My topic is rottness island in Perth
Overview of Assignment AIMS: . Examine the theory of segmentation, targeting, and positioning in more depth . Discuss the way it is applied in practice. TOPIC: . Tourism. . Choose a local company/brand that falls into that category (it can be an international brand). . Focus on one region only. Overview of Assignment NU AREAS OF FOCUS: Describe the product and the characteristics of the market, including information on the market size where available, as well as market trends and characteristics Explain in depth the segmentation criteria that the company uses and analyse the effectiveness of this approach. Make sure you support your views with evidence. Develop profiles of the various segments, identifying the priority segments. Describe the positioning of this product against the competitors. Critically analyse whether the marketing strategies undertaken by the organisation are aligned with the segmentation profiles and make recommendations as to what improvements or changes could be made. Wherever possible, use reliable information to support your arguments. This can be information from websites, the company itself, or more academic sources of information. . Your assignment is to be not more than 1,500 words in length (Abstract 150 words max). Rubric NU Fail-(below-50%) Pass .(50-59%) Credit (60-69%) Distinction.(70-79%) High-Distinction-(80-100%)a Depth.of. Limited-discussion of STP. The-STP-topics-raised are Identifies-and outlines Presents accurate and-detailed- Delivers a-well-focused-diagnosis of theoretical- topics.a not well.considered or lack some principal.STP-related. summary of relevant.STP- the strategic issues related to the knowledge detail and justification. topics. . related.concepts-which are impact of-STP-approaches on (8-marks.available) cceptable understanding central to strategic marketing. | |marketing. . .The discussion is of the concepts and-their compelling-and-insightful.a relevance. Market-overview- Limited-identification.of the. The-characteristics of the. The overview of the The-reader is able:to.g A-detailed-and-insightful-assessment of- and-assessment-1 market characteristicsa market are unclear. a market, including.future clear.picture of.both.the current. the market gives.the-reader a strong. (4.marks)a a and predicted.state of the- sense of the potential-opportunity. market a Segmentation-and. Limited assessment of The segmentation- The approach to The target market is clearly. There is a detailed analysis of-the positioning. approach to-segmentation and. approach its segmentation and priority- identified and described, with arget market, and evidence of the- analysis-1 positioning, a identification and. evidence supporting.your firm's approach is clear. .This is linked- (10-marks) assessment. .-Positioning- Positioning-relative to- analysis. .The reader-has a closely to the market and competitive of the brand.not.well clear sense of the positioning- analysis. .. _communicated. of the brand/product.a Recommendations. Recommendations for. Recommendations are- Recommendations are Critical analysis is applied to The-reader-understandsthe strengths. for-improvement- improvements are-limited. presented-but-lack-insight- presented.but lack. eviewing-the effectiveness of or-weaknesses) of-the-firm's- (4-marks) and.or-clarity.a elevancy to the the approach. approach, and a clear-direction-forward brand/market,a is identified. Writing,: In-text-and-End-text-contains- In-text-and-End-text In-text-and-End-text In-text-and-End-text-contains-a- In-text-and-End-text-contains-no-errors. Formatting-&- many serious.errors. contains a number of contains.minor.errors. . ew-very minor-errors. . Referencing is very good. .-Murdoch Referencing1 Referencing-is very-poor-and- serious-errors. -. Referencing is-adequate. . Referencing-is good. .-Most- eferencing-guidelines are-followed.- does not.follow.Murdoch Referencing is.poor and- Not all-Murdoch guidelines. ch-referencing guidelines. Presentation of report is professional. (4.marks-available) guidelines. Presentation of- does-not.follow-Murdoch- are-followed. -Presentation- are-followed. Presentation-of Writing-is-clear, concise and-free of- report unprofessional. Writing guidelines. Presentation of. of report is good. . report is professional. . errors. ..The Abstract, Introduction-and is-unfocused. -No-Abstract, - report-very-basic-and-lacks Occasional-grammar.or- Occasional-errors-but-clear- Conclusion-is-succinct, insightful-and- Introduction or Conclusion. . clarity. Writing .lacks.clarity. . spelling errors. .Abstract, presentation of ideas. . The entices-the reader to read-on. Word- Word-limit is-not-adhered-to. xx Abstract, Introduction-and Introduction-and- Abstract, Introduction-and limit is adhered-to." poor. .Word- Conclusion is concise and Conclusion is succinct and limit-is well-written. .Word-limit-is- compelling. -Word-limit-is- adhered to. adhered to.a