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Needs to be in Java (New one and needs to be complete) Assignment Description: For this assignment, you will write a program that keeps track

Needs to be in Java (New one and needs to be complete)

Assignment Description:

For this assignment, you will write a program that keeps track of your expenses, taking the information from a text file and displaying it back to you. A skeleton of the program is provided to you. You can find it in modules and it is named (I give it to you in text at the end.). You are also provided with logs.txt (also will be given in text bellow the skeleton) will contains the data you will be reading from and writing to in this Assignment.

This purpose of this assignment is for you to understand and use arrays, methods and loops fully; you will also learn how to access data from files and how to manipulate this data in various ways to display the required output. At the end, you will be given a .jar file which you can run from the terminal to see the expected output and compare to your own program. We will explain how you can run the .jar file this later.

Please read through all of the instructions first, before starting.

When starting the program, the program reads the file logs.txt into 5 parallel String arrays or ArrayLists by calling the method readFile(). The method readFile(), stores each date in a date String array/ArrayList, as well as, each transaction type, category, money amount and updated balance into a new separate String array or ArrayList.

Then the user is given the following choices:

Make a log

View all logs for my previous expenses

View all logs for deposits

View all logs for a month

View Customized logs for a month

View all logs for a day

View Customized logs for a day

View all logs for a previous expenses

View all logs for a previous deposits

View all logs till date


Each option in this menu will have its own method. If the method is not already provided in the skeleton code, you will need to make it yourself. After the user chooses one option, other than to Quit, the menu will be displayed and the user will get to pick another option. This should continue looping until the user chooses to quit.

Each menu option is described below:

Option A:

For this method, the user will be able to create a log. First, ask the user if he or she would like to log (A) a deposit, or (B) an expense. Based on that choice, they will next be asked to enter a category for that expense/deposit. For example, if one chose option B, they could then type in food as the expense category.

Next, ask for the amount for that expense or deposit. If it was an expense, this amount will be subtracted from the current balance. If it was a deposit, it will be added.

Once the user enters everything, this information must be added to the text file. The program should alsoautomatically determine the current date, as well as the current balance, and save all of this to the text file.

Note that to get and update the current balance, you will need to obtain the last item in the text file. This will probably be taken in as a String, so you must also parse it to convert to an integer. For example:

int number = Integer.ParseInt(someString);

Again, once we have all five variables (date, type, category, amount, and balance), they will be added into the text file in that order and separated by spaces. Finally, display back to the user that a log has been successfully added.

Option B: The program will use the 5 parallel arrays to print every log where the user has recorded an expense. Make sure to print all the information:


Type (Expense or Deposit)

Category (such as Food, etc)



Option C:

The program will use the 5 parallel arrays to print the logs where the user has recorded a deposit. Make sure to display all the same information as described above in Option B.

Option D:

The program will first ask the user to enter the month he or she would like to look up. Next, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs where the month recorded is the same as that of the users input.

Option E:

This option is like Option D, but more specific. Again, ask the user to enter the month they would like to look up. Next, also ask them to select either Expenses or Deposits. Finally, ask the user for the deposit or expense category (food, salary, etc.). Once you have all this information, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs that contain only the information that the user has set.

Option F:

Ask the user to enter a specific month and day he or she would like to look up. Next, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs where that month and day correspond to that which the user inputted.

Option G:

Like option F, ask the user to enter a specific month and day. Then, ask them to also enter whether it was an expense or deposit, as well as the category. Once you have all this information, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs that contain only the information that the user has set.

Option H:

The program will ask the user what type of expense they would like to look up. Provide a menu listing the possible types of expenses they may choose from (such as food, entertainment, etc.). Once the user makes a choice, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs based on the inputted type.

Option I:

The program will ask the user what type of deposit they would like to look up. Provide a menu listing the possible types of deposits they may choose from (such as food, entertainment, etc.). Once the user makes a choice, use the 5 parallel arrays to print all the logs based on the inputted type.

Option J:

This option will be to print all the logs from the text file.

Based on all this information, complete the code based on the skeleton provided.

