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Obtain your input using the util.Keyboard class and make sure that your input gets read in correctly using

Obtain your input using the util.Keyboard class and make sure that your input gets read in correctly using <. For example, "java pizzaDriver < input.txt". I will not grade your program if I cannot obtain the input using a text file . I will be writing new input files using the same format to grade your programs. A pizza is composed of a crust (with tomato sauce and cheese) and toppings. Crust A small pizza costs $5.99, a medium is $7.99, and a large is $9.99. A hand-tossed crust is an additional $0.50, and a deep dish pan crust is an additional $1.00.

Things in {} I have done

{Have a

CrustSize enum [S(5.99), M(7.99), and L(9.99)] and a CrustType enum [THIN(0.00), HAND(0.50), and PAN(1.00)]. Place your enums in . Both enums should have cost methods.

Have a

Crust class with a constructor that accepts and sets the crust size and

type, and provide a crustCost method.

Have a

toString method to report the state of the crust. Write getCrust (returns "THIN", "HAND", or "PAN") and getSize (returns achar'S', 'M', or 'L'). Toppings The toppings and their respective abbreviation and cost is as follows: Pepperoni P 0.99 Sausage S 0.99 Onions O 0.79 GreenPeppers G 0.69 Mushrooms M 0.79 A pizza also has toppings, such as pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, peppers, and/or onions. You will use the Decorator design pattern to handle the toppings. Each topping will have an associated class (i.e. a Pepperoni class) that will extend an abstract DecoratedPizza class . The DecoratedPizza class itself has a private DecoratedPizza instance variable next_pizza_item , a no-argument default constructor (next_pizza_itemset to null), a constructor that accepts a DecoratedPizza (and setsnext_pizza_itemto this DecoratedPizza), and three methods: public double pizzaCost() //get the cost from the "next_pizza_item" DecoratedPizza public String toString() //get the state of the "next_pizza_item" DecoratedPizza public String getImage() //get the abbreviation of the "next_pizza_item" DecoratedPizza (the topping abbreviation is used to obtain the correct pizza image) Whenever a topping is added to the pizza, pass the current DecoratedPizza to the constructor for the associated topping (which in turn calls the appropriate constructor in the parent class). This allows a DecoratedPizza with an arbitrary number of toppings to be built up by wrapping, or decorating, each topping on top of the current DecoratedPizza ( essentially a linked list ). For example, if pepperoni is added as a first topping, then the DecoratedPizza minus the pepperoni is the instance variable stored in the Pepperoni class. When the pizza cost is required, get the pizza cost from the parent class (which gets the cost from the "next_pizza_item") and add the cost of pepperoni to it, returning the total cost including pepperoni. When the image of the pizza is required, get the image file (a String) from the instance variable, and append a "P" to it. The toString method works similarly. Thus, if a new topping is added to the menu, a new class is written for that topping, and all of the current code can be used without modification. Complete classes for Pepperoni, Onions, Sausage, GreenPeppers, and Mushrooms.


Pizza The pizza class also extends DecoratedPizza, but it has only the Crust as an instance variable, so the Pizza class will call the default constructor in its parent class (DecoratedPizza). The Pizza class represents the "base" pizza (with no toppings). The pizzaCost and toString methods will use the Crust instance variable, and the getImage methodappendsan S, M, or L to the String representing the image file. The size of the pizza will then be the first letter added to the image file String. The final image file name will look like MPOS.jpg for a medium pizza with pepperoni, onions, and sausage. This means that the pepperoni topping was selected first, followed by onions and then sausage. The GUI will append the ".jpg" for you(Not using GUI in this). Pizza Builder There is a lot of input validation that must be done in this program. You will use the Builder design pattern to handle input validation. The Builder design pattern places all of the input validation in a separate class, making the core classes much more readable. PizzaBuilder will need to keep track of some information as instance variables. One of these is the top link in the DecoratedPizza (the head of the linked list). Use as few instance variables as possible (I will count off for bad designs). Write the following methods in PizzaBuilder: protected void buildPizza() //

