Need help with this code, not sure how to do it
Write a program that inputs .3 list of integers from the user, and removes the duplicate list elements, plus outputs their min and max values. Here is some sample output: Your program should stop the input if anything other than a positive integer is entered. You may want to use the "isdecimal" function andr'or others described in Mython docs for string methods. 9 (1 Point] Your program should have at least 2 functions. including a maini) function [no global variables or global code other than a call to main within an ifustatementi {1.5 Points for each function} If at least one positive integer is entered, your program should output the smallest {minimum} and largest {maximum} values in the list. {1 Point] When the program is nished. the program must have a list that stores each number only once {without duplicates}, in the same order they were entered. So you can't just skip outputting the duplicatES - you have to remove them [or replace them} [1 Point] The easiest and most efcient way to do this is to store only the non-repeating elements (only store a number in the array the rst time you see it}. You can use the "in" or "not in" boolean operators described in section 10.5 of ym book. e (1 Point] A more intuitive and more complicated way to do it is to input all the numbers from the user into a list, and then change the list so it contains only the distinct numbers entered by the user. To remove the duplicates, you should make it appear as if the elements hadn't been there. So do not just set duplicates to an "empty" value, but delete them [you can use the del statement described in section 10.9 of your book 2 l {1 Point} Every function {except main} needs to have a comment in a triple-quoted string at the beginning, briefly explaining what it does. [1 Point]