Monopoly business Plan ,Sales management,entrepreneur, retail
12:18 al 13% OFFICIAL FORMAT pe Cover Page Acknowledgement Dedication Table of Content EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OPPORTUNITY The problem and solution Target Market Market analysis and market research TAM, SAM, and SOM Your Ideal Customer Key Customers Competition Future Products and Services EXECUTION Marketing and Sales Plan Your positioning statement Pricing Promotion Packaging Advertising Public relations Content Marketing Social Media Strategic Alliances Operations Sourcing and Miliment Technology Distribution Milestones and metrics Traction Metrics Key assumptions and risks TEAM AND COMPANY Company Overview Mission O al 13% = 12:19 A Menos Key assumptions and risks TEAM AND COMPANY Team Company Overview Mission Statement Intellectual property Business structure and ownership Company History Location FINANCIAL PLAN Sales Forecast Personnel plan Income statement or profit and loss statement Cash How Statement Balance Sheets Use of Funds Exit Strategy APPENDIX Chars, Tables & Graphs (if available) Curriculum Vitae BXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF A BUSINESS PLAN Executive surmay The executive summary of your business plan introduce your company explains what you do, and lays out what you're looking for from your readers. Structurally, it is the first chapter of your business plan. And while is the first thing that people will read! generally advise that you write tlat Why? Because once you know the details of your business inside and out, you will be better prepared to write your executive summary her all this section is a summary of everything else you're going to write about ideally, the executive summary can act a stand-alone document that covers the highlights of your detailed plan. In fact, its very common for investors to ask for only the executive summary when they are dating your business. If they like what they see in the executive summary, they often filow up with a request for a complete plan a pitch presentation and more in-depth fans Because your executive Summary is such antical component of your business plan, you want to make sure that is a dear and conose as possible cover the key highlights of your business, but don't into too much detail. Ideally, your executive summary will be one to two pages mest designed to be a a quick read that parts interest and makes your investors feel eager to her more The critical components of a winning executive summary III o 12:18 al 13% OFFICIAL FORMAT pe Cover Page Acknowledgement Dedication Table of Content EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OPPORTUNITY The problem and solution Target Market Market analysis and market research TAM, SAM, and SOM Your Ideal Customer Key Customers Competition Future Products and Services EXECUTION Marketing and Sales Plan Your positioning statement Pricing Promotion Packaging Advertising Public relations Content Marketing Social Media Strategic Alliances Operations Sourcing and Miliment Technology Distribution Milestones and metrics Traction Metrics Key assumptions and risks TEAM AND COMPANY Company Overview Mission O al 13% = 12:19 A Menos Key assumptions and risks TEAM AND COMPANY Team Company Overview Mission Statement Intellectual property Business structure and ownership Company History Location FINANCIAL PLAN Sales Forecast Personnel plan Income statement or profit and loss statement Cash How Statement Balance Sheets Use of Funds Exit Strategy APPENDIX Chars, Tables & Graphs (if available) Curriculum Vitae BXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF A BUSINESS PLAN Executive surmay The executive summary of your business plan introduce your company explains what you do, and lays out what you're looking for from your readers. Structurally, it is the first chapter of your business plan. And while is the first thing that people will read! generally advise that you write tlat Why? Because once you know the details of your business inside and out, you will be better prepared to write your executive summary her all this section is a summary of everything else you're going to write about ideally, the executive summary can act a stand-alone document that covers the highlights of your detailed plan. In fact, its very common for investors to ask for only the executive summary when they are dating your business. If they like what they see in the executive summary, they often filow up with a request for a complete plan a pitch presentation and more in-depth fans Because your executive Summary is such antical component of your business plan, you want to make sure that is a dear and conose as possible cover the key highlights of your business, but don't into too much detail. Ideally, your executive summary will be one to two pages mest designed to be a a quick read that parts interest and makes your investors feel eager to her more The critical components of a winning executive summary III o