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MKM International is seeking to purchase a new CNC machine in order to reduce costs. Two alternative machines are in consideration. Machine 1 costs $
MKM International is seeking to purchase a new CNC machine in order to reduce costs. Two alternative machines are in consideration. Machine costs $ but yields a percent savings
over the current machine used. Machine costs $ but yields a percent savings over the current machine used. In order to meet demand, the following forecasted cost information for
the current machine is also provided.
a Based on the NPV of the cash flows for these years, which machine should MKM International purchase? Assume a discount rate of percent.
Assuming a discount rate of percent, MKM International should purchase
because the NPV of machine is $ and the NPV of machine is $Enter your responses rounded
to the nearest whole number.
b If MKM International lowered its required discount rate to percent, what machine would it purchase?
Assuming a discount rate of percent, MKM International should purchase
because the NPV of machine is $ and the NPV of machine is $Enter your responses rounded to
the nearest whole number.

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