Miedel 1 : Andre's Chocolete Stare (Anabory) 1340gbbg, depending on their si he and weight (ie, mn chepr, thunt efte) chocolate chige wo that shere wauld be the sane number of chigs in bock "bog" reyerdlest of the thass of eoch indiridasl chip. Andre carefully weighed eoch of the three fipet of chocelate putces asing a belonce, and whe: realts ore ghen belen: of chacolare pueces should contein "Ahdec's nurber" of chips In other w oeds, he deterni ind that a "bagh af chwries ar min dips thauld contoin the game number of chocolate piecest, no matter the pre and anget af the type ef ehp. 1. a) What is the mass of enc (stendord) chtcolate chip in pous? b) Andre decided shat the mast of the "bog" ef stundard-pec dhacelate chicu ahould still be 340 grams. Using ther irformation, deterwine how mory chipt tre contined in the standard" bog". your enswer. d) Deterevire the ment of a bog af min chipt contering Anderi t futber af peoes. moss of a 'bog" of these nemplecen. 2. a) In every race, one hulf "bog" of chocelste chopt cantunt the aone number af ohocolater pieces. How mapy pieces wisuld there be in 050 "bog"? b) What is the mais of ene thalf "bog" of mini chocolete chigs? Show how yas defernined your anwwer: THEQRMATION: Mnles and Awgedoit merthec Avogodro's number (Na) is eqoal to 6.022.1011, and a noke canwin en Avegadre's munber af anything (Me=6D22=191 porticles per mele). 3. a) Determine the finss of a "bog" of chocelate chipt (ink) if it itantainod Avogodrv' number of chips insticed of Andre's number. Andre't Chocnilye Mute by Co. Stiran Mipield b) Propose an explanstisn tae why using Arogedreinumber antual at Anberi nunber night be. Querthion 4 4. a) A shudent in the labhet one male of "Catoos. Hien nory tic ehtins ives the rhudent heve? b) Suppose the student used one-quarter (252t) of the "Cetlars, Moe won "Catys tanain? c) Write your answer in moles insteed af runber of aCctune fir. wankit pour enwey ty part b inte molet.] 5. Are there nore atone in 1 nole sample of M afmetr a I nole sarple af Cafanit Jumify your answer. Modiel it Molar Mast of en Elenent or Corpound conbe found en the periedic toble (it grand per mole) Enamplest. - 1 mole af N atene * 14007 prome - 1 male of Mg etenar =24305 grams - I male of fu ateme s 63 S46 grant 6. What is the molor nass for carbin C (ncivding unit))? Mndre's Chouldte linue ty Dr, Thaneth owh answer. your enswer. of the aldmat conterntal in the coepound (or molecule) Adubitingl inf newation: - Holar mass foe hydrvogen (bi): 1008 grenl - Molar frast for boryern(C): 15999 gf nul Eximaler. Ethansl (eriefioli) Tp defermite the number of Cotem in 1 mole of entwonal z-46 Ed9 gruat per mele. Shsw how you de termined year antwer. e th Q b) Calculate the fomule weight af a 1 mek sconplo of a hutanel (CiHeCh) 11. of Crikulate the molar noss for mognemum hydraide a oug os. b) What is the mair af a sanple ennteiney 0.55 nole if aigon-?? Miedel 1 : Andre's Chocolete Stare (Anabory) 1340gbbg, depending on their si he and weight (ie, mn chepr, thunt efte) chocolate chige wo that shere wauld be the sane number of chigs in bock "bog" reyerdlest of the thass of eoch indiridasl chip. Andre carefully weighed eoch of the three fipet of chocelate putces asing a belonce, and whe: realts ore ghen belen: of chacolare pueces should contein "Ahdec's nurber" of chips In other w oeds, he deterni ind that a "bagh af chwries ar min dips thauld contoin the game number of chocolate piecest, no matter the pre and anget af the type ef ehp. 1. a) What is the mass of enc (stendord) chtcolate chip in pous? b) Andre decided shat the mast of the "bog" ef stundard-pec dhacelate chicu ahould still be 340 grams. Using ther irformation, deterwine how mory chipt tre contined in the standard" bog". your enswer. d) Deterevire the ment of a bog af min chipt contering Anderi t futber af peoes. moss of a 'bog" of these nemplecen. 2. a) In every race, one hulf "bog" of chocelste chopt cantunt the aone number af ohocolater pieces. How mapy pieces wisuld there be in 050 "bog"? b) What is the mais of ene thalf "bog" of mini chocolete chigs? Show how yas defernined your anwwer: THEQRMATION: Mnles and Awgedoit merthec Avogodro's number (Na) is eqoal to 6.022.1011, and a noke canwin en Avegadre's munber af anything (Me=6D22=191 porticles per mele). 3. a) Determine the finss of a "bog" of chocelate chipt (ink) if it itantainod Avogodrv' number of chips insticed of Andre's number. Andre't Chocnilye Mute by Co. Stiran Mipield b) Propose an explanstisn tae why using Arogedreinumber antual at Anberi nunber night be. Querthion 4 4. a) A shudent in the labhet one male of "Catoos. Hien nory tic ehtins ives the rhudent heve? b) Suppose the student used one-quarter (252t) of the "Cetlars, Moe won "Catys tanain? c) Write your answer in moles insteed af runber of aCctune fir. wankit pour enwey ty part b inte molet.] 5. Are there nore atone in 1 nole sample of M afmetr a I nole sarple af Cafanit Jumify your answer. Modiel it Molar Mast of en Elenent or Corpound conbe found en the periedic toble (it grand per mole) Enamplest. - 1 mole af N atene * 14007 prome - 1 male of Mg etenar =24305 grams - I male of fu ateme s 63 S46 grant 6. What is the molor nass for carbin C (ncivding unit))? Mndre's Chouldte linue ty Dr, Thaneth owh answer. your enswer. of the aldmat conterntal in the coepound (or molecule) Adubitingl inf newation: - Holar mass foe hydrvogen (bi): 1008 grenl - Molar frast for boryern(C): 15999 gf nul Eximaler. Ethansl (eriefioli) Tp defermite the number of Cotem in 1 mole of entwonal z-46 Ed9 gruat per mele. Shsw how you de termined year antwer. e th Q b) Calculate the fomule weight af a 1 mek sconplo of a hutanel (CiHeCh) 11. of Crikulate the molar noss for mognemum hydraide a oug os. b) What is the mair af a sanple ennteiney 0.55 nole if aigon