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19-2-1/18 6-4, 9% of the 15-24/18- 18-10-14 64. 5% of the So male 18- 18-10-64 24/18-64, "s of female the 18-to-64 population Motor average annual salary below fcumale (18 and older with Irving in a rehick Total state Per capita disposable temperature, Median age. metropolitan population Median age ago Car Theft Temp Ityoungfem: MedianAge MedAgeMale 218.7 32448 203.2 CALIFORNIA 431.2 38,332,521 41937 140 10.956 34.5 310% 237.9 5,265.357 41137 15.0% 15.59 35.5 37.3% 173.0 53842 15.3% 37.29% 143.5 16.55 15.65 20.8% 19,552,860 36501 10.7 101 15.0%% 15.6 27.29% 2591.167 33/11 IDAHO 95.3 1,612,136 32348 18.9 120 11.1 $5.1 31.5 26.2% 12,382,135 405R 19 2 159 INDIANA 216.2 6,570.902 35171 51.7 15.5% 16.9's 23.9% TOWA 137 4 1 090 415 38702 16 79 36 6 741 4% 229.3 2,493.957 41135 17.0% 17.6% 31.19 KENTUCKY 137 2 4,195,295 16.15 15.25 27 0 1990 35241 101 15.3% 15.7% 34.5 MAINE 101 226.3 5,926.814 45652 105 15.65 0.092,824 45472 MICHIGAN 34653 32.8 16.5% 270.1 35625 115 36.3 27.0%% 1.015.165 153 15.35 20 0% 239.9 1,468,516 41135 117 35.1 2,790,136 7LO 1,323.459 1655 43.4 13.8 15.1% 41.4 NEW JERSEY 154 5 8 899.339 4789 127 13 65 17 R NEW MEXICO 205.2 2,085.287 31574 69 14.5 53.4 167 17.8 17.1' 35.5 NEW YORK 19.851,127 45420 10.35% 14 1% NORTH CAROLINA 148 3 9.345,065 CHVEE $0.3 105 13.6 15.5% 16.85% 36.6 NORTH DAKOTA 195.J 723.393 49385 93 20.359 34.2 27.1% OHIO 11,$70,508 36173 19.1 40.7 72 16.095 37.7 20. 19% OKLAHOMA 2912 3,850.568 38548 39.6 139 23.8% 250.5 34606 15.1' 30.7% 107 8 12,773.801 40845 16.15 2124 43145 17.5% 115 SOUTH DAKOTA 1086 101 16.0% TENNESSEE 35600 219.6 626,630 16.7% 41.1 VIRGINIA 103.7 CAR Inn 10.19% 364 WASHINGTON 407.4 6,971.405 13005 35.4 58 15.5% 36.5 32.7% WEST VIRGINIA 103.3 1,854,304 31322 6n 41.8 40.5 18.9%% WISCONSIN 128.6 5,741,713 3787 89 15.95 27.7% WYOMING 99.2 12." 42 114 10.9 16.09% 16.45% 15.7%% 50.8 20.0%%