number of passes per minute played by dividing the total number of passes by the total nun Consider using Limit. % sql -- YOUR QUERY HERE Your Turn Extra - Basic SQL on Titanic Data (Graded) ]: Upload Titanic data file * Choose file Titanic.csv - must be on local computer from google.colab import files uploaded = files. upload() \# Then load table from CSV file with open( "Titanic.csv') as f : Titanic =pd.read_csv (f, index_col= ) Wsql drop table if exists Titanic; \%sql persist Titanic Look at sample of Titanic table 3) Write three queries to find the totot number of passengers (id) the number of passengers under 18 . third numbers don't odd up to the first. SQLBasic Last Checkpoint an hour ago Missing values in SQL tables are given a speciat value called 'null, and conditions ' A is nuil' ond 'A is not nulf can be use in Where clouses to check whether attribute A has the 'null value. Write a query to find the number of passengers whose oge is missing - now your passenger numbers should add up. Modify the query to ato retum the overage fore paid by those passengers. 4) Find oll passengers whose age is not an integers return last name first name and age from youngest to oldest Note: Consider using the roundo function 1: Xesql rour guene neas 5) What is the most cammon lost name among passenger. and how many passengers have thot lest name? Jt 3 sel Youn Queny hehe 6) What is the average fore paid by passengers in the three dasses, and the averoge oge of parsengers in the three donses? Iolit vewy funn Kernel settingi Help I It Naqu YOUR gueaY heat 4) Find all possengers whose age is not on integer, return lost name first name and age from youngest to oldest Note: Consider using the roundo function 5) What is the most commin last name amang passengers and how many passengers hove that last nome? [ ]t Misql -. Vour guenr hene 6) What is the averoge fare paid by passengers in the three dosses and the awroge oge of possengers in the three dossed? [ ]1 sispl vom outwy mat Aeturn your resuts from lowest to highest evroge fare. [ ] : xisql rour cutery utat