Need as much info as possible for my group project
Introduction For a course project, you will work with a small group of classmates to investigate a vatiety of components of a North American organization that is listed on the current Fortune 500 list and prepare a written presentation that outlines some of the important aspects of that company. Viait the Eritune. 500 link to learn more about the development of the Fortune list. Activity Instructions In this culminating project, you will collaboratively research a Fortune 500 North American organization in order to prepare a detoiled written research teport that is a comprehensive overview of the company. These are the components of the research roport: 1. Mission, Vision, Goals, and Values: identify information relating to the essence of the company as described in the corresponding chopter in your text 2. Organizational Siructure: Describe the organization's leadershy. Identify the primary leaders in the company (no more than three). Identify information such as the length of time the CEO has beon in his or her current position, the chain of command for decision making, if there is a bourd of directors, etc 3. Size (omployee numbers, locations, etc) 4. Products (or services) 5. Departmentalization and Structure - Human Resources: Identify anything you learned about employee selection, motivation, retention discipline, or anything else related to the chapter in your text. - Ebusiness: Discuss the means in which the company operates as an E-Commerce Business. - Points of Interest ldentify any points of interest about the company such as facts, shareholder information, awards, special programs, etc 6. References Page: Use APA format to cite your textbook and additional sources used in the investigation. 6. References Page: Use APA format to cite your textbook and additional sources used in the investigation. Tips for Success - Start eaclyl - The first place to lock for information is the company website and any published news documents (Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable resource will not be accepted as a resource.) - Do not plagiarizel Simply cutting and pasting information found online is not acceptable and will fead to a failing grade. The information found online should provide you with an idea of what the company does, and then you should use that information to analyze it and relate it to the concepts loamed in the course. You can use the same wording found onine, as long as you format the information properly in APA style. Writing and Submission Requirements - 3.5 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page - Anch margirs - Double tpoced - 12pont Times New Roman font - Tile page with topic and name of all students of the group. One member of the group needs to submit the report. - References page (minimum of 3 outside resources, in addition to the textbook) - For atandard requlements, review the Discussion and Wutten Assignenent Expectations. - This assignment will be graded using the Final Prolect Hesearch Repoct. Rubric