nJanuay 1, 2018, Alaska Freght Are pre ased a used a plane at a o st of$52,500,000 Alaska Fre e An eo pects the pla etormar used fo eight years (4,000,000 mles)and have a laska Freight Alrine expects the plane to be fown 1,500,000 miles the irst year and 1,000,000 miles the second year Read the requirements idual value of $4,500,000. Requirement 1a. Compute second year (2019) depreciation expense on the plane using the straight-line method Begin by selectingthe formula to calculate the company's second-year depreaation oprse on the uarg the straigden metod. Then enter the amonts and aladate the eatompene the secod yer Residual value )1 Requirement 1b. Compute second-year (2019) depreciation expense on the piane using the units-of-production method Belore caloulating the second-year depreciation expense on the plane using the units-of-production method, caloulate the depreciation expense per unit. Select the fomula, then ender the amourts and caloulate the dapreciation expense per unit Cost Residual value )r 45000040000012 Now, select the formula, enter the amounts and caloulate the company's second-year depreciation expense on the plane using the units-of-p 1500000 Requirement te. Compute second-year (2019) depreciation expense on the plane using the double-declining-balance method On January 1, 2018, Alaska Freight Airline purchased a used airplane at a cost of $52,500,000. Alaska Freig Alaska Freight Airline expects the plane to be flown 1,500,000 miles the first year and 1,000,000 miles the sec Read the requirements Now, select the formula, enter the amounts and calculate the company's second-year depreciation expense on units-of-production method. Depreciation per unitUnits-of production depreciation 12 18000000 Accumulated depreciation Cost Current year usage Depreciation Depreciation per unit Net book value ond-year (2019) depreciation expense on the plane using the double-declining-b calculate the company's second-year depreciation expense on the plane using Dou balanc Depreciation Residual value i Useful life ance in Accumulated Depreciation at the end of the second year for all three met Straight-Line Units-of-production Double-decli