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need help answering questions QUESTION 1 Please match the following concepts: raising taxes A. Home Mortgages informal housing without tenure B. economies of scale LTV

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QUESTION 1 Please match the following concepts: raising taxes A. Home Mortgages informal housing without tenure B. economies of scale LTV C. age structure D. public health water procurement E. fiscal policy Dropping production costs F. monetary policy reducing interest rates G. slums surveillance H. opportunity cost for women dependency . Microfinance - Small loans made to the poor QUESTION 2 Which of the following is typically NOT a component of economic sustainability? O Production of goods and services on a continuing basis manageable levels of government debt O minimal sectoral imbalances (i.e. diversified economy) concentrated wealth a goverment bureaucracy of appropriate size given the size of the economy QUESTION 3 There are no limits on consumption levels as technology can help us utilizes resources ever more efficiently. O True O False QUESTION 4 Urbanization in developed countries (i.e. countries that are developed today) was slower than urbanization is occuring in developing countries today: O True O FalseQUESTION 5 Urbanization occurs becasue cities: are much more fun to live in O have higher fertility rates than rural areas have more opportunities to exploit the economies of scale necessary for industrialization O cities have highly devloped legal systems cities have abundant resources QUESTION 6 Malthus might respond to the high numbers of malnourished by urging governments to: distribute food to the poor for free increase agricultural productivity increase food storage capacity increasing foreign aid O doing nothing QUESTION 7 What is the dependency ratio of a population with 34,060 youth (below 15) and 62,880 elderly (over 65). Assume youth are 13% of the total population: 5407 per 10,000 working age O 2400 per 10,000 working age 5873 per 10,000 working age O 1300 per 10,000 working age 5490 per 10,000 working age QUESTION 8 Based on the class slides on demographic transitions, Populationg growth is slowest and sometimes negative during which of the following periods: pre-industrial industrial O agrarian O transitional-industrial post-industrialQUESTION 9 Which of the following may be a consequence of China's former 1-child policy: falling dependency ratios large number of unmarried females decreasing per capita incomes increasing crime rate increasing urban-rural migration OOOOO QUESTION 10 Which of the following helps account for the vast majority of migration to cities from the countryside in developing countries: genocide resource depletion force migration structural reordenng of economies better housing opportunities OOOOO QUESTION 11 According to the infographic on India, the country will reach replacement level fertility soon as more than 1/2 of the women in the country are using some type of contraceptive method: 0 True 0 False QUESTION 12 Which of the following concepts helps explain the linkage between economic growth and declining fertility (seee age structure video)? 0 1-child policy 0 birth rate 0 lite expectancy O demographic dividend O immigration rate QUESTION 13 Which of the following is typically not associated with globalization: increase in the production of goods and services O cheaper goods and services O increase in GDP increase in negative environmental impacts O increase in absolute poverty QUESTION 14 Which of the following is NOT a function of the US Federal Reserve: O setting the reserve ratio O setting the overnight (discount) rate O quantitative easing issuance of tax credits O open market transactions (buying bonds from banks) QUESTION 15 Inflation is the tendency of the price of goods and services to decrease over time due to the efficiencies brought about by globalization: O True O False QUESTION 16 Which of the following concepts is the sine qua non, essential element, of globalization? O absolute advantage comparative advantage O fiscal stimulus O increasing poverty nationalization of key industriesQUESTION 17 Which of the following is the most prevalent type of housing in the United States: Multifamily O manufactured Single family, attached O single family, detached O apartments QUESTION 18 Globalization pressures have increased slum formation in developing countries: O True O False QUESTION 19 Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of slums: O entry point for many migrants O make-shift housing cottage industries shared water supply almost exclusively owned by the government QUESTION 20 Which of the following types of health issues are least likely in a slum? ALRIS O Water borne diseases O coronoray heart disease and related conditions O zoonotic diseases O oral-fecal transmitted diseasesQUESTION 21 According to the article on slums and globalization, which of the following is NOT linked to slum formation? urban favoritism (govt. policies that favor urban areas) O foreign direct investment which favors cities strong support or agriculture in developing countries structural readjustment policies favored by IMF O a global economy that favors speculation and not long term productive investment in the economy QUESTION 22 In which region does the highest proportion (percentage) of the urban population live in Slums (as shown in lecture slides)? South-Central Asia South America Central America O United States O Sub-saharan Africa Eastern Europe QUESTION 23 Slum formation is likely to decrease with increasing urbanization: O True O False QUESTION 24 According to the John Hopkins