V& observe the air ititude of this vement of a ballistic body at several times. We collect some data of the body, (meter, m) as function of time, t (seconds, s) 3 5 5.1 205.0 227.5 2099 1531 57 a model through this data so that we can predict the movement of this body. Based We like to fit mode on simple laws of physics, the following function (unodel) s re y signifies the model predicted altitude (m). t denotes time (seconds), and c100 (initial altitude of r elease of body, m). 50 (exit speed, m/s) and cs (gravitational constant, m/s) is 1. Write a function file (or inline function) that computes y as function of es and t (1 point) 2. Plot the observed data, i against time, t using the red plus symbol. Add to this plot the model predicted y values for each observed t using the inline function (or function file) with cs = 2 (in blue) and C3 = 15 (in black). Add x and y-labels and a legend (2 points) 3. Resolve the unknown coefficient, cs using the fzero command. Please make sure you use reasonable initial starting values! Hint: The function you use to find the root should return the sum of the residuals between the model predicted altitude and the observed altitudes. Thus this function has one unknouT d computes the total residual. If you like, you can use the inline command. (3 points) 4. Plo t the model predicted altitude (magenta line - m) as function of t (in first plot) for the optimized value of cs (1 point) problem, then assume in remainder of this problem that e -3 m/ for the root of the model using the fzero command. Please make sure you use reaso . If you cannot solve thi 5, write down the value of the coefficient here: C3 = 6. How many seconds after take off does the ballistic body hit the ground (y 0). Please so initial starting values! Please write the answer down here (using 4 digits for fractional pa (2 points) 7. There is actually another root for this problem; Please write the answer down here ( (root 2) digits for fractional part): t (1 8. Any idea where in our galaxy the data in the Table was collected