Programming Assignment scheme:


Pseudocode: Clear step-by-step instructions 10 Points


Header documentation (Author, Date, Description) 10 Points

Internal documentation (What your program is doing) 10 Points


Correct use of loops 10 Points

Methods A I and readFile() created and used correctly 50 Points

5 points per method

Correct use of String arrays / ArrayLists 10 Points

Total: 100 Points


import java.text.*;

import java.util.*;


* Write a really good Description on how you understand this algorithm. The Description should briefly describe

* on how the program is running to what it should do.


* @author Very smart TA

* @version 4/2/2018


public class Assignment3 {

//You can use a static scanner if you want or you can declare scanner in individual methods.

//Static Scanner is beneficial as it will save you time in declaring the Scanner again and again

//You can also use your static String arrays or ArrayLists here.

//Using them here will make them "global" variables which means you can use these arrays anywhere in your code!

public static char menu() {

System.out.println("Select one of the following options ");

System.out.println("A. Make a log");

System.out.println("B. View all logs for my previous expenses");

System.out.println("C. View all logs for deposits");

System.out.println("D. View all logs for a particular month");

System.out.println("E. View Customized logs for a particular month");

System.out.println("F. View all logs for a particular day");

System.out.println("G. View Customized logs for a particular day");

System.out.println("H. View all logs for a particular previous expenses");

System.out.println("I. View all logs for a particular previous deposits");

System.out.println("J. View all logs till date");

System.out.println("Q. Quit");

//Write code that will return the user choice instead of Q

return 'Q';



* @description: This method reads in the file logs.txt and loops through every line in the file.

* It stores each date in the date String array/ArrayList, as well as each transaction type,

* category, amount and updated balance into a new separate array/ArrayList. You will be using these arrays/ArrayLists as parallel arrays.

* Hint: use option J for reference!


public static void readFile() throws IOException{


public static void optionA() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to make a log. Please select one of the following option");

System.out.println("1. Log an expense");

System.out.println("2. Log a Deposit");

//write a code to take the user choice

//Write code for reading an existing file and appending a new line at the end.

System.out.println("Log Succesfully Added ");


public static void optionB() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for expenses");

//Write code for Option B here


public static void optionC() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for deposits");

//Write code for Option C here


public static void optionD() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for particular month. Enter the month you would like to see (1-12)");

//Write code for Option D here


public static void optionE() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view customized logs for a particular month. Enter the month: ");

//Write code for Option E here


public static void optionF() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for particular month. Enter the month you would like to see (1-12)");

//Take the user input for month

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for particular month. Enter the month you would like to see (1-31)");

//Take the user input for day

//Write code for Option F here


public static void optionG() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view customized logs for a particular month. Enter the month: ");

//Take the user input for month

System.out.println("Enter the Day (1-31): ");

//Take the user input for day

//Write code for Option F here


public static void optionH() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for a particular Expense. Please select one of the following option");

System.out.println("1. Food");

System.out.println("2. Entertainment");

System.out.println("3. Academic");

System.out.println("4. Other");

//Take the user choice

//Write the code for Option H


public static void optionI() throws IOException {

System.out.println("You chose to view all logs for a particular Deposit. Please select one of the following option");

System.out.println("1. Salary");

System.out.println("2. Dad_Sent_Some");

System.out.println("3. Tutoring");

//Take the user choice

//Write the code for Option I



* This Is the only method given to you. Use this method to understand.

* You can copy paste code from this method to any other methods.

* However, if you do copy, make sure that you have necessary tweaks / addition / changes to the code

* based on what the option wants.


* Hint : All the methods in some way is going to use this code given in OptionJ method. By using

* proper conditional statements and user input and proper calculations, correct results for display can be obtained.


* @throws IOException


public static void optionJ() throws IOException {

//A BufferedReader object is used to read an existing file in the project.

//Make sure that the log.txt file is in the Java Project Folder.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("logs.txt"));

//br.readLine() reads the first line from the BufferedReader, assigns it to String line and then deletes it.

//This way, we can reach the 2nd line or the nth line by writing br.readLine(); two times or n times.

