Natalie Koebel spent much of her childhood learning the art of cookle-making from her grandmother. They passed many happy hours mastering every type of cookie imaginable and later creating new recipes that were both healiby and delicious. Now at the start of her second yeat in collepe. Natalie is investigating various possibilsies for starting her own business as part of the requirements of the entrepreneurship program in which she is enrolled. A long-ume triend insists that Natale has to somehow include cookies in her business plan. Ater a senes of brainstorning sessions, Natalie settes on the idea of operating a cookie-making school. She will start on a part-tme basis and other her sorvices in people's homes. Now that she has started tainking about it, the possibities seem endess. During the tall, she wit concentrate on holday cookbes she will otler indvidual lossons and group sessions (Which will probably be more ertertainment than educasion lor the participants) Natalie also decides to include chadren in her targot market The first dimcull decision is comvng up wath the pertect name for het business in the end she setiles on 'Cookie Creations' and then moves on to moge important issues Instructions (a) What form of business organization-proprietontle, parneiship. or comporation- do you recommend that Natalie use for her bisiness? Discuss the beneits and weaknesses of each form and give the reasons for your choice (b) Wat Natale need accounting informaton? If yess what information will she need and why? How oten will she need this information? (c) Bdendey specific asset, liability and equity accounts that Cooke Creabons wil bikety use to fecord its business transactoint (t) Shobild Natale open a sepayale bark account for the business? Why of whty nor