) = (1)n sin t and u(t n) = 0 for t n, we see that if n t (n + 1), then x(t) = sin t sin t + sin t . . . + (1)n sin t { that is x(t) = sin t if n is even 0 if n is odd The physical explanation is that the rst hammer blow (at time t = 0) starts the mass moving to the right; just as it returns to the origin, the second hammer blow stops it dead; it remains motionless until the third hammer blow starts it moving again, and so on. (a) Use MATLAB to construct a gure showing the graph of this position function in the interval [0, 5]. Now consider the same spring and mass, initially at rest, but struck with a hammer at each of the instants t = 0, 2, 4, . . .. Suppose that each hammer blow imparts an impulse of +1. Thus the position function x(t) of the mass satises the initial value problem x + x = (t 2n), n=0 9 x(0) = x (0) = 0 (L7.1) (b) Solve the IVP L7.1 to show that if 2n < t < 2(n + 1), then x(t) = (n + 1) sin t. Thus resonance occurs because the mass is struck each time it passes through the origin moving to the right - in contrast with the previous case, in which the mass was struck each time it returned to the origin. (c) Use MATLAB to construct a gure showing the graph of this position function in the interval [0, 6]. 10

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