String line = br.readLine();

//to write a code that reach end of file (n lines)

//we say that while line has some string in it. Once at an end, br.readLine returns null if all lines are finished.

while (line != null) {

//String Tokenizer is something that is used to seperate words in a line based on a delimeter

//Default delimeter is space and our log.txt file is space delimetered file for each line.

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);

//Since we know that each line has 5 elements to it, we can use that information and assign those 5 strings (Tokens)

//And now we have individual Access to data, ie. we can now see the particular line and see the date, type, event, etc and use it for comparison.

String date = st.nextToken();

String type = st.nextToken();

String event = st.nextToken();

int amount = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

int balance = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

//This line will be simply printing out the give string. we use \t to make it in a better Format.

System.out.println(date + " \t" + type + " \t" + event + " \t" + amount + " \t" + balance);

//In order to not repeat the process for the same line, we use br.readLine at the end of loop to make sure that it has a next line

//and to assign that new line to the variable line and repeat the same process until its value reaches to null.

line = br.readLine();



public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

System.out.println("Welcome to your daily expense table OUO");

//Add a suitable looping for this menu. It can be While / Do-while / for loops.

//The menu should loop every time after the option execution is over until the user selects Q

// Don't forget to re-read the file every time a new loop comes around :)

char choice = menu();

switch (choice) {

case 'A':



case 'B':



case 'C':



case 'D':



case 'E':



case 'F':



case 'G':



case 'H':



case 'I':



case 'J':



case 'Q':

System.out.println("GoodBye :)");



System.out.println("Invalid Option :(");




Logs File you need to put in note pad.