have a

Crust and a Pizza using that Crust based on the user's specifications (the Pizza is now ready for toppings) public PizzaBuilder() //start with a small, thin pizza with no toppings as the default public boolean setSize(char try_size) //returns true if the input was valid ("S" or "small", etc., not case sensitive, use the String charAt method to get the first character) public boolean setCrust(String try_crust) //("thin", "hand", or "pan", not case sensitive) public void addTopping(char topping_char) //compare the topping abbreviation to topping_char to determine which topping to add (using void here is convenient for the PizzaDriver, ignore invalid abbreviations) public DecoratedPizza pizzaDone() //return the final DecoratedPizza and reset to the default pizza if another pizza is desired Specialty Pizzas Ham H 0.89 Pineapple A 0.89 Extend PizzaBuilder and override the buildPizza() method (use super) to add the toppings required to create various specialty pizzas like MeatLover's (all meat toppings), VeggieLover's (all vegetable toppings)and Hawaiian (ham and pineapple). Note that you are only adding new behavior in the overridden method. These classes should be very short. Pizza Driver

Have a

driver, , to allow the user to order an indefinite number of pizzas. This is done by creating a PizzaBuilder, which will return the completed DecoratedPizza when pizzaDone is called. Include the following methods: private static int menu() //show the menu choices, wait for and return the valid selection private static void requestSize(PizzaBuilder pizza_builder) //request the crust size, wait for a valid response confirmation from PizzaBuilder private static void requestCrust(PizzaBuilder pizza_builder) //request the crust type, wait for a valid response confirmation from PizzaBuilder private static void requestToppings(PizzaBuilder pizza_builder) //ask for toppings until Done indicated (invalid toppings are ignored) private static void showOrder(DecoratedPizza dec_pizza) //display the pizza and its total cost public static void main (String[] args) //allow the user to order multiple pizzas if desired, call the other methods, track total cost and number of pizzas After a pizza has been specified, display the order details and the cost for the pizza. Format your cost output to display two decimal places. Use the DecimalFormat class (java.text.DecimalFormat). Prompt for another pizza and either restart the order process (you will need to

Have a

new PizzaBuilder object), or stop execution, based on the user response. When the user is done ordering, report the number of pizzas ordered and the total cost of all the pizzas ordered. Place PizzaDriver in the pizza package. Pizza Factory The individual topping classes really just hardcode in the values for that topping. This is not a good class design. A much better class would allow these values to be passed to the constructor. Improve your design by using a PizzaTopping class and a PizzaToppingFactory class (with static methods and no constructor) instead of individual topping classes. New toppings can be added to the menu by adding methods to the PizzaToppingFactory class rather than writing a new class. PizzaTopping constructor : public PizzaTopping(DecoratedPizza pizza_component, String topping_string, String topping_letter, double topping_cost) PizzaToppingFactory example method : public static DecoratedPizza addPepperoni(DecoratedPizza dec_pizza) //

have a

PizzaTopping with the Pepperoni values and add it to the passed DecoratedPizza, returning the result PizzaDiscount PizzaDiscount constructor : public PizzaDiscount(DecoratedPizza pizza_component, String msg, double discount) //discount is assumed to be between 0.0 and 1.0 A PizzaDiscount extends DecoratedPizza adjusting the final cost of the pizza by the discount. Add an addDiscount method to PizzaBuilder. Adjust addTopping to make sure that a topping is not added after the discount . That is, a PizzaTopping can only be connected to other PizzaToppings or a Pizza (use instanceof). PizzaBuilder really helps manage this complexity, keeping this code out of the other classes. In PizzaDriver, ask the user if they are senior citizens. If so, apply a 10% discount to the order. PizzaFee PizzaFee constructor : public PizzaFee(DecoratedPizza pizza_component, String msg, double fee) A PizzaFee extends DecoratedPizza, adding on a flat fee to the total order at the very end. Add an addFee method to PizzaBuilder. Adjust addDiscount so that PizzaDiscounts can only be connected to other PizzaDiscounts, PizzaToppings, or Pizza. As PizzaDriver will probably ask for these items where appropriate, I will look at your code to make sure this check is performed. In PizzaDriver, ask the user if they want delivery. If so, add a $2.50 delivery fee to the order.

