Metlock Mining Company purchased land on February 1, 2017, at a cost of $1,101,100. It estimated that a total of 58,200 tons of mineral was
Metlock Mining Company purchased land on February 1, 2017, at a cost of $1,101,100. It estimated that a total of 58,200 tons of mineral was available for mining. After it has removed all the natural resources, the company will be required to restore the property to its previous state because of strict environmental protection laws. It estimates the fair value of this restoration obligation at $112,500. It believes it will be able to sell the property afterwards for $125,000. It incurred developmental costs of $250,000 before it was able to do any mining. In 2017, resources removed totaled 29,100 tons. The company sold 21,340 tons. Compute the following information for 2017. (a) Per unit mineral cost $ (b) Total material cost of December 31, 2017, inventory $ (c) Total material cost in cost of goods sold at December 31, 2017
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