lecture on Disease and Urbanization, the infectious disease burden has tended to decrease with increasing urbanization: O True O FalseQUESTION 25 If HIV was easier to transmit (i.e. like the common cold), what would be the immediate likely impact: increase in morbidity O increase in mortality O increase in incidence O decrease in mortality O decresase in prevalence QUESTION 26 People in slums are susceptible to diseases than those living in rural areas in developing countries: more O less have the same QUESTION 27 Which of the following entities have benefitted from increasing shift towards meat consumption in the world? O animals people in general World Bank pharmaceutical companies public health agencies QUESTION 28 Improving water treatment and sanitation to prevent the spread of cholera is an example of: primary care O secondary care O tertiary care O health education case managementQUESTION 29 Regular updates on new infections describes which aspect of public health: case management O epidemiology O primary care O surveillance evaluation QUESTION 30 Reducing disease specific mortality in developing countries is sufficient to ensure economic growth. In other words we just have to reduce the death rate and not morbidity: O True O False QUESTION Morbidity is concerned with which of the following: death rate of a disease O measures taken to prevent the disease O intensity and duration of sickness O disease prevalence O number of people per hospital bed QUESTION 32 Its impossible to increase life expectancy without economic development (i.e. only rich countries have high life expectancyes) O True O False QUESTION 33 Globalization has reduced the spread of diseases worlwide: O True O FalseQUESTION 34 Please match the following public health terms/concepts: BMI A. Marasmus Folic Acid B. anthropometric measurement prevention C. number or proportion of cases in a given population morbidity D. cheapest way to reduce disease prevalence E. Micronutrient deficiency PEM F. duration and intensity are both important incidence QUESTION 35 Given the our (US) development status, which of the following levels of care are we most likely to employ (think about the types of diseases that are likely to be prevalent in the US): primary secondary tertiary O quaternary marasmus QUESTION 36 According to the lecture slides, the growth rate of food production has continued to increase steadily during the last few deacades O True O False QUESTION 37 Which of the following has been a consequence of the 'globalization of food production': decreasing reliance on cash crops by poor countries opening up of markets in developed (g8) countries decreasing food imports in developing countries O increasing food imports in developing countries decreasing susceptibility of poor countries to food shocks (i.e. decrease in food supply or increase in food price)QUESTION 38 During which of the following periods did the food supply increase most rapidly: 1940-1955 O 1960-1985 O 1990-200 2000-2010 O 1920-1940 QUESTION 39 Globalization has helped decrease poverty, but, in some instances, makes the poor and developing countries more vulnerable to global economic shocks O True O False QUESTION 40 According to the lecture slides, a food price spike occured during which of the following periods: O 2001-02 O 1991-92 O 1998-99 O 2007-08 O 1993-94 QUESTION 41 Approximately, what proportion of the worldwide population is chronically malnourished and does not get the required minimum daily calories: 1 out 4 O 1 out 5 O 1 out of 10 O 1 out of 20 O 1 out of 3QUESTION 42 According to the lecture slides, which of the following is NOT a factor associated with food availability for the urban poor: efficiency of the food marketing system ability to produce food on a subsistence basis (produce your own food) housing food purchasing patterns (how, where food is purchased) food subsidies availability of whole food substitutes (e.g. protein shakes) QUESTION 43 According to lecture slides, due to globalization and changing food production practices, which of the following foods are most likely to be imported by developing countries: rice O wheat potatoes lentils maize QUESTION 44 Rich countries rarely, if ever, employ protectionist measures against poor countries seeking to export food to rich countries: O True O False QUESTION 45 The globalization of food production has led to increasing waistlines (i.e. overweight and obesity) in all countries, though less so among the poor in poor countries: O True O FalseQUESTION 46 In 2005, according to the class lecture slides, how many freshwater gallons were extracted for use in the United States: O 410 billion 400 billion O 349 billion O 405 billion 365 billion QUESTION 47 Food production and water related issues are unrelated: O True O False QUESTION 48 According to the presentation on water and conflict, which area had the greatest number of actual water related conflicts (and not just saber rattling): pakistan-india north korea-south korea panama-costa rica israel-palestine turkey-greece QUESTION 49 According to the presentation on water and conflict, it is not important to look at intra-state instances of conflict (i.e. within state) as these can be resolved easily. True O FalseQUESTION 50 According to the lecture slides, most electricity in the US is generated by: nuclear O wind O coal O solar O biomass QUESTION 51 With respect to the world, US energy consumption is disproportionate to its population: O True O False QUESTION 52 According to the lecture slides, which of the following is NOT a barrier to energy integration across the world: O US uniliateralism Conflicts over resources O Adoption of sustainable energy practices