need to use borland graphics library. we need to elimate the man from the picture using the 9 pictures. there is skelton code so you can use that to help.
//This is some skeleton code for the PeskyTourist assignment. //It shows you how to load images and get RGB pixel values and write RGB pixel values //and gives you a function that laods an image for you //It comes with suggestions on what I did, you do not need to follow these //The pictures are 200 by 225 (so 200 width, 225 height) //When you run this program you should see two windows-- one with a whole image and //one with a single pixel. Play around with these functions and get comforatable with them //as you figure out the assignment. //You can find the BGI documentation at #include "graphics.h" #include using namespace std; void loadImage(int imageNumber); int main() { //I used the first window as a place to load the images and get their pixel values //and the final window as a place to write my final picture int firstWindow = initwindow(200, 225, "picture 1"); /otice these window values are ints int finalWindow = initwindow(200, 225, "finalPicture"); //i.e. initwindow returns an int //Here is sample code that loads image 1 and grabs the //Red Green and Blue Values at pixel 5,23 (so 5 to the right and 23 down wherever that is) setcurrentwindow(firstWindow); //BGI function that allows you to select the active window //since I'm going to load an image to read I make the active window 'firstWindow' loadImage(0); //Now our firstWindow should have image(0) displayed int pixelValue = getpixel(5, 23); // getPixel is a BGI function that returns an integer // That isn't easily understandable (it's hard to figure out what that int means)--> however //there are three other BGI functions that take in this pixel integer //value and returns the Red, Green,and Blue values (also integers from 0 to 255) int redValueOfPixel = RED_VALUE(pixelValue); int greenValueOfPixel = GREEN_VALUE(pixelValue); int blueValueOfPixel = BLUE_VALUE(pixelValue); //Finally, let's say we wanted to write this pixel value out to the final window //-- for example if we did all our calculationas and it turns out for pixel 5,23 //picture 1 has our median pixel value. we do it as follows setcurrentwindow(finalWindow); //we set it to our final window putpixel(5, 23, COLOR(redValueOfPixel, greenValueOfPixel, blueValueOfPixel)); //COLOR takes in RGB values //and returns an integer that represents those values setcurrentwindow(firstWindow); outtextxy(0, 0, "Press any key"); getch(); //pauses the program } //all the images are numbered 0 to 8 //this function takes that image number and loads it onto the //selected window (I loaded images onto the first window) void loadImage(int imageNumber) { char str[7]; sprintf(str, "%i.jpg", imageNumber); readimagefile(str, 0, 0, 200, 225); //this is a BGI function that loads the image onto the current window }