Number Calculator: #include #include int main() { while (true) { int num1, num2; std::string num1Str, num2Str, operation; std::cout << "Enter 1st number (one, two, three, four, or five): "; std::cin >> num1Str; if (num1Str == "one") { num1 = 1; } else if (num1Str == "two") { num1 = 2; } else if (num1Str == "three") { num1 = 3; } else if (num1Str == "four") { num1 = 4; } else if (num1Str == "five") { num1 = 5; } else { std::cout << "Input is not recognizd. Try again! "; continue; } std::cout << "Enter operation (add, sub, mul, div): "; std::cin >> operation; std::cout << "Enter 2nd number (one, two, three, four, or five): "; std::cin >> num2Str; if (num2Str == "one") { num2 = 1; } else if (num2Str == "two") { num2 = 2; } else if (num2Str == "three") { num2 = 3; } else if (num2Str == "four") { num2 = 4; } else if (num2Str == "five") { num2 = 5; } else { std::cout << "Input is not recognizd. Try again! "; continue; } if (operation == "add") { std::cout << num1 + num2 << std::endl; } else if (operation == "sub") { std::cout << num1 - num2 << std::endl; } else if (operation == "mul") { std::cout << num1 * num2 << std::endl; } else if (operation == "div") { if (num2 != 0) { std::cout << (float)num1 / num2 << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Cannot divide by zero "; continue; } } else {
std::cout << "Input is not recognizd. Try again! "; continue; } } return 0; }
Shape Area Calculator: #include #include using namespace std; int main() { while (true) { string shape; cout << "Enter shape (circle, triangle, rectangle): "; cin >> shape; if (shape == "circle") { float radius; cout << "Enter the radius: "; cin >> radius; float area = M_PI * pow(radius, 2); cout << "Area of the circle: " << area << endl; } else if (shape == "triangle") { float base, height; cout << "Enter the base of the triangle: "; cin >> base; cout << "Enter the height of the triangle: "; cin >> height; float area = 0.5 * base * height; cout << "Area of the triangle: " << area << endl; } else if (shape == "rectangle") { float length, width; cout << "Enter the length of the rectangle: "; cin >> length; cout << "Enter the width of the rectangle: "; cin >> width; float area = length * width; cout << "Area of the rectangle: " << area << endl; } else { cout << "Shape is not recognized. Try again!" << endl; } } return 0; }
Combine the two problems Number Calculator and Shape Area Calculator into a single application. Create a menu for the user to select the calculator type. Also provides error checking for inputted values. The application should accept correct values with leading and trailing blank characters example, two\t is still equal to two. If the user makes three consecutive errors at any point, exit the application with a non-zero status code. Use functions and while loops for error checking and repeating input prompts.
In the main menu, shape is the command the user will type to access the space calculator. calc is the command the user will type to access the word calculator. quit is the command the user will type to exit the program.
The quit command will exit the program with a 0 status code.
Submit the source code function in a file named functions_calculator.cpp