not old chegg please
not old chegg please uml class diagram and full java code
What to Hand in Your submission, as noted above, will be in the form of an archive (e.g. zip) file. You are to complete the deliverable by: a) Your design of the project, i.e., UML class diagram [50 marks] 1. .png image file [ 25 marks] 2. the source UML files from either or UMlet [25 marks] b) Your implementation (i.e. Eclipse project) that can reflect your design [50 marks] 1. Your code should be compilable and its structure is expected to be consistent with your design (class diagram) [ 30 marks] 2. Your implementation should make the given test case pass [20 marks] You can submit your solutions on eClass directly. Project Description Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) would like to build a system to maintain grant applications. There are three users in the system, i.e., industry researcher (Iresearcher), academic researchers (Aresearcher), administrators (Administrator). The system stores a user's basic information such as name, password (pw), and unique id (id). Each application is developed by a team of at most ten applicants, it also has a unique id (id), description, name, and score. Only researchers can be valid applicants. A team has a leader and a set of members. A team leader can add/remove new team members and create new applications. Each application will be reviewed by a set of reviewers and a reviewer can be of either an academic researcher or an administrator. Only administrators can assign reviewers to an application. A reviewer can give numerical marks to an application that they are assigned. An application's score will be the average of marks from all the reviewers of the application. We also provide a test case, i.e.,, which contains some implicit constraints regarding the logic of the project to be designed. Please read the test case carefully. Note that, you are not allowed to modify the test case. Arter Test Sublic void test() \& I/Initializing applicants: String nanel = "greg", 101= "nserc1e01", PM ="123" String naeze a "jeft" "102 = "nserc1002", pir = "122" " String nanes = "john", \{id5 = "nserc1005", pwe = "123"i Iresearcher ir = new Iresearcher(nane1, 1d1, PMA): Aresearcher ar = new Aresearcher(nane2, 102, pa); Aresearcher ar2 = new Aresearcher(nane3, 1d3, puB); I/Initializing admin String nase4 = "rack", 104 a "nserc1004", pu4 = "123"; Administrator adin = new Adninistrator(naies, 104, pist); I/Initializing a tean Arraylisteipplicant> neaber = new Arraylisteipplicant>(); neabers,ofd (ir): nember. add(ar); Appticant leader = axk; //tean leader Tean tean = new Tean(aenber, Leader); I/a leader can create a NSERC application String app_nape = "mobile malware detection", profect_1d = "app1e01", description = "bug detection": Application app = Leader.createlpp(app_nase, project_id, description, teaa); //assign reviewers for the application adnin.assignieviever(opp, ar); admin.assignheviever(app, ar2); adnin.assignReviever(opp, adnin); //reviewers evaluate the application and give scores ar.grade(app, 80.0); ar2.grade(app, 100.0); ar3.grade(app, 30,0)i I/get the score of the application Team tean = new Teant(nember, teader); I/a leader can create a NSERC application String app_nane = "mobile malware detection", project_Id = "appiooi", description = "bug detection"E Application app = Leader.createApp(app_nane, project_id, description, tean); I/assign reviewers for the application adin.assignewiewer(app, arpf adin. assignReviewer(app, ar2); adnin.assignieviever(app, adnin); I/reviewers evaluate the application and give scores ar.grade(app, 80.0): ar2.graderapp, 100.0) ); ars.orade(0pp, 30.0)i adith.grade(app, 90.0): //get the score of the application double score = app.getscore(); assertequats(score, 75.0,0.001): What to Hand in Your submission, as noted above, will be in the form of an archive (e.g. zip) file. You are to complete the deliverable by: a) Your design of the project, i.e., UML class diagram [50 marks] 1. .png image file [25 marks] 2. the source UML files from either or UMlet [25 marks] b) Your implementation (i.e., Eclipse project) that can reflect your design [50 marks] 1. Your code should be compilable and its structure is expected to be consistent with your design (class diagram) [ 30 marks] 2. Your implementation should make the given test case pass [20 marks] You can submit your solutions on eClass directly. Project Description Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) would like to build a system to maintain grant applications. There are three users in the system, i.e., industry researcher (Iresearcher), academic researchers (Aresearcher), administrators (Administrator). The system stores a user's basic information such as name, password ( pw), and unique id (id). Each application is developed by a team of at most ten applicants, it also has a unique id (id), description, name, and score. Only researchers can be valid applicants. A team has a leader and a set of members. A team leader can add/remove new team members and create new applications. Each application will be reviewed by a set of reviewers and a reviewer can be of either an academic researcher or an administrator. Only administrators can assign reviewers to an application. A reviewer can give numerical marks to an application that they are assigned. An application's score will be the average of marks from all the reviewers of the application. We also provide a test case, i.e.,, which contains some implicit constraints regarding the logic of the project to be designed. Please read the test case carefully. Note that, you are not allowed to modify the test case