1/1/2017 Opening Null_Value 0 500 1/1/2017 Expense Food_Exp 5 495 1/1/2017 Deposit Tutoring 69 564 1/2/2017 Deposit Tutoring 57 621 1/2/2017 Expense Food_Exp 24 597 1/2/2017 Deposit Tutoring 59 656 1/3/2017 Expense Academic 12 644 1/3/2017 Expense Academic 5 639 1/4/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 30 669 1/4/2017 Expense Other_Exp 6 663 1/5/2017 Expense Entertainment 12 651 1/5/2017 Expense Entertainment 18 633 1/5/2017 Expense Other_Exp 5 628 1/7/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 50 678 1/7/2017 Expense Food_Exp 15 663 1/8/2017 Expense Other_Exp 9 654 1/8/2017 Expense Food_Exp 15 639 1/8/2017 Expense Academic 8 631 1/9/2017 Expense Academic 23 608 1/9/2017 Expense Other_Exp 12 596 1/9/2017 Expense Other_Exp 19 577 1/9/2017 Expense Food_Exp 24 553 1/11/2017 Expense Academic 21 532 1/12/2017 Expense Academic 15 517 1/12/2017 Expense Entertainment 17 500 1/12/2017 Expense Other_Exp 16 484 1/13/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 48 532 1/14/2017 Expense Food_Exp 19 513 1/14/2017 Expense Other_Exp 14 499 1/14/2017 Expense Entertainment 17 482 1/15/2017 Expense Academic 12 470 1/15/2017 Expense Academic 24 446 1/16/2017 Deposit Tutoring 64 510 1/16/2017 Expense Other_Exp 15 495 1/16/2017 Expense Entertainment 20 475 1/17/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 61 536 1/17/2017 Expense Academic 14 522 1/17/2017 Expense Food_Exp 17 505 1/18/2017 Expense Entertainment 22 483 1/18/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 25 508 1/19/2017 Expense Academic 19 489 1/19/2017 Expense Other_Exp 17 472 1/19/2017 Expense Food_Exp 20 452 1/19/2017 Expense Food_Exp 11 441 1/20/2017 Expense Entertainment 21 420 1/20/2017 Expense Academic 18 402 1/20/2017 Expense Food_Exp 5 397 1/20/2017 Expense Academic 17 380 1/21/2017 Expense Food_Exp 14 366 1/21/2017 Expense Academic 16 350 1/22/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 26 376 1/23/2017 Expense Academic 18 358 1/23/2017 Expense Food_Exp 17 341 1/24/2017 Expense Other_Exp 15 326 1/24/2017 Expense Food_Exp 16 310 1/24/2017 Expense Academic 23 287 1/24/2017 Expense Other_Exp 7 280 1/25/2017 Expense Entertainment 9 271 1/25/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 38 309 1/26/2017 Expense Academic 10 299 1/26/2017 Expense Academic 9 290 1/26/2017 Expense Academic 6 284 1/27/2017 Expense Academic 23 261 1/27/2017 Expense Food_Exp 18 243 1/27/2017 Expense Entertainment 20 223 1/28/2017 Expense Entertainment 8 215 1/28/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 45 260 1/28/2017 Expense Food_Exp 15 245 1/28/2017 Deposit Tutoring 52 297 1/29/2017 Deposit Tutoring 35 332 2/1/2017 Expense Other_Exp 14 318 2/1/2017 Expense Other_Exp 23 295 2/1/2017 Expense Food_Exp 7 288 2/2/2017 Deposit Tutoring 51 339 2/2/2017 Expense Entertainment 5 334 2/3/2017 Expense Academic 8 326 2/4/2017 Expense Other_Exp 18 308 2/4/2017 Expense Entertainment 22 286 2/4/2017 Expense Food_Exp 11 275 2/5/2017 Expense Entertainment 24 251 2/5/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 63 314 2/5/2017 Expense Other_Exp 12 302 2/5/2017 Expense Food_Exp 6 296 2/7/2017 Expense Entertainment 19 277 2/7/2017 Expense Entertainment 22 255 2/7/2017 Expense Entertainment 10 245 2/7/2017 Expense Entertainment 10 235 2/8/2017 Expense Entertainment 17 218 2/8/2017 Expense Other_Exp 11 207 2/9/2017 Expense Academic 9 198 2/9/2017 Expense Food_Exp 10 188 2/9/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 64 252 2/11/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 60 312 2/11/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 31 343 2/11/2017 Deposit Tutoring 56 399 2/11/2017 Expense Academic 17 382 2/12/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 58 440 2/12/2017 Expense Entertainment 8 432 2/13/2017 Expense Food_Exp 17 415 2/13/2017 Expense Academic 10 405 2/13/2017 Deposit Tutoring 71 476 2/13/2017 Expense Other_Exp 22 454 2/14/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 28 482 2/14/2017 Expense Food_Exp 11 471 2/15/2017 Expense Academic 7 464 2/16/2017 Expense Other_Exp 19 445 2/16/2017 Expense Food_Exp 19 426 2/16/2017 Deposit Tutoring 63 489 2/16/2017 Expense Academic 13 476 2/17/2017 Expense Entertainment 22 454 2/17/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 48 502 2/17/2017 Expense Other_Exp 16 486 2/17/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 69 555 2/18/2017 Expense Other_Exp 23 532 2/18/2017 Expense Other_Exp 5 527 2/19/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 49 576 2/19/2017 Expense Academic 20 556 2/19/2017 Expense Food_Exp 10 546 2/20/2017 Expense Other_Exp 23 523 2/21/2017 Expense Food_Exp 17 506 2/21/2017 Expense Other_Exp 21 485 2/21/2017 Deposit Tutoring 45 530 2/22/2017 Deposit Tutoring 68 598 2/22/2017 Expense Other_Exp 6 592 2/22/2017 Deposit Tutoring 56 648 2/22/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 44 692 2/23/2017 Expense Food_Exp 16 676 2/24/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 40 716 2/24/2017 Expense Food_Exp 7 709 2/24/2017 Expense Other_Exp 10 699 2/25/2017 Expense Other_Exp 19 680 2/26/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 73 753 2/27/2017 Deposit Dad_Sent_Some 64 817 2/27/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 55 872 2/28/2017 Expense Academic 11 861 2/28/2017 Expense Academic 5 856 2/28/2017 Deposit Salary_Work 70 926 2/28/2017 Expense Academic 18 908 03/01/2017 Expense Food_Exp 4 904 03/01/2017 Deposit Salary 10 914

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