most reliable? A. Material requisition slips. B. Copies of sales invoices. C. Purchase requests. D. Bank statements. 122] Documentary evidence is one of the principal types of information usnuary evidence substantiate an opinion. Which one of the following examples of docurn used by an auditor to documentary evidence is the Answer: 23] Which statement about audit evidence is false? A. The auditor is seldom convinced beyond all doubt with respect to audited. B. The auditor should not perform a procedure that provides perns conclusive evidence. persuasive evidence rather than C. The auditor evaluates the degree of risk involved in deciding the kind D. The auditor balances the benefits of the evidence and the cost to obtain it. Answer: of evidence to gather. 124] Appropriate audit evidence is best defined as evidence that A. Is relevant and reliable in providing support for the conclusions on which the opinion is based. B. Is obtained by observing people, property, and events. C. Is supplementary to other evidence already given and tends to strengthen or confirm it. D. Proves an intermediate fact, or group of facts, from which one can infer the existence of some other fact that is significant to the issue considered. Answer 1251 The greatest weakness of the audit procedure of inspecting tangible assets is that A. The inspection may need to occur at a specific time. B. The cost of such evidence exceeds its benefits. C. The auditor may require the help of an expert to evaluate what has been inspected. D. The client may conceal evidence. Answer: 1261 Which of the following factors is most important in determining the appropriateness of audit evidence? A. The reliability of the evidence in meeting the audit objective. B. The objectivity of the auditor gathering the evidence. C. The quantity of the evidence obtained. D. The independence of the source of evidence