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ment CALCULATO Exercise 17-03 b (Essay) Cushenberry Corporation had the following transactions. 1. Sold land (cost $12,000) for $15,000. 2. Issued common stock at par

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ment CALCULATO Exercise 17-03 b (Essay) Cushenberry Corporation had the following transactions. 1. Sold land (cost $12,000) for $15,000. 2. Issued common stock at par for $20,000. 3. Recorded depreciation on buildings for $17,000. 4. Paid salaries of $9,000. 5. Issued 1,000 shares of $1 par value common stock for equipment worth $8,000. 6. Sold equipment (cost $10,000, accumulated depreciation $7,000) for $1,200. (b) For each transaction above indicate how it would affect the statement of cash flows using the indirect method. Click if you would like to Show Work for this question: Qen Show Work LINK TO TEXT By accessing this Question Assistance, you will learn while yolar inte haced on the point notential nat i n

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