need formulas that correlate to the chart
A B D E H J NH 2 3 4 Status FT PT CN Bonus 2096 15% 15% Tax Rato 596 296 19 Total lot employees Gross pay in Jan Jun Tax 5 Employee Status Net Pay Hourly rate of hours in Jan Jun # of hours in Jul-Dec Gross pay In Jul-Dec W6 Net pay 6 7 Amy Beth Jon 15 20 25 210 200 280 250 150 125 FT CN PT Total 8 10 Highest net pay Lowest net pay 11 QUESTION 1 12 points Enter a formula/unction in cell G4 to get the total number of employees. What is your formula in cell 47 For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) Or ALTOFN F10 (Mac) BI & Paragraph 14px Arial > ini I!! 2 T P O WORDS POWERED BY TINY 10 points Save Answer QUESTION 2 Enter a formula/function in cell 34 which can always get the current date. What is your formula in cell J4? For the toolbar, press ALTF10 (PC) O ALT+FN+F10 (Mac) BIUS Paragraph Arial 14px !!! ili I 3 O WORDS POWERED BY TINY In column F and G, calculate the gross pay in Jan-Jun and the gross pay in Jul-Dec for all the employees Gross pay in Jon JunHourly rate or hours in Jan Jon, Gross pay in Ju-Dec = Hourly rate # of hours in Jul Dec. What is your formula in colle? For the toolbar, press ALT+F 10 (PC) Or ALTFN+F10 (Mac) BIUParagraph Arial 14px O WORDS POWERED BY TINY P 20 points Save Answer QUESTION 4 In column H. calculate the tax for all the employees: Tax = (Gross pay in Jan-Jun+Gross pay in Jul-Dec) tax rate, where tax rate mbused on the status of the employee using the table in ALCA: What is your formula in cell H6? For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac). BI VS Paragraph Arial 14px 21 O WORDS POWERED BY TINY Smucie Sveuwe try to make Save All Answers Save and Submit A B D E H J NH 2 3 4 Status FT PT CN Bonus 2096 15% 15% Tax Rato 596 296 19 Total lot employees Gross pay in Jan Jun Tax 5 Employee Status Net Pay Hourly rate of hours in Jan Jun # of hours in Jul-Dec Gross pay In Jul-Dec W6 Net pay 6 7 Amy Beth Jon 15 20 25 210 200 280 250 150 125 FT CN PT Total 8 10 Highest net pay Lowest net pay 11 QUESTION 1 12 points Enter a formula/unction in cell G4 to get the total number of employees. What is your formula in cell 47 For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) Or ALTOFN F10 (Mac) BI & Paragraph 14px Arial > ini I!! 2 T P O WORDS POWERED BY TINY 10 points Save Answer QUESTION 2 Enter a formula/function in cell 34 which can always get the current date. What is your formula in cell J4? For the toolbar, press ALTF10 (PC) O ALT+FN+F10 (Mac) BIUS Paragraph Arial 14px !!! ili I 3 O WORDS POWERED BY TINY In column F and G, calculate the gross pay in Jan-Jun and the gross pay in Jul-Dec for all the employees Gross pay in Jon JunHourly rate or hours in Jan Jon, Gross pay in Ju-Dec = Hourly rate # of hours in Jul Dec. What is your formula in colle? For the toolbar, press ALT+F 10 (PC) Or ALTFN+F10 (Mac) BIUParagraph Arial 14px O WORDS POWERED BY TINY P 20 points Save Answer QUESTION 4 In column H. calculate the tax for all the employees: Tax = (Gross pay in Jan-Jun+Gross pay in Jul-Dec) tax rate, where tax rate mbused on the status of the employee using the table in ALCA: What is your formula in cell H6? For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac). BI VS Paragraph Arial 14px 21 O WORDS POWERED BY TINY Smucie Sveuwe try to make Save All Answers Save and Submit