Mem: 1821 population Table.read_table('population.csv') countries = Table read table( countries cs' where( "country., are contained in population grouper o ) coli (m) poverty Table.read_table( poverty.csv') geo time extreme_poverty_percent people_below 125 a day alb 1990 alb 2002 alb 2004 02 0 73 053 ...(1096 rows omitted) Question 1. Assign latest to a three-column table with one row for each country that appears in the poverty table. The first column should contain the letter code for the country. The second column should contain the most recent year for which an extreme poverty rate is available for the country The third column should contain the poverty rate in that year. Do not change the last line, so that the labels of your table are set correctly Hint: think about how group works: it does a sequential search of the table (from top to bottom) and collects values in the array in the order in which they appear, and then applies a function to that array. Tho first function may be helpful, but you are not required to use it def first (values): return values.item(0) latest... ,time').relabel (2, ,poverty-percent.) # You should "not.change this line. latest .relabel (0, .geo').relabel (1, ok.grade('q2 1) Mem: 1821 population Table.read_table('population.csv') countries = Table read table( countries cs' where( "country., are contained in population grouper o ) coli (m) poverty Table.read_table( poverty.csv') geo time extreme_poverty_percent people_below 125 a day alb 1990 alb 2002 alb 2004 02 0 73 053 ...(1096 rows omitted) Question 1. Assign latest to a three-column table with one row for each country that appears in the poverty table. The first column should contain the letter code for the country. The second column should contain the most recent year for which an extreme poverty rate is available for the country The third column should contain the poverty rate in that year. Do not change the last line, so that the labels of your table are set correctly Hint: think about how group works: it does a sequential search of the table (from top to bottom) and collects values in the array in the order in which they appear, and then applies a function to that array. Tho first function may be helpful, but you are not required to use it def first (values): return values.item(0) latest... ,time').relabel (2, ,poverty-percent.) # You should "not.change this line. latest .relabel (0, .geo').relabel (1, ok.grade('q2 1)