Example of Output

Would you like to order a pizza (y/n)? y 1. Meat Lover's 2. Veggie Lover's 3. Hawaiian 4. Build Your Own Select from the above: 4 What size pizza (S/M/L)? ZWhat size pizza (S/M/L)? m What type of crust (thin/hand/pan)? thin (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one m (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one g (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one s (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one m (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one q (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one d Are you a senior citizen (y/n)? n Do you need this pizza delivered (y/n)? y Your pizza: Size: M Crust: THIN Toppings: mushrooms green peppers sausage mushrooms delivery The cost of your pizza is $13.75 Would you like to order another pizza (y/n)? 1. Meat Lover's 2. Veggie Lover's 3. Hawaiian 4. Build Your Own Select from the above: 1 What size pizza (S/M/L)? L What type of crust (thin/hand/pan)? pan Are you a senior citizen (y/n)? y Do you need this pizza delivered (y/n)? n Your pizza: Size: L Crust: PAN Toppings: pepperoni sausage ham senior discount The cost of your pizza is $12.47 Would you like to order another pizza (y/n)? 1. Meat Lover's 2. Veggie Lover's 3. Hawaiian 4. Build Your Own Select from the above: 4 What size pizza (S/M/L)? S What type of crust (thin/hand/pan)? HAND (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one P (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one O (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one J (P)epperoni,(O)nions,(G)reen Peppers,(S)ausage,(M)ushrooms,(D)one d Are you a senior citizen (y/n)? n Do you need this pizza delivered (y/n)? y Your pizza: Size: S Crust: HAND Toppings: pepperoni onions delivery The cost of your pizza is $10.77 Would you like to order another pizza (y/n)? n You ordered 3 pizza(s) for a grand total of $36.99.

Text file that is read from should look like this
































public class CrustEnum {

// Enum for crust size

public static enum CrustSize {

S(5.99), M(7.99), L(9.99);

// Attribute

private double cost;


* Constructor


* @param size


private CrustSize(double cost) {

this.cost = cost;



* Gets the cost


public double getCost() {

return this.cost;



// Enum for crust type

public static enum CrustType {

THIN(0.00), HAND(0.50), PAN(1.00);

// Attribute

private double cost;


* Constructor


* @param size


private CrustType(double cost) {

this.cost = cost;



* Gets the cost


public double getCost() {

return this.cost;




private CrustSize size;

private CrustType type;


* Constructor

* @param size

* @param type


public CrustEnum(String size, String type) {

this.size = CrustSize.valueOf(size);

this.type = CrustType.valueOf(type);



* Returns the crustcost

* @return


public double crustCost() {

return (size.getCost() + type.getCost());



public class Crust {


private CrustEnum crust;


* Constructor

* @param crustType


public Crust(String size, String type) {

this.crust = new CrustEnum(size, type);



* Returns the crustcost

* @return


public double crustCost() {

return crust.crustCost();





public class Pizza1 {

public Pizza1() {


public String DecoratedPizzadescription(){

return "Pizza1";




public abstract class PizzaToppingsde extends Pizza1 {

public abstract String DecoratedPizzadescription();



public class Pepperoni extends PizzaToppings {

private Pizza1 pizza1;

public Pepperoni(Pizza1 pizza1) {

this.pizza1 = pizza1;



public String DecoratedPizzadescription() {

return pizza1.DecoratedPizzadescription() + " with Pepperoni p 0.99 ";




public class Onion extends PizzaToppings {

private Pizza1 pizza1;

public Onion(Pizza1 pizza1) {

this.pizza1 = pizza1;



public String DecoratedPizzadescription() {

return pizza1.DecoratedPizzadescription() + "onions O 0.79 ";




public class GreenPeppers extends PizzaToppings {

private Pizza1 pizza1;

public GreenPeppers(Pizza1 pizza1) {

this.pizza1 = pizza1;



public String DecoratedPizzadescription() {

return pizza1.DecoratedPizzadescription() + " Green peppers G 0.69 ";




public class Mushrooms extends PizzaToppings {

private Pizza1 pizza1;

public Mushrooms(Pizza1 pizza1) {

this.pizza1 = pizza1;



public String DecoratedPizzadescription() {

return pizza1.DecoratedPizzadescription() + " Mushrooms M 0.79 ";




public class Sausage extends PizzaToppings {

private Pizza1 pizza1;

public Sausage(Pizza1 pizza1) {

this.pizza1 = pizza1;



public String DecoratedPizzadescription() {

return pizza1.DecoratedPizzadescription() + " and sausage s 0.99 ";



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