Na No Spac. Heading Heading2 Title Subtitle Subtle Em... Emphasis Intense E. Strong Quote Styles ACCT 2101-Sping 2019 Writing Assignment ETHICS CASE a specialty chain store company that has nine retail stores concentrated in one metropolitan area. the payment of all invoices is centralized in one of the departments Tabitha will manage. Her primary respoesibility is to maintain the company's high credit rating due and to take advantage of all cash discounts. to treasuret, is training Tabitha in her new duties. He instructs Tabitha that she is to contimue the practice of preparing of discount" and dating the checks the last day of the discount period "But, Pete continues, "axc always hold the checks a them. That way we get another 4 days of interest business and don't complain. And, if they scream about blame it on the mailroom or the post office. We've only lost one discount out of every hundred we take that way. I think everybody does it By the way, welcome to our team at least 4 days beyond the discount period before mailing on our money. Most of our creditors need our our missing the discount Instructions Write a paper to address the following (a) What are the ethical considerations in this case? Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the condacting of an activity. b) What stakeholders are harmed or benefited? Project managers as a form of risk management. After all, keeping sharebolders happy and meeting their expectations will certainly reduce the risk of negative influences project ( Should Tabitha continue the practice started by Pete? Does she have any choice? Your paper from the textbook and 1 from other sources. should be at least 500 words and have a Works Cited page with at least 2 sources, 1 This paper is due on April 3, 2019 at 8:30am. You will email a soft copy to me in iCollege and turn in a hard copy in class DOLL Press