across the planet O Failed states O instability due to changes in population age structure QUESTION 53 According to the lecture slides, transition economies and developing countries will account for a larger proportion of world energy demand than OECD (i.e. developed) countries in 2030: O True O FalseQUESTION 54 Which of the following institutions would most likely help resolve trade disputes between two countries: The WTO O The World Bank The IMF O The WHO O The UC QUESTION 55 Which of the following is not an issue directly linked to food production in the modern era: increasing water use for electricity production increasing water use to sustain cash crops and animal husbandry increase in water pollution increase in certain types of GHGs contamination of soil because of increased pesticide use QUESTION 56 Which of the following is the largest residential water use category for the US: O toilets O lawns washing machine O sinks for hand washing O showers QUESTION 57 What is the grand convergence in health care? the provision of anti-malarial drugs to all those who can't afford it O the elimination of health disparities between developing and developed countries the elimination of HIV stopping the spread of certain, extremely infections, diseases (e.g. Ebola) eliminaton of malnutritionQUESTION 58 Based on what you have learned in this course, globalization decreases resouroe consumption in the long run. 0 True 0 False QUESTION 59 By 2011, according to the video on migration in China, approximately how many rural Chinese had immigrated to urban areas? 20 million 50 million 100 million 120 million 160 million OOOOO QUESTION 60 According to the reading on the urban transition in China, how many Chinese cities have a population that exceeds 4 million? 0 10 O7 0200 012 O1 QUESTION 61 According to the reading on the urban transition in China, population growth is mainly the result of whih of the following? childbirth foreign immigrants rural-urban migration higher childbirth among foreign immigrants the urban areas in China have not really grown much OOOOO QUESTION 62 Accoring to the reading on the urban transition in China, what is the Hukou? one child policy O household registrtaion system policy limiting foreign migration into China the practice of leaving household wealth to the eldest male child O the practice of elderly parents living with the eldest male child QUESTION 63 There is very little poverty in US suburbs (see video: why is there poverty in the US): O True O False QUESTION 64 According to the vides on poverty in the US, approximately what proporiton of kids are considered poor? 1 in 4 O 1 in 5 1 in 6 O 1 in 7 O 1 in 8 QUESTION 65 According to the reading on Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa, half of Africa's poor live in how many countries (this statistic underscores the concentration of poverty in Africa). O 10 O 12 O 20 5 OQUESTION 66 According to the reading on Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa, which of the following is NOT characteristic of poverty in Africa: 0 most of the poor are in rural areas 0 half of the poor are below 15 O 60% of Africa's poor are chronically poor 0 poverty is mostly an urban phenomenon O the poor have weak links to the state QUESTION 67 According to the reading on Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa, African countries generally have low fertility, which impacts the labor supply negatively, causing more poverty. 0 True 0 False QUESTION 68 According to the video, microfinance has often been touted as a way to help lift the poor out of poverty. In general, the promise of microfinance has largely been realized. 0 True 0 False QUESTION 69 According to the lecture notes on Anti-poverty policies in the US, what is the EITC: a cash grant to poor families food stamps a tax credit given to eligible poor households 3 tax deduction on rental costs for poor households free health care tor poor households OOOOO QUESTION 70 According to the lecture notes on Anti-Poverty policies in the US, which of the following is NOT economic development: 0 job creation policies 0 loans to small businesses in poor areas 0 recruitment of new businesses to lower-income communities 0 providion of tree healthcare to everyone in a low-income neighborhood 0 policies aimed at increasing the technical skill of workers in a low income community QUESTION 71 According to the lecture notes on Anti-Poverty policies in the US, which of the following is NOT permissible under CDBG? acquisition of real property the building of a new city hall programs focused on renewable energy rehabilitation of residential units econmic development activities OOOOO QUESTION 72 According to the lecture notes on Anti-Poverty policies in the US, the CRA helps ensure that banks provide adequate services to their lower income clients (and not just focus on their higher income clients): 0 True 0 False QUESTION 73 According to the lecture notes on Zoonotic Illness, what proportion of the emerging diseases in the last 70-80 years (since 1940) are zoonotic in origini7 O 40% O 50% O 60% O 70% O 80% QUESTION 74 According to the lecture notes on Zoonotic Illness, which of the following is NOT a factor in the spread of zoonotic illness? man or lab made zoonotic viruses deforestation globalization increase in numbers of animals used for meat increase in urbanization and human density OOOOO QUESTION 75 According to the lecture notes on Zoonotic Illness, which of the following concepts is concerned with the number of people a sick person is likely to infect? mortality rate morbidity rate reproduction rate incidence prevalence OOOOO

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